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Epigenetica de la dieta

Los asistentes que tienen medicacin o quienes tienen un ritmo cardiaco anormal o que han tenido un ataque del corazn NO deben iniciar con este estilo de vida sin la gua de un mdico.

Un joven muestra un interruptor gentico que est apagado. Los descendientes de esta persona pueden tener todos los el interruptor gentico encendidos. De los hijos de una generacin posterior, la mayora tiene el interruptor gentico encendido. En su vida, un evento que dispara el interruptor gentico a encendido (en los mayores esta representado por el bastn)

Posiblemente pensaste . Cuando viste el anuncio del cirso uf otro curso acerca de dietas que no funcionan al menos a mi no me funcionan

Si ese es el caso, djame preguntarte si ests satisfecho con la imagen del cuerpo que ves en el espejo? Si ests satisfecho, entonces quizs el curso no es para t Si la respuesta es que no ests satisfecho, entonces el curso es para ti.

Este libro no es para los pusilnimes. Tampoco lo es para los adictos a la dieta de moda

Este curso es para la persona seria que quiere un cambio importante en su vida. Como he descubierto, puede ser bastante conflictivo y esclarecedor, al mismo tiempo, lo que resulta en el efecto "a-ha" efecto..

Mi trabajo como investigador en el rea de la bioqumica y una amplia experiencia en la tecnologa de la informacin (TI) ha demostrado ser muy beneficiosa en la obtencin, procesamiento y montaje de la informacin presentada en este curso. Aunque no puedo decir que soy un dietista o experto en salud, he investigado ampliamente el campo con el fin de comprender los vnculos entre la estructura corporal, la funcin, la alimentacin, la salud mental y estabilidad emocional. Mis conclusiones me ayudan enormemente en la comprensin de mi fisiologa y proporcionan explicaciones cientficas sobre las consecuencias de mis actos a medida que progresaba a travs de mi viaje individual para la salud.

Nutrition Essentials
Comer es imprescindible para la vida. El cuerpo humano est formado por miles de millones de clulas, cada una requiere una estructura, nutrientes y energa para funcionar y multiplicarse. Hay un nmero de sistemas implicados en mantener el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano de manera eficiente, y todos ellos son alimentados por el alimento de las personas. El cuerpo le dice al cerebro cuando tiene hambre. Comer alimentos permite al sistema digestivo extraer los componentes vitales de los alimentos y los entregan al sistema cardiovascular para su distribucin a todas las clulas del cuerpo

Cuando las clulas mueren, los productos de desecho deben ser excretados. El sistema circulatorio es el que realiza esta funcin vital. Entonces, el alimento es el combustible para el cuerpo. Estos procesos requieren energa, la cual viene de los alimentos. Si no comemos, las clulas tiene problemas, nos morimos.

Calorie: a unit of energy-producing potential supplied by food and released upon oxidation by the body (equal to the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (2.2 lbs) of water by one degree Celsius at one atmospheric pressure).[84]

La cantidad total de caloras en los alimentos no es simplemente la suma de caloras en las protenas, grasas y carbohidratos. Es ms importante que los alimentos estn en su estado natural, no adulterado que su total de caloras. Por lo tanto, la dieta de la epigentica se enfoca en los requerimientos diarios de protenas, grasa, y vegetales. Las caloras son mencionadas para explicar por que el contero de las caloras no ayuda en el mantenimiento de la forma ideal del cuerpo.

Los alimentos estn hechos de tres macronutrientes: protenas, grasas, y carbohidratos. Los alimentos que caen en la categora de protenas incluyen a la carne, pescados y mariscos, y huevos Las grasas incluyen a las grasas solidas que se encuentran en la carne y productos del mar y las grasas lquidas conocidas comnmente como aceites Los carbohidratos estn presentes en diversos grupos de granos, vegetales, cereales, panes, pasta, harina, y frutas

Many foods combine these macronutrients. For example, dairy foods and nuts provide a balance of all three; avocado contains a combination of carbohydrate (fruit) and fat (healthful oil). Macronutrients are used for different purposes by the body

Many foods combine these macronutrients. For example, dairy foods and nuts provide a balance of all three; avocado contains a combination of carbohydrate (fruit) and fat (healthful oil). Macronutrients are used for different purposes by the body

In the absence of readily available energy in the form of dietary carbohydrate or fat, protein can be used as a source of heat and energy.[32] Different proteins assist in the regulation of fluid in the body, help fight bacteria and disease and in the form of haemoglobin carry oxygen from the lungs to the organs. In the absence of dietary intake, the protein in the muscle tissue may be broken down and used for energy[32], which is evident in the skeletal appearance of people with anorexia nervosa who consciously eat very little.

In the absence of readily available energy in the form of dietary carbohydrate or fat, protein can be used as a source of heat and energy.[32] Different proteins assist in the regulation of fluid in the body, help fight bacteria and disease and in the form of haemoglobin carry oxygen from the lungs to the organs. In the absence of dietary intake, the protein in the muscle tissue may be broken down and used for energy[32], which is evident in the skeletal appearance of people with anorexia nervosa who consciously eat very little.

Food processing was designed to enable us to feed the population cheaply.[9] Processing protein combines it with other substances for the purposes of making it feed more people and store for a longer period of time without discolouration or deterioration.

Consumption of processed meats containing sodium nitrite has been implicated as a cause of heart disease[5], cancer (including brain tumours)[5], diabetes[5], arthritis[5], depression[5] and obesity[5]. In addition, it has also caused an increased incidence of brain tumours[73], leukaemia[73] and pancreatic cancer[63].

Carbohydrates are organic compounds that contain carbon (carbo), hydrogen (-hyrd-) and oxygen (-ate). Carbohydrates include a broad range of substances including complex carbohydrates (present in grains and vegetables both high and low in starch) and simple carbohydrates in fruit, flours and sugars. The best carbohydrates to choose are those present in vegetables low in starch, grains humans can digest (such as brown rice) and fruit^. These are all in their natural state without processing or refining.

Simple carbohydrates, including sugar, molasses, syrups such as glucose syrup and corn syrup, glucose, lactose, fructose and sucrose (names of sugars are typically suffixed ose) are compounds that are usually digested within 30 minutes.[9] Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk. Fructose is a natural sugar found in fruit. Sucrose is made by refining sugar cane. Consumption of simple carbohydrates should be restricted as they result in a sharp rise in blood sugar. Glucose is essential in the human body and it can manufacture it. Sucrose, however, is manufactured in refineries and is detrimental to health.[9]

Complex carbohydrates, such as those present in vegetables and grains, require two to three hours to break down into simple sugars and glucose.[9] The body uses some of this glucose and the rest is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles or triglycerides stored under the skin as fat. Triglycerides are broken back down into glucose when the body later burns these fat stores.[32] The best grains to choose are those that humans can digest (such as brown rice) and the worst choices include refined and processed grains. Grains other than brown rice and some seeds may exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome. Rolled oats may be beneficial in the absence of coeliac disease or gluten allergy/intolerance. All other grains are refined thereby rendering them nutritionally poor.

Vegetables are mainly comprised of fibre, water and a little carbohydrate. They are packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and certain vegetables can be eaten without restraint. The best choices are vegetables low in starch including broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, parsley, followed by anything green and sprouts (from any beans).[9, 32] Vegetables high in starch include potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn^, carrots, beans and peas, which require a longer time to break down but still result in a fairly sharp rise in blood sugar.[9] Vegetables high in starch may exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome. Some fruits that are high in starch are bananas, grapes and cherries. Vegetables and fruits high in starch should be avoided by persons trying to control their blood sugar.

~ when a diet high in processed carbohydrates is swapped for a diet restricting processed carbohydrates, the body can feel sluggish in the short-term while it switches energy sources, resulting in many returning to their former eating style

Sugar has been proven to be a major contributor in tooth decay and excess body fat, while removing it from the diet has cured diabetes, cancer and heart disease.[6] A diet full of natural foods ensures the appetite accurately determines the quantity required.[48] A person could not eat a whole crate of sugar cane and even if they could it would be better nutritionally than a few hundred grams of refined sugar.[48]

The intestinal walls need fibre as it encourages them to exercise and hence maintain their tone.[9] Toned intestinal walls result in efficient elimination. Foods high in fibre tend to be more satisfying although adequate protein does the same job. [9]

Soluble fibre prolongs the transit time of food through the intestines enabling the nutrients to be more efficiently absorbed. [9] The best sources include low starch vegetables and fruit. Insoluble fibres tend to reduce transit time. The best sources include rice bran, nuts, seeds and the skins of fruit and vegetables. Foods low in fibre can take up to five times as long to be eliminated, discouraging removal of waste and toxins from the body. Naturally grown produce does not require nutritional information panels as these accompany processed foods. Fresh natural produce always make better food choices than processed food in a wrapper with a nutritional panel. For example, an apple or almonds are better choices than muesli bars, doughnuts or biscuits. Fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds contain less energy and carbohydrates than many foods believed to be high in fibre and they have more essential nutrients.[9]

When eaten alone sugars are not digested in the mouth (like cereals) or in the stomach (like animal protein), but quickly pass through the stomach to the small intestine, where they pass directly into the blood stream.[21]

Eating a sandwich and soft drink results in the sugar from the bread and drink having to wait in the stomach while the meat and refined starch from the bread is digested.[21] Following a sandwich with a sweetened coffee converts the stomach into a fermenter. Sugar in or on cereal (purchased like that or added when serving) almost certainly guarantees acid fermentation in the stomach.[21]

Fat, in its natural form, is a soft greasy solid found in animals and liquids in some plants.[32] In animal tissues fat is stored for future energy requirements. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats, giving fats their varying flavours and textures.[9] The human body requires fat to transport fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.[9] These vitamins are also antioxidants, boosting the immune system and protecting the body from aging.[9]

hough it is higher in calories per gram (fat has nine calories per gram compared with protein and carbohydrates four calories per gram).[32] When a diet is lower in fat, it usually leads to an increase in the consumption of the other macronutrients (protein and carbohydrate) due to a lack of satiety. Fats take longer to digest and so also help maintain a consistent blood sugar level.[32]

The human body can manufacture the fatty acids it needs from the protein, carbohydrates and fats in the diet, except for[9]: ~ Linoleic acid (LA or Omega 6) ~ Alphalinolenic acid (LNA or Omega 3) ~ Gammalinolenic acid (GLA). Consequently, these are known as essential fatty acids (EFAs) because they must be eaten as part of the diet.[9]

Obesidad: el problema, sus causas y consecuencia

Obesity is generally defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20 per cent or more over an individual's ideal body weight. Importantly, obesity is associated with increased risk of illness, disability and death.[19]

There are three commonly used methods used to determine whether there is a healthy balance of fat in the body: ~ Waist to hip ratio ~ Biomass Index ~ Body fat percentage.

There are three common reasons for having more than the recommended amount of body fat, namely: ~ overeating[88]~ abnormal glucose metabolism[32 ~ candidiasis[21] (a yeast imbalance in the intestines). An imbalance of body fat can be caused by one or more of the above conditions, each of which is considered in detail below.

Genoma humano
Figura de cariotipo El Proyecto Genoma Humano es una empresa audaz, en un nivel fundamental. Toda la informacin gentica necesaria para construir y mantener un ser humano. El genoma del ser humano es el contenido de la informacin completa de la clula humana. Esta informacin est codificada en aproximadamente 3,2 mil millones de pares de bases de ADN contenida en 46 cromosomas 22 pares de auto-cromosomas y 2 cromosomas sexuales

Para utilizar la metfora de un libro, el borrador de la secuencia del proyecto genoma le da a la biologa todas las letras, en el orden correcto en las pginas, pero sin la capacidad de reconocer palabras, oraciones, puntuacin, o incluso una comprensin de la lengua en la que el libro est escrito.

La tarea de darle sentido a toda esta informacin biolgica cae, al menos inicialmente, en los especialistas de la bioinformtica que hacen uso de las computadoras para encontrar las palabras y decodificar el lenguaje

El siguiente paso es integrar toda esta informacin en una nueva forma de la biologa experimental, conocida como la genmica, donde se pueden hacer preguntas significativas acerca de lo que ocurre en sistemas complejos en los que decenas de miles de genes diferentes y protenas estn interactuando al mismo tiempo.

De hecho, la primera ola de nuevos medicamentos y tecnologas mdicas derivadas de la informacin del genoma est haciendo su camino a travs de ensayos clnicos y en el sistema de salud.

El modelo de Mendel ahora conocido Las Leyes de Mendel de la gentica. Explican que cada individuo tiene dos copias de material hereditario para cada carcter, que puede determinar las diferentes formas de esos caracteres. Estas dos copias separadas son sometidos a un surtido independiente durante la formacin de los gametos (clulas sexuales). Cuando una persona es creada por la fusin de dos clulas sexuales, las dos copias de los dos padres se combinan para producir un rasgo visible, dependiendo de si la forma es dominante o es recesiva

Los genes estn en los cromosomas

Los genes estn hechos de ADN

Estructura del ADN

Que es un gen
Un gen es una regin de ADN en una regin de un cromosoma que tiene la informacin para sintetizar una protena

El dogma central
Las protenas pueden ser cortadas por proteasas especficas (corte proteoltica), forma enlaces cruzados por enlaces disulfuro ya sea internamente o con otras molculas de protena (del mismo tipo o de diferentes tipos), fosforilados, glicosilados, hidroxilados, carboxilados, aminados en el Cterminal, acilados, y metilados. Se pueden aadir azcares a algunas de las protenas. Las protenas que se localizan dentro de la clula, se excretan, se transportan a travs del cuerpo, y con destino a receptores de superficie celular de determinados tipos de clulas que se encuentran lejos de las clulas que los produjo

Protenas unidas a ADN

Many proteins regulate the transcription of other proteins by binding to the genomic DNA near the coding sequence of the regulated protein and interacting with the RNA polymerase machinery. Muchas protenas regula la formacin de otras protenas unindose al ADN.

A given DNA-binding Una protena unida al protein may stimu- late ADN puede estimular o or repress transcription, reprimir la formacin de or it may have both otra protena, functions, depending on dependiendo de la its proteinprotein interaccin con otras interactions with other protenas que se tran- scription factors, pueden unir a otro ADN which may themselves bind to other DNA

Enfermedades genticas

Variacin gentica humana

Gran parte de lo que nos hace seres nicos es que la secuencia del ADN en cada uno de nosotros es diferente a la de otras personas. Los datos del Proyecto Genoma Humano (PGH), indican entre dos personas hay un 99,9% de secuencias de ADN idnticas. Sin embargo, esa diferencia del 0,1% es de ms de 3,2 millones de bases del ADN y por lo tanto equivale a un nmero significativo de rasgos genticos distintos que hacen diferente el genoma de cada persona.

Muchas enfermedades que se heredan son causadas por un defecto de un solo gen

Box 2 | Central and peripheral functions of the stress response Functions of the central nervous system Facilitation of arousal, alertness, vigilance, cognition, attention and aggression inhibition of vegetative functions (e.g. reproduction, feeding, growth) Activation of counter-regulatory feedback loops Peripheral functions increase of oxygenation Nutrition of brain, heart and skeletal muscles increase of cardiovascular tone and respiration increase of metabolism (catabolism, inhibition of reproduction and growth) increase of detoxification of metabolic products and foreign substances Activation of counter-regulatory feedback loops (includes immunosuppression)

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