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Advancing the physics education research by implementation of research results.


Gabriel Leonardo Castro Ronquillo., MSc. Jos Alexander Ortega Medina, MSc.




Teaching Environments focused on Professor Mechanization Few Motivation Few Learning Strategies Few use of technology Low level of reading ability Low capacity for analysis and synthesis

Our duty as teachers of physics at higher level, is precisely to plan teaching models to improve these shortcomings, transmit knowledge and to ensure that our students learn significantly.

Doing the impossible to design their teaching so that students not only acquire a "simple knowledge", but rather to reach a deep understanding that allows the "enduring understanding."

Relate new knowledge to their cognitive structure, forming a new meaning and become part of it.


to understand the nature and construction of knowledge Which begins with a situation in which several concepts and from there it has - At the base are events or objects - A focal question in the Central Part - Left side is the conceptual - Part Right are the methodological


research has worked on the analysis of the implementation of teaching strategies that include certain technological resources to facilitate learning of disciplinary content understanding of physics. Specifically, the unit of dynamic, freebody diagram.

How does the performance of students using V Gowin when applied in the construction free body diagram for troubleshooting Dynamics of the particle? How does the performance of students using Information Technology and Communication in solving problems of particle dynamics associated with freebody diagram? How does the performance to those using V Gowin and not using V Gowin and use of ICT in the construction of free-body diagram applied to the solution of problems of dynamics?

The objectives for this research are as follows:

Gowin's V design to match the resolution of problems of dynamics

Designing rubrics for assessing Gowin's V for troubleshooting Dynamic

H1: Students who participate in the use of ICT have greater academic achievement than students who do not participate in the Use of ICT

H2: Students who receive instruction with Gowin's V have higher academic achievement than students not receiving instruction Gowin's V

H3: Take classes with

Gowin's V compared to classes without receiving Gowin's V has different effect on students participating in sessions of the Use of ICT and nonparticipants.


Homogeneous groups A, B, C and D. 200 students 19 years old. Using V Gowin. Use ICTs.


diagrams. Applied: Test Input, was given instruction Test Output Knowledge test. Instructional Time: 8 hours.





A: With V Gowin and ICTs. Group B: With V Gowin and no ICTs. Group C: With ICTs and no V Gowin. Group D: No ICTs and whitout V Gowin.

For the present study utilizes 2x2 ANOVA F test with a significance level of 0.05.

After receiving the instruction the gain in output test showed improvement in student performance. F Anova Test accepted all hypotheses formulated.

Students who studied free body diagrams using V Gowin and assigned using ICTS got better performance than those who did not do this.

Include V Gowin supported with ICTS for learning of the item free body diagram, influence on significant learning and improved student performance.

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