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For July 19 meeting: 1 Samuel - chapters 17-21 1.

Why do you think the Israelites stayed camped for so long without fighting the Philistines (17:16)? Shouldnt Saul have led them out as a king should do?

2. How did Goliath taunt Israel's army and why was this an insult to God? 3. Are you offended when others insult the Lord by their words or actions? Do you speak out for the Lord?

4. What do you think of David's confidence in 17:34-37 and his response to Goliath in 17:45-47?

5. What do you think persuaded Saul to let David fight Goliath?

6. Do you "run quickly toward the battle line" with the problems in your life, as David did in 17:48? 7. Did David ask God for help, or did he just "name and claim" what God would do for him?

8. Do you think David had unique protection from God, or do His followers have the same protection today? 9. Explain why Saul didn't know David in 17:55-58, when they had already met in 16:21-23 and again in 17:31-39. 10. What do you learn about Saul from his reaction to the song of the women in 18:6-9? 11. Like Saul, are you afraid and envious at the prosperity of others? 12. Do you think David did not understand his own importance, was he simply humble, or both (18:18, 18:23)?

13. What do you think of taking an enemy's head from the battlefield (17:54)? What about taking foreskins (18:25-27)?

14. What do you learn about Jonathan from 19:1-7?

15. Jonathan's words to his father in chapter 19 are a good example of Proverbs 31:8-9. How can you apply these verses to help others in your life?

16. Psalm 59 gives David's prayer when Saul sent messengers to his house in 19:11. What can you learn from this psalm about prayer in the face of trials?

17. Why was there an idol in David's house (19:13)?

18. Where did David go after escaping his house and what can you learn from this?

19. Do you think the Spirit of God and evil spirits come and go in people today, as happened to Saul?

20. Do you think it was Saul or the evil spirit in him that caused his actions against David?

21. Can you explain the apparent inconsistency comparing 15:35 and 19:24?

22. Describe the relationship between David and Jonathan.

23. Do you think Jonathan knew that David had been anointed as the next king? 24. Do you think Jonathan's friendship was provided to David by the Lord?

25. Compare Saul's response to Jonathan in 19:6 to that in 20:33. What had changed to make Saul's response so different?

26. What is the significance of David and Jonathan weeping together (20:41)?

27. Do you think it is OK to lie to help someone or to help yourself (19:13-17, 20:28-29, 21:2-3)?

28. What was special about the bread David took from the priest (see Leviticus 24:5-9)?

29. How did Jesus use David's actions in 21:1-7 as an example in Matthew 12:1-8? 30. Who was Achish and why was going to him an unlikely choice for David?

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