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The Arab-Israeli Conflict during the Cold War and the Role of The United States of America in it

History Research Paper

The Middle East has a huge economic and strategic significance. This pure fact is realized by both USSR and USA after the Second World War. From a strategic point of view of the USA, the region is very near USSR and the Soviet Block, which would be beneficial for the American politics and interests in those territories. On the other side USSR constantly tries using the decolonization revolts and movements in the Middle East in their favor in order to spread certain communist doctrines. The major economic meaning of the Middle East is the oil and petrol resources that these regions are replete with. Whatever events occur there, they always have a smell of petrol, metaphorically said. In the center of the events that turn the Middle East into the most strained region of the international affairs lays the conflict between Arabs and Jews. After the foundation of Israel in 1948, it turns out as the Arab-Israeli Dilemma. Derivative from it is the Palestinian question a question for the fate of a whole nation which loses its territory and turns into an exile nation, which adds up to the complexity of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Western powers and USA particularly have a significant role in the Middle East crisis and especially in the Arab-Israeli Dilemma. Their urges though are not as much humanitarian as its presented. In fact the interventions of the Western governments are ground on political bases and interest rather than an act of pure altruism. In the world there are many studies and reviews of the Middle East events and the role of America in the region. There are two main literature notions among the American researchers. (Looking for Literature)The first write their research papers based on the security of Israel and identify the Arab-Israeli conflict with the Israeli politics, turning into apologists of Israeli, which they are seriously criticized for. This gives reflection to the political directives in the American foreign policy. There is a strong pro-Israeli notion in the American congress. The pro-Israelis are mainly from

Jewish origin, because the Jewish community in USA plays an important role in Americas politics. The Jews have key positions in the economic life in USA and have an active role in the political life, determining crucial patterns of political behavior in USAs politics. (Jewish Population) Every American president considers the opinion and notions of the Jewish community in the States. (American Presidents) The second group of authors, who observe the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East crisis, put the accent on the importance of the Arab countries and the Palestinian cause. They warn about the unpleasant consequences that can occur because of an excessive binding to Israel. After the six-day war from 1967, the consequences from which havent still been overcome, these results are an object for discussion both in the political and scientific committees in the States. In 1968 a special committee gathers to discuss the Israel question. There many of the participants underline the dangers and consequences of a political bonding with Israel. They even warn for the possibility of a Third World War. This warning is not unjustified, because in future the Middle East has become a reason for the most ponderous confrontation between USSR and USA with direct threats between the two countries for use of a nuclear missile gun. (AIRPOWER) Some followers of Seth Tillman, a member of the Senator Commission of Foreign Policy and a professor in Georgetowns University, try to reconcile these two notions. In his research on the Arab-Israeli Dilemma and the role of USA, he claims there are four major factors that should be considered for controlling the Middle East crisis. (Personality) Those are Israels security, the petrol, the right of the countries in the Middle East to determine their own status and the improvement of the relations with USSR. He claims that the right diplomacy in the Middle East is a combination of those four factors. Unfortunately, this task seems impossible even until today due to

one reason or another and even after the decline of USSR. This is a major reason for Americas fail to achieve peace in the Middle East. One major question remains and that is why the States are so determined to intervene and actively participate in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The reason lays in the origins of the Zionist movement and the formation of the Israeli State. The creation of the Zionist movement as a new doctrine is marked in the end of XIX century. Its named after a hill called Zion situated near Jerusalem. The founders of Zionism are Leon Pinsker and Theodor Herzl. The first Zionist congress takes place in 1897 in Bazel town. During that congress Herzl reveals the main purpose of the movement, which is returning of all Jews spread around the world in their land of origin Palestina and reestablishment of an Israeli State after two thousand years of exile. In the modern Zionism that purpose is retuning of all Jews in Israel. And so the Holocaust survivors after World War II are getting ready to travel back to Israel. However, there is a main logical leap that somehow is missing. The question is why and how is this movement established and who is really in the kitchen of the Zionist ideas and purposes. (The History) All Western powers immediately agree with the Zionist ideas for mass returning of Jews in Israel, even though the Cold War has already began and the tentative international relations. The truth is that both America and the European powers have a strong interest in this exact purpose of the Zionist movement due to the consequences after the Second World War. After the Holocaust the Jewish population is spread all around Europe. Most of them dont have constant jobs, homes and assurances. The survivors from the concentration camps are even a bigger weight that the Western powers should deal with. (Post-War) These Jews migrate around Europe in search for a better new start of their life. The European powers are supposed to deal with them somehow and moreover to pay them reparations. For

Europe, which is in the process of reparations after the Second World War and in the beginning of a Cold War, these Jews are both an obligation and a heavy weight. Thousands of Jews have emigrated in the United States too. (Post-War) There many of them, who have established important structures for the economy of the country. Many historians claim that the first banks in the United States are established by Jews. (Jewish Population) This, though beneficial for USA by many means, is not favorable to the Americans, because of the struggle for power and authority and moreover scatters the American identity, which the country is eager to preserve. The Zionist movement appears to be a perfect way out of the situation for both America and Europe. It is in the best interest for the Western powers to somehow get rid of the exiled Jews and at the same time, keep their good relations with them, because of their importance in the economy. Europe considers its duty to take care of the Jews, because of the Holocaust that all confirm to be horrific and unjust. After the establishment of the Zionism a crucial moment in the history of the Zionist movement is the Balfour Declaration of 1917 by the foreign minister of Great Britain, Lord Balfour. This declaration states that His Majesty's government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."(Rosenberg) Although that declaration is made before WWII, the Jewish emigrants already are largely population throughout Europe. Moreover that doesnt change the foggy formulation of that declaration and the possible back thoughts and motifs that it may aim. The Israeli question interests the United Nations ever since its foundation in 1945 and until present days. In 1947 the UN Congress approves a

project for the division of Palestine into two separate countries: Israeli and ArabPalestinian States. On November 29th, 1947 UN votes unanimously and determines the fate of the region. The Arab country is estimated to be 11 000km2, while the Israeli state is 14 000km2, although the Arab country has still a much bigger population than the Jewish one. (UN Partition) This decision, clearly in favor of the Jewish population, provokes many stormy reactions among the Palestinians. It is clear that, although UN claims to advocate for freedom and human rights, it has neglected the right of the Palestinians to determine and govern their own country. Many historians claim that this decision basically legalizes the Jewish invasion into Palestinian territory. Indeed, this decision not only legalizes an invasion into Palestinian territory, but takes away from one countrys territory and submits it to another. A democratic approach toward any such situation would involve the participation of both countries in forming the ground state and the final decisions made. However, the resolution has no ground on the part of the Palestinian country. Therefore, it could definitely be concluded that the support of the United Nations is by no means democratic. The main argument of the Arabs is that theyre not guilty for the Holocaust in Europe and that of course is a nondebatable issue. UN therefore cannot expect the Palestinians to willingly step away from their own territory. The conflict that will arise can be therefore easily foreseen. The Western powers though, knowingly allow that to happen. The UN resolution of the case leads to one of the most sanguinary conflicts in the Middle East between Arabs and Israelis. The fact that Jews significantly predominate over the Palestinian population is also a matter of wonder. The population that has recently been in exile now appears to have and extensive military power. Knowing these facts, it is impossible not to suppose that the Israelis receive not just diplomatic support by the Western powers. Israel officially proclaims its independence on May

15th, 1948. Ten minutes afterwards Washington affirms the new Jewish country. It should be pointed out that Harry Truman has always been supportive to the Jewish mission for creation of their own independent state and is even considered to be patriarch of Israel. On one of his visits in the Middle East his acquaintance to the Israel issue is questioned and he states: Gentlemen, there are hundreds of Jews among the people, who vote for me, not Arabs. (Truman) Therefore it can be undoubtedly affirmed that Israel, from the moment of its birth, is predetermined to play an important role in the general foreign policy doctrine of the United States. Undeniably, one of the reasons for this warm relations between Israel and the States is purely humanitarian and from some pragmatic reasons, but the importance of a new country in the Middle East thats in tied friendly relations with the Western world is much more significant. This thesis is supported by the afterward events that take place in the Middle East. The military situations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries in that region prove that America struggle to assure their influence there and Israel plays a crucial role as the ultimate coalition.

Works Cited "AIRPOWER/Cold War Thread: There Is a Bear in the Woods." The Something Awful Forums. Web. 16 June 2011. < threadid=3373768>. "American Presidents and The Jews." KEHILLAH - Jewish Outreach Media Campaign HOME PAGE. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "Jewish Population of the United States by State." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "Looking for Literature on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Literature Middle-east Israel | Ask MetaFilter." Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "Personality: Seth P. Tillman." Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the Truth for 29 Years. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "Post-War Europe. Refugees, Exile and Resettlement 1945-1950." Cengage Learning Historical Archives. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. Rosenberg, Jenifer. "Balfour Declaration." 20th Century History. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "The History of Zionism." True Torah Jews Against Zionism. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "Truman and US Support for Israel." Middle East: MidEastWeb. Web. 16 June 2011. <>. "UN Partition Plan of 1947 for Palestine (UN GAR 181)." Middle East: MidEastWeb. Web. 16 June 2011. <>.

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