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Book Club Discussion Questions





Janes story starts with her desire to change her life. She thinks her life is boring and that changing her job is all she needs and she takes the reigns of her life to try and make that change but God has a different plan in mind for Janes life. Share a time when you had your life plan moving in one direction, but God clearly moved you to an opposite path. When Jane is first introduced to Lindy, she has an excellent opportunity to verbalize her faith, but she ignores the nudge. How can we share our faith without saying a word? How have you been able to capitalize on the evangelistic moments in your life? Janes perception of herself is influenced by those around her Millie, Molly, Bitsy, etc. How does she allow that perception to determine who she really is? How have you allowed how you think others see you or how you believe you measure-up to others dictate how you see yourself? Janes relationship with Millie has the foundation of years and layers of experiences. This base allows total honesty to flow between the two friends. How did their communication style resonate with you? Who do you have in your life with whom you share the accountability and true love we see in Jane & Millies relationship?

Janes heart is torn. She struggles with her feelings for Lindy the man who represents her worldly wants - and trying to stoke her feelings for Paul the man symbolizes Gods love for her. How do you balance the will of God in your life and your desire to be in-the-world but not of-the-world? 6. Lindy is living with the burden of guilt over a friends accidental death. The guilt he feels acts as a barrier to a relationship with God. Share a time when an incident kept you from experiencing Gods grace. Who helped to open you up to experience Gods grace? 7. Millies view of intimacy is based on her previous experiences. How does Janes alternative view affect how she approaches her relationship with Jason? 8. Jane and Pauls relationship seems like the answer to her prayers, but something doesnt ring true to her. How can you relate to Janes desire to do the right thing when it feels wrong? 9. Anna, Lindys mother, challenges Jane on her feelings. How did his mothers revelation change Janes perspective? In your life, how has someone else challenged your views? 10. Brad acts as a voice of kindness and accountability to both Jane and Lindy. Discuss someone in your life who has had a similar impact in your life. 11. Jane and Lindys love for each other builds out of a mutual friendship. What is the key to their friendship and why has God placed them together? 12. In Jeremiah, it says that the heart is deceitful above all things; how did this scripture verse weave through Janes story?

What did you learn about God fulfilling the desires of your heart through Jane, Lindy & Pauls story? 14. Jane is constantly balancing her spiritual life and her secular life, trying to blend them as best as she can. What are some of the skills you have used to balance your life as a Christian in a secular world?

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