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Order of Operations, Exponents and Scientific Notation

Chapter 2 section 1 Exponents and Order of Operations pg 68

An EXPONENT tells you how many times a base is used as a factor. baseexponent 35 = 3*3*3*3*3 = 243 What is 52 ? How would you write 5*5*5*5 using exponents?

Distributive property pg 49
Distributive property:
9(4 + 5) = 9(4) + 9(5) 5(8 2) = 5(8) 5(2) *** remember a #(#) is like multiplying 3(5) = 3*5 = 15 What is 9(14)?

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Parentheses do operations grouped together by parentheses and use order of operation within. Exponents rewrite any terms with exponents. Multiply and Divide operate in order left to right. Add and Subtract operate in order left to right. Can you up come up with a way to remember PEMDAS?

Lets do one step by step

-24 + (3 5)4 -24 + (-2)4 -16 + 16 0
First step is to perform operation in ( ) Then find the values of the exponents/powers

Your answer

Please note a sign in a parentheses is operated with the number while a number without parentheses leaves the sign alone distributive property.

You Try!
Simplify using order of operations and label your steps. 23 * (6 3)2 Parentheses 23 * 32 Exponents 8 * 9 Multiply 72 Do you have to do all of PEMDAS? No, not unless it is represented.

Scientific Notation - pg 106

Scientific notation is a shorter way to write numbers using powers of 10. It is written using two factors a number between 1 and 10 and another number that is a power of 10.
7,500,000,000,000 = 7.5 X 1012

Writing using Scientific Notation

Steps: 1. Move the decimal between the first and second digit. 2. Write as a product of 2 factors. The number of zeroes is the the same as how many digits behind the decimal. 3. Write using power of 10. The power is the number of zeroes in step 2. Write 384,000 in Scientific Notation 1. 3.84000 2. 3.84 x 100,000

3. 3.84 x 105

Write in Standard From

There are two methods or different ways to solve Write 2.3 x 108 in standard form Method 1. Write as product of 2 factors and multiply. 2.3 * 100,000,000 = 230,000,000

Method 2. The exponent is the number of places you move the decimal to the right, insert zeroes. 2.3 x 108 means the decimal moves 8 places to the right. 230,000,000

Make sure you have practiced with your group. Evidence/Artifact is pg 70 #9-29 all There is a quiz on Thursday! If you are ready to work on an artifact: 1. Raise your hand for me to see your practice work or explain to me how you are ready. 2. If I approve your practice I will give you a classroom copy list of assignment to choose from. 3. Turn in your evidence (the assignment) in the file folder make sure to answer these questions: Do you show work to support your answer? Is it neat enough I can read it, is it on the lines? Did you circle your answers? Is HAND in the upper right hand corner? 4. Unsatisfying work will be returned to you. You will need to choose another assignment. 5. Feel free to always schedule a conference with me. THANKS!

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