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 In 2003 , there are about 84 million population
expected to grow annually at 2.36 percent. With this
rate, the population expected to double in 29 years.

 There are about three to four million women getting

pregnant every year.

 The National Demographic and Heath Survey of 2003

revealed that about 44% of women got pregnant with
their first child at ages 20 – 24 and 6.1% at ages 15 –
19. The FP unmet needs had declined from 26.2% in
1993 to 17.3 in 2003 with 7% wanting to limit and
other 9% wanting to space.

 Because pregnancy is a physiologic process , the

health sector aims to make pregnancy for the woman
and gestation for the fetus as safe and medically
uneventful as far as possible.
 The high fertility rate coincides with the low contraceptive
prevalence rate of 47.3% among all Filipino women of
reproductive age ( 15-49 years old ) and 70. 6% among
married women.

 The highest percentage of using contraceptives belong

to the 35-39 age group and the 15-19 years old have the
lowest percentage of ever using any contraceptive

 Among currently married women in 2003, it was found

that 48. 8 % use any form of contraceptive method and
51.1 do not use any form of contraception, 33.4% use
any modern method of contraception and 15.5% use
any traditional method of contraception.
The overall GOAL of Family Planning is to provide
universal access to family planning information
and services wherever and whenever these are
needed. Family Planning aims to contribute to:

 Reduce infants deaths

 Neonatal deaths
 Under-five deaths
 Maternal deaths
It has the following objectives:
 Addressed the need to help couples and individuals
achieve their desired family size within the context of
responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive
health to attain sustainable development
 Ensure that quality FP services are available in DOH
retained hospitals, LGU managed health facilities, NGOs
and private sector.

There are different strategies adopted to achieve goal

and objectives such as :
 Focus service delivery to the urban and rural poor
 Reestablished the FP outreach program
 Strengthen FP provision in regions with high unmet
 Promote frontline participation of hospitals
 Mainstream modern rural family planning
 Promote and implement CSR strategy
The Family Planning Methods
 There are different types of family planning
methods used to prevent pregnancy

These includes:
1. Female Sterilization
Description /Uses:
 Safe and simple surgical procedure which
provides permanent contraception for women
who do not want more children. Also known as
bilateral tubal ligation that involves cutting or
blocking the two fallopian tubes.

 Permanent method of contraception. A single procedure leads to

lifelong , safe and very effective contraception

 Nothing to remember , no supplies needed, and no repeated clinic

visits required

 Does not interfere with sex

 Results in increased sexual enjoyment-no need to worry about


 No effect on breastfeeding-quantity and quality of milk not affected

 No known long term side effects or health risks

 Minilaparotomy can be performed after a woman gives birth


 Uncommon complications of surgery : infection or bleeding at the

incision site, internal infection or bleeding, injury to internal organs,
anesthesia risk uncommon anesthesia.
 In rare cases, when pregnancy occurs, it is more likely to be ectopic
than in a woman who has not undergone the procedure.
 Requires physical examination and minor surgery by trained service

 Requires an operating set up

 Permanent – reversal sexually transmitted infections including
 Clients may have limitation in physical activities such as heavy work
and lifting heavy objects immediately after surgery

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : 99.5%

 Typical use: 99.5%
2. Male Sterilization
Description / Uses:

 Permanent method wherein the vas deference

(passage of sperm) is tied and cut or blocked through
a small opening on the scrotal skin. It is also known as


 Very effective 3 months after the procedure

 Permanent , safe, simple and easy to perform
 Can be performed in a clinic, office or at a primary care
 No resupplies or repeated clinic visits
 No apparent long term health risks
 An option for couples whose female partner could not
undergo permanent contraception
 A man who had vasectomy will not lose his sexual ability and
 Does not affect male hormonal function , erection and ejaculation
 Doe not lessen but may actually increase the couples sexual drive
and enjoyment
 The man can have better sex since he does not fear that his partner
will get pregnant


 It may be uncomfortable due to slight pain and swelling 2-3 days

after the procedure
 Reversibility is difficult and expensive
 Bleeding may result in hematoma in the scrotum

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : 99.9%

 Typical use: 99.9%
3. Pill
Description /Uses

 Contains hormone – estrogen and progesterone taken

daily to prevent contraception

 Safe as proven through extensive studies
 Convenient and easy to use
 Makes menstrual cycle occur regularly and is
 Reduces gynecologic symptoms such as painful
menses and endometriosis
 Reversible , rapid return fertility
 Does not interfere with sexual intercourse

 Often not used correctly and consistently , lowering its effectiveness

 Has side effects such as nausea, dizziness, or breast tenderness ,
which are not generally harmful but which some women may find
difficult to tolerate
 May pose health risks for a small number of women
 Offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Effectiveness may be lowered when taken with certain drugs such
as rifampicin and most anti convulsants
 Can suppress lactation
 Requires regular resupply

How it used :
 Drugs are taken daily per orem

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : 99.7%

 Typical use: 92.0 %
4. Male condom
Description / Uses :

 Thin sheath of latex rubber made to fit on a man’s

erect penis to prevent the passage of sperm cells and
sexually transmitted disease organisms into the
vagina. It provides dual protection from STIs including
HIV preventing transmission of disease
microorganisms during intercourse.

 Safe and has no hormonal effect
 Protects against microorganisms causing STIs / HIV
 Encourages male participation in family planning
 Easily accessible
 Is used in managing premature ejaculation

 May cause allergy for people who are sensitive to latex

or lubricant
 May decrease sensation, making sex less enjoyable for
other partner
 Interrupts the sexual act
 Requires a man’s cooperation for its use

How it used:
 Condom is inserted into the erected penis preventing the
sperm from getting in contact with the egg cell.

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : 98 %
 Typical use: 85 %
5. Injectables

 Contain synthetic hormone, progestin which suppresses
ovulation, thickens cervical mucus, making it difficult to sperm to
pass through and changes uterine lining


 Reversible
 No need for daily intake
 Does not have interfere with sexual intercourse
 Perceived as culturally acceptable by some women
 Private since it is not coitally dependent
 Has no estrogen related side effects such as nausea, dizziness,
nor serious complications, such as thrombophlebitis or pulmonary
 Does not effect Breast Feeding – quality and quantity of milk not
 Has beneficial no contraceptive effects
How it used:
 Drug containing progestin is injected into the
body to suppress ovulation making sperm
difficult to pass through uterine lining

% of Effectiveness
 Perfect use : 99.7%
 Typical use: 97.0%
6. Lactating Amenorhea Method or LAM

 Temporarily introductory postpartum method of
postponing pregnancy based on physiological infertility
experienced Breast Feeding women


 LAM is universally available to all postpartum

breastfeeding women.
 Using LAM , protection from an unplanned pregnancy
begins immediately postpartum
 No other FP commodities are required
 It contributes to improve maternal and child health and
 Considered as an introductory , short term FP method which is effectively
only for a maximum of 6 months postpartum
 The effectiveness of LAM may decrease if a mother and child are separated
for extended periods of time ( ie. Working mother , etc)
 Full or nearly full BF may be difficult to maintain for up to 6 months due to a
variety of social circumstances
 Disadvantage to women who do not pass any of the three criteria to practice
lactation amenorrhea

How it used:
 Amenorrhea
 Fully or nearly fully breastfeeding her infant
 Infant is less than 6 months

% of Effectiveness
 Perfect use : 99.7%
 Typical use: 97.0%
7. Mucus / Billings / Ovulation
Descriptions /Uses

 Abstaining from sexual intercourse during fertile ( wet) days

prevents pregnancy


 Can be used by any woman of reproductive age as long as she is

not suffering from any unusual disease or condition that results in
extraordinary vaginal discharge that makes observation difficult.


 Cannot be used by woman with the following conditions:

 Medical conditions that would make pregnancy especially
How it used:
 Recording of menstruation and dry days
 Inspecting underwear regularly for presence of
 Recording the most fertile observation
/characteristics at the end of the day

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : 97 %
 Typical use: 80 %
8. Basal Body Temperature
Description / Uses:
 BBT method is identifying the fertile and infertile period
of a woman’s cycle by daily taking and recording of the
rise in body temperature during and after ovulation.

 Very effective

 Requires to take BBT everyday and time to record
temperature. Couples may practice abstinence during
fertile periods.
How it used:
 Thermometer is placed in axilla or under the tongue to
get the temperature at least 3 hours of undisturbed rest
during ( upon waking up and before any activity)
throughout the menstrual cycle. Cover line is being
determined to identify the highest temperature from day
6-10 of the menstrual cycle to identify thermal shift ( the
three consecutive temperature above the cover line
labeled as days 1, 2, 3) intercourse is allowed only from
the 4th day of thermal shift until the end of the cycle .
These are known as absolute infertile phase days.

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use : Basal body temperature : 99%

 Typical use: Basal body temperature: 80 %
9. Symptom-thermal method
Description/ Uses:

 STH method is identifying the fertile and

infertile days of the menstrual cycle as
determined through a combination of
observations made on the cervical mucus,
basal body temp recording and other signs of

% of Effectiveness

 Perfect use: Sympto-thermal: 9%

 Typical Use: 80%
10. Two day method
Description/ Uses:
 Is a simple fertility awareness based method of FP that involves:
 Cervical secretions as an indicator of fertility
 Women checking the presence of secretions everyday

 Can be used by women with any cycle length
 No health related side effects associated
 Incurs very little or no cost
 Immediately reversible
 Promoted male partner involvement in FP
 Enhances self discipline mutual respect cooperation, communication, and
shared responsibility of the couple for the FP
 Provides opportunities for enhancing the couples sexual life
 Can be integrated in health and FP services
 Acceptable to couples regardless of culture, religion, socioeconomic
status, and education
 Not dependent on medically qualified personnel; the technology can be
transferred by a trained autonomous user
 Once learned, may require no further help from health care providers

 Needs the cooperation of the husband

 Can become unreliable for women who have
conditions that cause abnormal cervical
 Does not protect the client from HIV/AIDS

% of Effectiveness

 Two days method: 96.5%

 Typical Use: 86%
11. Standard Days Method
Description/ Uses:

 A new method of natural family planning in which all users with

menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days are counseled to
abstain from sexual intercourse on days 8-19 to avoid pregnancy.

 The couples use color coded cycle beads to mark the fertile and
infertile days of menstrual cycle.


 No health related side effects associated with its use

 Increases self awareness and knowledge of human reproduction
and can lead to a diagnosis of some gynecologic problems
 No need for counting or charting since the standard days method
makes use of beads for tracking the cycle days
 Can be used discipline, either to avoid or achieve pregnancy
 Very little cost and promotes male partner involvement in family planning
 Enhances self discipline, mutual respect
 Provides opportunities for enhancing the couples sexual life
 Can be integrated in health and family planning services
 Acceptable to couples regardless of culture, religion, socioeconomic status,
and education
 Not dependent on medically qualified personnel; the technology can be
transferred by a trained autonomous user
 Once learned, may require no further help from health care providers

 Cannot be used by women who usually have menstrual cycle between 26
and 32 days long

How it is used:
 Abstain from sexual intercourse during fertile period
 Use color coded beads to mark the fertile and infertile periods

% of Effectiveness
 Perfect Use: Standard days: 95%
 Typical Use: 88%
Misconception about Family Planning
 Some Family Planning methods causes abortion
 Using contraceptives will render couples sterile
 Using contraceptive methods will result to loss of sexual

The Roles of Public Health Nurse on Family

Planning Program

 Provide counseling among the client will help increases

FP acceptors and avoid defaulters
 Provide packages of health services among reproductive
age group in all health facilities
 Ensure the availability of FP supplies and logistics for the

Created to address problems among children and

available In all health facilities which includes:

 Infant and young Child Feeding

 Newborn Screening
 Expanded Program on Immunization
 Management of Childhood Illnesses
 Micronutrient Supplementation
 Dental Health
 Early Child Development
 Child Health Injuries
 Its main goal is to reduce morbidity and
mortality rates for children 0-9 years with
the strategies necessary for program
The strategic thrusts for 2005-2010 are as

 Pursue the Sentrong Sigla initiative to ensure quality of health

services at the peripheral levels, and identify priority areas for health
systems development.

 Implement programs and projects that favor disadvantaged


 Apply the Reaching Every Barangay (REB) strategy for immunization

to reach every child.

 Intensify health education and information campaigns at the ground

level to increase the proportion of mothers practicing behaviors that
promote children’s health, such as breastfeeding, ensuring child’s
immunization, oral rehydration for sick children, knowledge of danger
signs of common childhood diseases and control of child labor and
other child abuse practices.
 Enhance medical, nursing and midwifery
education with cost-effective life-saving
strategies such as IMCI and the Basic
Emergency Obstetric Care.

 Pursue the implementation of laws and policies

for the protection of newborns, infants and
children such as Early Childhood Development
Act of 2000, Newborn Screening Act of 2004,
Executive Order 286 for the Bright Child
Program, Executive Order 51 also known as the
Milk Code, the Rooming-In and Breastfeeding
Act, etc.
Infant and Young Feeding
 The strategy calls for the promotion of breast
milk as the ideal food for the healthy growth
and development of infants; and of exclusive
breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life as
the means to achieve optimal growth,
development and health of newborns.
 The overall objective is to improve the survival
of infants and young children by improving
their nutritional status, growth and
development through optimal feeding.
The National Plan of Action for 2005 – 2010 for
Infant and Young Child Feeding:

Goal: Reduce Child Mortality Rate by 2/3 by 2015

Objective: To improve health and nutrition status of infants
and young children.
Outcome: To improve exclusive and extended
breastfeeding and complementary feeding.

Specific Objectives:
 70% of newborns are initiated to breastfeeding within
one hour after birth.
 60% of infants are exclusively breastfed up to 6 months.
 90% of infants are started on complementary feeding by
6 months of age
 Median duration of breastfeeding is 18 months.
Key Messages on Infant and Young
Child Feeding
 Initiate breastfeeding within 1 hour after birth
 Exclusive for the first 6 months of life
 Completed at 6 months with appropriate foods,
excluding milk supplements.
 Extend breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond
Exclusive breastfeeding means giving a baby
only breast milk, and no other liquids of solids,
not even water. Drops or syrups consisting of
vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines are

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

 To infants:
 Provides a nutritional complete food for the young
 Strengthens the infants immune system, preventing
many infections.
 Safely rehydrates and provides essential nutrients to
a sick child, especially to those suffering from
diarrheal diseases.

Reduces the infants exposure to infection

Increase IQ points.
 To mother:
 Reduces woman’s risk of excessive blood loss after

Provides natural methods of delaying pregnancies.

Reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancers and
 To Household and the Community:
 Conserve funds that otherwise would be spent on
breast milk substitute, supplies and fuel to prepare
 Saves medical cost to families and government by
preventing illnesses and by providing immediate
postpartum and contraception.
Complementary Feeding
 After six months of age, all babies require other
foods to complement breast milk – we call these
complementary foods. When complementary
foods are introduced breastfeeding should still
continue for up to two years of age or beyond.

Complementary foods should be:

 Timely
 Adequate
 Safe
 Properly fed
Low – birth weight babies
 a birth weight of less than 2, 500 grams. This includes babies
who are born before term, and who are premature and babies
who are small for gestational age.

The fluid needs of a young child

a baby who is under six months of age and only receiving
replacement milks does not need an extra water. Extra Fluid is
needed if the child has a fever or diarrhea.

 Water is good for thirst

 Teas and coffee reduce the iron that is absorbed from
 Drinks should not replace foods or breastfeeding
 A non-breastfed child aged 6 – 24 months of age needs
approximately 2 – 3 cups of water per day in a temperate
climate and 4 – 6 cups of water per day in a hot climate.
Feeding the child who is ill
 Encourage the child to drink and eat with lots of patience
 Feed small amounts frequently
 Give foods that the child likes
 Give a variety of nutrient rich foods
 Continue to breastfeed – often ill children breastfeed
more frequently

Feeding during recovery

 Give extra breastfeeds
 Feed an extra meal
 Give an extra amount
 Use extra rich foods
 Feed with extra patience
Breastmilk and Breastfeeding
 Breastmilk is the best food for the baby from birth up to 6
 Give colostrums to the baby
 Do NOT give plain water, sugared water, chewed sticky
rice, herbal preparations or starve the baby while waiting
for the milk to come in.
 Give only breastmilk and no other food or drink to your
baby from birth up to 6 months.
 Breastfeed as often as the baby wants, day and night
 Use both breasts alternately at each feeding
 After one breast is emptied, offer first the breast that has
not been emptied in the next feeding.
Key Message on Feeding Babies Over Six Months Old

 Breastfeeding for two years or longer helps a child to develop and

grow strong and healthy
 Starting other foods in addition to breastmilk at 6 complemented
months helps a child to grow well.
 Foods that are thick enough to stay in the spoon give more
energy to the child.
 Animal-source foods are especially good for children to help them
grow strong and lively.
 Peas, beans, lentils, nuts and seed are also good for children.
 Dark green leaves and yellow-colored fruits and vegetables help
a child to have healthy eyes and fewer infections.
 A growing child needs three meals plus snacks: give variety of
 A growing child needs to learn to eat, encourage and give help…
with lots of patience
 A growing child needs increasing amount of foods.
 Encourage children to drink and eat during illness and provide
extra food after illness to help them recover quickly.
Laws That Protects Infant and young Child
 Milk Code (EO 51) - products covered by Milk Code
consist of breastmilk substitutes, including infant formula;
milk products, foods and beverages, including bottle-fed
complement foods.

 The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992 requires

both public and private health institutes to promote
rooming-in to encourage, protect, and support the
practice of breastfeeding. It targets the creation of “an
environment where basic physical, emotional and
psychological needs of mothers and infants are fulfilled
through the practice of rooming-in and breastfeeding.

 Food Fortification Law or An Act Establishing the

Philippine Food Fortification Program and for Other
Purposes-Food Fortification Law (republic Act 8976)
 Children need not die young if they receive
complete and timely immunization.
 Children who are not fully immunized are more
susceptible to common childhood diseases.

 The Expanded Program on Immunization is one

of the DOH Programs that has already been
institutionalized and adopted by all LGUs in the
region. Its objective is to reduce infant mortality
and morbidity through decreasing the
prevalence of six (6) immunizable diseases (TB,
diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and
Target Diseases
 Tuberculosis
 Diphtheria
 Pertussis
 Neonatal Tetanus
 Poliomyelitis
 Measles
 Hepatitis
Hepatitis B Immunization

 Integrated into the EPI in 1992 among infants 0-1 year of

 40% of eligible targets were prioritized and given with
 The conceptualization and introduction of the disease
reduction initiative in early 90’s contributed to the
declined of numerous cases of immunizable disease.

 Four major strategies:

Sustaining high routine FIC coverage of at least 90% in all
provinces and cities.
 Sustaining the polio free country for global certification
 Eliminating measles by 2008

Eliminating neonatal tetanus by 2008
Polio Eradication Project
 Development of National Plan of Action for Polio Eradication has been
done in 1990

 Created in 1992 with the expansion of sentinel sites for AFP reporting

 National Immunization days were conducted in 1993 to 1996

nationwide and Sub National Immunization Days in selected areas
with cases of polio and with low OPV coverage. This was the period of
excitement from 1993 to 1997 where all concerned agencies public
and private sector participated for the “Oplan Alis Disis”

 “Balik Polio Patak”

 In 2000, the circulating vaccine derived polio (cVDPV) had

occurred in Cagayan de Oro, Laguna and Cavite. In response to the
cVDPV outbreak a “Balik Polio Patak” conducted nationwide
immunizing children 0 to less than five years of age regardless of
immunization status with coverage of 98.5% during the first round and
101% for the second round while the routine coverage of OPV3
remained low for many years.
Measles Catch-Up Campaign
 Challenging period had started in 1998 up to the present
wherein our country had embarked on the Measles
Elimination to achieve the goal of eliminating measles by

 Mass measles vaccination among children ages 9

months to less than 15 years were given nationwide
regardless of immunization status.

 Vaccinating 28 million children (96%) resulting into a

drastic reduction of measles by 70%

 2004, Follow-up Measles Campaign immunizing

children 9 months to less than five years of age had
achieved 94% in all parts of the country
 Knock-out Tigdas 2007
 a sequel to the 1998 and 2004 “Ligtas Tigdas” mass measles
immunization campaign

second follow-up measles campaign to eliminate measles infection as a
public health problem

 to reduce the number or pool of children at risk of getting measles or

being susceptible to measles and achieve 95% measles immunization

 to eliminate measles circulation in all communities by 2008.

 All children 9 months to 48 months old ( born October 1, 2003 – January

1,2007) should be vaccinated against measles from October 15 -
November 15, 2007 , door-to-door
 All health centers, barangay health stations, hospitals and other
temporary immunization sites such as basketball court, town plazas and
other identified public places will also offer FREE vaccination services
during the campaign period
Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus
Elimination Plan
 Neonatal tetanus rate (NT) = below 1/1,000
live births
 Focus:
 In areas with low TT coverage
 Poor delivery of babies but with continuing TT
routine vaccination
 In areas with good coverage and good delivery
care practices
 Developed for appropriate sourcing of funds an
implementation for NT elimination
Administration of vaccines
Vaccine Dose Route of Site of
Administration Administration
BCG Infants 0.05 ml Intradermal Right deltoid region
of the arm

DPT 0.5ml Intramuscular Upper outer portion

of the thigh

OPV 2 drops Oral Mouth

Measles 0.5ml Subcutaneous Outer part of the
upper arm

Hepatitis-B 0.5ml Intramuscular Upper outer portion

of the thigh

Tetanus Toxoid 0.5ml intramuscular Deltoid region of the

upper arm
The EPI Routine Schedule for Immunization
 Every Wednesday is designated as immunization
day and is adopted in all parts of the country. In a
barangay health station immunization s done monthly
while in far flung areas it is done quarterly. However,
some areas adopted local practices to provide everyday
vaccination in their areas to cover all targets.

The Concept and Importance of Vaccination

 Immunization is the process by which vaccines are
introduced into the body before the infection sets in.
Vaccines are administered to induce immunity thereby
causing the recipient’s immune system to react to the
vaccine that produces antibodies to fight infection.
Vaccinations promote health and protect children from
disease-causing agents.
General Principles
 It is safe and immunologically affects to administer all EPI vaccines
on the same day at different sites of the body.

 Measles vaccine should be given as soon as the child is 9 months

old, regardless of whether other vaccines will be given on that day.
Measles vaccines given at 9 months provide 85% protection against
measles infection. When given at one year and older provides 95%

 The vaccination schedule should not be restarted from the

beginning even if the interval between doses exceeded the
recommended interval by months or years.

 Moderate fever, malnutrition, mild respiratory infection, cough,

diarrhea and vomiting are not contraindications to vaccination.
Generally, one should immunize unless the child is so sick that he
needs to be hospitalized.
The absolute contraindications to immunization

 DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has had

convulsions or shock within 3 days the previous
dose. Vaccines containing the whole cell
pertussis component should not be given to
children with an evolving neurological disease
(uncontrolled epilepsy of progressive
 Live vaccines like BCG vaccine must not be
given to individuals who are immunosuppressed
due to malignant disease, therapy with
immunosuppressive agents, or irradiation.
 It is effective with mild side effects after vaccination. Local reaction,
fever and systemic symptoms can result as part of a normal immune

 Giving dose of a vaccine at less than the recommended 4 weeks

interval may lessen the antibody response. Lengthening the interval
between doses of vaccines leads to higher antibody levels.

 No extra doses must be given to children/mother who missed a

dose of DPT/HB/OPV/TT. The vaccination must be continued as if
no time had elapsed between doses.

 Strictly follow the principle of never, ever reconstituting the freeze

dried vaccines in anything other than the diluents supplied with

 False contraindications to immunizations are children with

malnutrition, low grade fever, mild respiratory infections and other
minor illnesses and diarrhea should not be considered a
contraindication to OPV vaccination. Repeat BCG vaccination if the
child does not develop a scar after the first injection.

 Use one syringe one needle per child during vaccination.

Nutrition Program
 Malnutrition continues to be the public health
concerns in the country. The common nutritional
deficiencies are vitamin A, iron and iodine.
These deficiencies lead to a serious physical,
mental, social and economic condition among
children and women.
 To improve quality of life of Filipinos through better
nutrition, improve health and increased productivity.

1. Reduction in the proportion of Filipino households,
with intake below 100% of the dietary energy
requirement, from 53.2% to 44.0%.

2. Reduction in:
a. Underweight among pre school children
b. Stunting among pre school children
c. Chronic energy deficiency among pregnant
d. Iron deficiency among children 6 months to five
years old, pregnant and lactating mothers.
e. Prevalence of overweight, obesity and non-
communicable diseases
f. Reduction in the prevalence of iron deficiency
disorder among lactating mothers
g. Elimination of moderate and severe IDD among
school children and pregnant women
h. Prevalence of low birth weight

 Food based intervention for sustained improvements in
nutritional status.
 Life cycle approach with strategic attention to 0-3 years
old children, adolescent females and pregnant/lactating
 Effective complementation of nutrition intervention with
other services
 Geographical focus to needier areas.
Programs and Projects
1. Micronutrient supplementation

 Micronutrient supplementation is one of the interventions to address

the health and nutritional needs of infants and children and improve
their growth and survival.

 The twice a year distribution of Vitamin A capsules through the

“Araw ng Sangkap Pinoy” (ASAP), known as Garantisadong
Pambata (GP), or Child Health Week is the approach adopted to
provide micronutrient supplements to 6-71 months old preschooler
on a nationwide scale. While the target groups, the availability of
iron supplements depend on the capability of LGUs to produce the

 The iron and vitamin A supplementation among under five years old
children nationwide has reached about 63.3% and 76.0%,
2. Food fortification

 Food fortification is also pushed it improve the nutritional status of

the populace to include the children.

 The addition of essential nutrients to a widely consumed food

product at levels above is natural state is a cost effective and
sustainable intervention it address micronutrient deficiencies.

 The Food Fortification Act of 2000 provides for the mandatory

fortification of staples namely : flour, with iron and vitamin A,
cooking oil and refined sugar with vitamin A and rice with iron and
the voluntary fortification of processed foods through the
“Sangkap Pinoy Seal.”

 The household utilization of iodized salt is at 56%. The

prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) has decreased
among school children 6-12 years old based on urinary iodine
excretion level (UIE) from 35.8% in 1998 to 11.1% in 2003 (FNRI-
NNS, 2003).

 The usage of fortified products is at 52.7% of households with at

least one product with Sangkap Pinoy Seal at home.
3. Essential Maternal and child Health Service Package
 This ensures the right of the child to survival,
development, protection and participation. It includes
the delivery of essential maternal and child health and
nutrition package of services that will ensure the right
to survival, development, protection and participation
as follows:
 Breast-feeding
 Complementary feeding
 Micro nutrient supplementation

4. Nutrition information, communication and education –

these includes the promotion for nutritional guidelines
for Filipinos and other nutrition key messages and
training of health workers.
5. Home, School and Community Food Production
It includes establishment of kitchens, gardens in
homes, schools and in communities in urban and rural
areas to serve as source of additional food for the
home and establishment of demonstration centers and
nurseries and distribution of planting materials.

6. Food assistance includes center based

complementary feeding for wasted/stunted children
pregnant woman with delivering low birthweight. This
maybe done in school. rice distribution is done in
school through the efforts of local units. Food
discounts were provided through Tindahan Natin

7. Livelihood assistance is done by provision of credit and

livelihood opportunities to poor households especially
those with malnourished children through linkage with
lending and financial institutions. Functional literacy
training helps in this endeavor.
Nutritional Guidelines For
Micronutrient Supplementation

One capsule is given

anytime during the
Infants 6-11 months 100,000 IU 1 dose only 6-11 months but
usually given at 9
months during the
Children 21-71 200,000 IU 1 capsule every six
months months
Table 1. Universal Supplementation of Vitamin A


Infants 100,000 IU One capsule given upon
(6 mos. – 11 mos.) diagnosis, regardless of
Pre-School Children 200,000 IU when the last dose of VAC
(12 mos. – 72 mos.) was given
Severe pneumonia 100,000 IU One capsule given upon
Persistent Diarrhea 100,000 IU diagnosis, except when the
Malnutrition 100,000 IU child was given VAC less
Infants than 4 weeks before
(6 mos. – 11 mos.) diagnosis
Severe Pneumonia 200,000 IU One capsule given upon
Persistent Diarrhea 200,000 IU diagnosis, except when the
Malnutrition 200,000 IU child was given VAC less
(12 mos. – 72 mos.) than 4 weeks before
Malnutrition 200,000 IU One capsule given upon
(6 yrs to 12 yrs old diagnosis, except when the
children) child was given VAC less
than 4 weeks before
Table 2. Supplementation to high risk children


Pregnant women 10,000 IU 1 capsule/ Start from the 4th Vitamin A

tablet of month of 10,000 IU
10,000 IU pregnancy until should NOT be
twice a week delivery given to
pregnant woman
who are already
taking pre-natal
vitamins or
tablets that also
contain Vitamin
Post-partum 200,000 IU 1 capsule One dose only Vitamin A of
women 200,000 IU within 4 weeks 200,000 IU
after delivery should NOT be
given to
pregnant women
Table 3. Supplementation for pregnant women and post partum women.


6-11 months 100,000 IU Should be given immediately
upon diagnosis, 1 capsule
12-59 months 200,000 IU given the next day & 1
capsule 2 weeks after

Table 4. Treatment schedule foe xerophthalmia for all age group.


Pregnant 10,000 IU One capsule/tablet once Don’t not give vitamin A
women with a day for 4 weeks upon 10,000 IU if prenatal
night diagnosis vitamins or multiple
blindness micronutrient tablets
containing vitamin A are to
be given, vitamin A can be
given regardless of age of
gestation if pregnant woman
has night blindness.
Table 5. Treatment schedule for xerophthalmia for pregnant women


Pregnant women Tablet (preferably 1 tablet once a day A dose of 800 mcg
coated) containing for 6 months or 180 of foclic acid is still
60 mg elemental days during the safe to the pregnant
iron (EI) with 400 pregnancy period or woman
mg folic acid 2 tablets per day
(120 mg. EL) if
consultations are
done during the 2nd
and 3rd trimester

Lactating women Tablet (preferably 1 tablet once a day

coated) containing for 3 months or 90
60 mg elemental days
iron (EI) with 400
mg folic acid
Table 6. Iron supplementation for pregnant and lactating women


Low birth weight Drop: 15 mg. 0.3 ml once a day to start at two months of
elemental iron/0.6 ml age until 6 months when complementary
foods are given
Infants 6-11 months Drops containing 15 0.6 ml once a day for 3 months
mg. elemental
iron/0.6 ml

Table 7. Iron supplementation to infant 6-11 months of age

Children 1-5 years old Syrup containing 30 mg 1 tbsp. once a day for 3
elemental iron/5ml months or 30 mg once a
week for 6 months with
supervised administration
Children 6-11 years old Syrup containing 30 mg. 2 tbsp. once a day for 6
anemic and under weight elemental iron/5ml months
Table 8. Iron supplementation to pre school and school children


Adolescent girls (10-19 Tablet containing 60 mg. One tablet once a day
yrs.) elemental iron with 400
mcg folic acid (coated)
Older person Tablet containing 60 mg. One tablet once a day
elemental iron with 400
mcg folic acid (coated)

Table 9. Iron supplementation to other population groups


Women 15-45 yrs old Iodized oil capsule with 1 capsule for 1 year
200 mg iodine
Children of school age Iodized oil capsule with 1 capsule for 1 year
200 mg iodine
Adult males Iodized oil capsule with 1 capsule for 1 year
200 mg iodine
 In the Philippines, the main oral health problems are dental caries
(tooth decay) and periodontal disease (gum disease). These two
diseases are widespread that 92% of our people are suffering from
tooth decay and 78.0% have gum disease.

 In terms of decayed, missing filled teeth (DMFT) index, Philippines

ranked second worst among 21 WHO Western Pacific countries.
Dental caries and periodontal disease are observed to be
significantly more prevalent in rural than in urban areas.

 The Philippines Dental Association in 1998 survey resulted that

88.4%of respondent dentist claimed that their practice were based
in urban areas, 10.9% in suburban centers and .07 in rural.

 With this, the delivery of the basic oral health care became the
responsibility of the local government under the Local Government
Code of 1991. Oral health is inadequately integrated into the
national health care system of the country and there is no currently
sustainable basic oral care service being adopted.
 Reduce the prevalence rate of dental caries and
periodontal diseases from 92% in 1998 to 85%
and from 78% in 1998 to 60% by end of 2010
among general population.

 To increase the proportion of Orally Fit Children
under 6 years old to 80% by 2010.

 To control oral health risks among the young


 To improve the oral health conditions of

pregnant women by 20% and older persons by
10% every year until 2010.
Basic Package of Oral Health Care:
The following are the basic package of essential oral services/care
for every lifecycle to be provided in all health facilities including schools or
at home.
Stages of Life Types of Oral Services
Mother  Oral examination
(preganant)  Oral prophylaxis
 Permanent fillings
 Gum treatment
 Health education
Neonatal and  Dental check up as soon as the first tooth erupts
infants under 1  Health instruction on infant oral health care and advice on
year old exclusive breast feeding

Children 12-71  Dental check-up as soon as the first tooth appears and every 6
months old months thereafter
 Supervised tooth brushing drills
 Oral ugent treatment OUT
- Removal of unsavable teeth
- Referral of complicated cases
- Treatment of pot extraction complications
- Application of Atraumatic Restorative treatment (ART)
School children  Oral examination
(6-12 years)  Supervised tooth brushing drills
 Topical Flouride Therapy
 Pits and Fissure Sealant application
 Oral prophylaxis
 Permanent Fillings
Adolescent and  Oral examination
Youth (10-12  Health promotion and education, adverse effect of
years old) consumption sweets and sugary beverages, tabacco and
Other adults (25-  Oral examination
59 years old)  Emergency dental treatment
 Health instruction and advice
 Referrals
Older persons  Oral examination
 Extraction of unsavable tooth
 Gum treatment
 Relief of pain
 Health instruction and advice
Classification of Oral Interventions:

These are classifications of oral interventions

that need to be carried out to address oral

These are:
1. Preventive
2. Curative
3. Promotive services
Preventive services consist of the following measures, which will
promote oral health and provide specific protection from the
occurrence of dental caries and other oral diseases.

There are types of preventive interventions:

 Oral examination is the careful checking of the oral cavity by duly
trained dentist to detect and diagnose oral diseases and conditions,
oral examinations, and detect signs and symptoms of Sexually
Transmitted Disease- AIDS and other non communicable disease
such as diabetes.

 Oral hygiene is a basic personal measure to prevent and control

tooth decay and gum disease. it includes among others oral
prophylaxis, regular and proper way of tooth brushing, gum
massage, eating detersive foods and the use of mouthwashes.

 Pits and fissure sealant program a non-invasive preventive and

control measure against tooth decay for children. Fluoride therapy is
best for smooth surfaces but limited where grinding surfaces are
concerned owing to the presence of pit and fissures on the surfaces.

 Fluoride Utilization Program a non-invasive and control measures

through multiple use of fluorides in areas where fluoride content is
low. Fluoridation can be done in systematic and local route.
Curative/Treatment services these are remedial measures
applied to half the progress of oral disease and restore
the sound condition of the teeth and supporting tissues.
It includes:

 Permanent filing which is the restoration of savable teeth

with amalgam, composite or glass filling materials.

 Gum Treatment is the deep scaling and root planning of

affected tooth or teeth for pregnant mothers and older
person with periodontal disease.

 A traumatic restorative treatment is one form of

permanent filing for priority target groups by manually
cleaning dental cavities using hand instruments and
filling the cavities with fluoride releasing glass ionomer
restorative materials.
 Temporary filling is the treatment of deep-seated tooth
decay with zinc oxide and eugenol.

 Extraction is the removal of unsolvable teeth to control

foci of infection.

 Treatment post extraction complication such as dry

sockets and bleeding

 Drainage of localized oral abscesses-incision and


Promotive services include health education activities

directed to the priority groups thru individual or group
approach using accepted tools and media.
These are essential packages of health services that a newborn, infant and child
has to receive during the early stages of development. Children who were provided
with these interventions are protected from common preventable diseases and other

1. Newborn resuscitation
2. Newborn routine eye prophylaxis
3. Prevention and management of hypothermia of the
4. Newborn screening
5. Immediate and exclusive breastfeeding
6. Complementary feeding at six months
7. Birth registration
8. Birth weight and growth monitoring
9. Full immunization
10. Micronutrient supplementation
11. Dental Care
12. Developmental milestone screening
13. Advice on psychosocial stimulation
14. Growth monitoring and promotion
15. Nutritional; screening
16. Disability detection
17. Management of common childhood illness
18. Counseling on accident prevention and
use of safe toys
19. Psychosocial stimulation
20. First aid
Adolescence (WHO)
- period of life between 10 and 20
years of age.
 Youth

- refers to those who are between

15 and 24 years old.
 “Young people”

- refers to both age groups,

meaning those aged 10 to 24.
The Adolescent
Health Program
 Young people
account for over
30% of the total
population (around
26 million)
 Young people have
resistance against
common acute
infections and are
at the peak of their
- all causes of this age
group is 0.87 per
 Among adolescent
age 19, 12% of young
people are already
sexually active, and
by age of 24, 45% of
women are already
 Women aged 15-24
years are the age
group with the
highest unmet need
for family planning
services at 26%.
 Smoking prevalence
among adolescents
is 21%, and 41%
admit to social
 Random drug
testing of public
and private high
school students
yields screening
positivity rates 3%
to 10%.
 Drug use rate
among high school
students is higher
among college
 In 2000, accidents and
injuries are the most
common cause of
death among young
people at the rate of
30.68 per 100,000
persons aged 20-24
years old.
 About 22.52% among
all those who died of
accidents and injuries
of all forms are
adolescents and youth.
The Strategic Thrusts for
Come up with models for
environments. A
adolescent or young
people’s health care
package needs to be
designed and
implemented in
coordination with other
government agencies.
Organize and build the capability of
young people to promote healthy
lifestyles, including sound
reproductive health practices,
accident prevention and the
promotion of sound policies on work
to improve their health and quality of
Continue fertility awareness
activities among high school teachers
and students to reduce the
proportion of unwanted pregnancies
and unmet need for family planning
among young people.
Essential Health Care
Package for the Adolescent
and Youth
Management of Illness
Counseling on substance abuse,
sexuality and reproductive tract
Nutrition and diet counseling
Mental Health
Family planning and responsible
sexual behavior
Dental care

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