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• Measure of a surface
• Size of the region enclosed by a figure
• No. of square units the figure is made of

• Square units
– Sq. in, sq. cm, sq. m, sq. km
Area of Rectangle
• A quadrilateral where all of its four angles
are right angles
• Has two pairs of parallel sides
• Formula: A = lw
Area of Rectangle
• Example:
• What is the area of a rectangle having a
length of 7 cm and a width of 3.2 cm?
• Answer: The area is the product of these two
side-lengths, which is 7 cm × 3.2 cm = 22.4
cm2. (Read as 22.4 square centimeters)
Area of Square
• A rectangle in which the length and
width are equal
• Each side of is the same
• Formula: A = s2
Area of Square
• Example:
• What is the area of a square
having side-length 3.5 cm?

• Answer: The area is the square of

the side-length, which is 3.5
cm × 3.5 cm = 12.25 cm2.
Area of Parallelogram
• A four-sided polygon that has opposite sides
that are equal and parallel
• Its opposite angles are congruent
Area of Parallelogram
•“Cutting off" a triangle from one side and "pasting" it
onto the other side to form a rectangle with side-lengths b
and h.
•This rectangle has an area b × h.

•Thus, the area A of any

parallelogram is:

•Formula: A = bh
Area of Parallelogram
• Example:
• What is the area of a parallelogram having a
base of 30 inches and a corresponding
height of 7 inches?

• Answer: The area is the product of a base

and its corresponding height, which is 30
in × 7 in = 210 in2.
Area of Triangle
• A polygon with three corners or vertices and
three sides or edges which are straight line


•Take a second triangle identical to the first, then rotate it

and "paste" it to the first triangles as pictured next …
Area of Triangle


•The figure formed is a parallelogram with base

length b and height h, and has area b x h. This area
is twice that of the triangle, so the triangle has area
½ × b × h.
•Formula: A = ½ bh
Area of Triangle
•What is the area of the
triangle having a base of
length 5.2 and a height of 4.2?

•Answer: The area is half the

product of its base and height,
which is
1/2 ×5.2 × 4.2 = 2.6 × 4.2 = 1
0.92 square units.
Area of Trapezoid
• A quadrilateral with a pair
of parallel sides

• If a and b are the lengths

of the two parallel bases of
a trapezoid, and h is its
height, the area of the
trapezoid is ½
× h × (a + b).
Area of Trapezoid
• Consider two identical trapezoids, and "turn" one
around and "paste" it to the other along one side:

•The figure formed is a parallelogram having an area of

h × (a + b), which is twice the area of one of the
•Thus, the area A of any trapezoid is:
•Formula: A = ½ h (a + b)
Area of Trapezoid
• Example:
• What is the area of a trapezoid having bases 12
inches and 8 inches and a height of 5 inches?

• Using the formula for the area of a trapezoid, the

area is
1/2 × 5 × (12 + 8) = 1/2 × 5 × 20 = 1/2 × 100 = 5
0 in2.
Area of Rhombus
• A four-sided figure with four
congruent sides
• Has two pairs of opposite
sides that are parallel
• Its diagonals bisect each
other at right angles

• Formula: A = ½ d1d2
Area of Rhombus
• Example:
• What is the area of the
rhombus HIJK?

• Answer: The area is

equal to one-half the
product of the lengths IK
and HJ which is ½ x 9 x
12 = 54 square units.
Area of Circle
• The set of all points in a plane
at a fixed distance, called the
radius, from a given point, the

• Formula: A = πr2

• Pi (π) is a number that is

approximately 3.14159.
Area of Circle
• Example:
• What is the area of a circle having a radius of
4.2 cm, to the nearest tenth of a square cm?

• Answer: The area is π × 4.22 3.14159 × 4.22 =

55.41…square cm, which is 55.4 cm2 when
rounded to the nearest tenth.
Area of Circle Sector
• Region bounded by two radii and
their intercepted arc
• The area A of any sector with an
arc that has degree measure n and
with radius r is equal to the
product of the arc's measure
divided by 360 multiplied by π
times the square of the radius.

• Formula: A = (n/360)(πr2)
Area of Circle Sector
• Example:
• Find the area of the
shaded sector.

70o A
• Answer: 
360 o
 (10) 2

• Cross multiply to
get A = 61.05 m2
Area of Ellipse
• A conic section which is
essentially a stretched
• Given the major radius
(semi-major axis) and
A = πjn where: minor radius (semi-
j is the major radius minor axis) of an
n is the minor radius ellipse, the area inside it
can be calculated using
π is pi the formula: A = πjn
Area of Ellipse
• Example:
• An ellipse has a major radius of 0.39 m and a
minor radius or 0.17 m. Find the area of the

• Answer: The area is π x 0.39 x 0.17 = 0.208 m2.

Area of Regular Polygons
• Any polygons that are equilateral and
• The area A of any regular polygon with
perimeter P and apothem (distance from the
center of a polygon to a side) of measure a is
equal to one-half the product of the perimeter
and the apothem.
Formula: A = ½ Ap
Area of Regular Polygons
•The apothem of a
pentagon is 9 cm and the
length of one side of it is 5
cm. Find its area.

•Answer: A pentagon has 5

sides and each side has a
length of 5 cm. The
perimeter is 5 x 5 = 25. The
area is ½ of (9 x 25) =
112.5 cm2.

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