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.Sometimes called as process theories .Designed to help us understand the process involved in peoples behavior .

Composed of four keys: Reinforcement theory Expectancy theory Equity theory Goal setting theory

Willingness of individuals and groups, as influenced by various needs and perceptions, to strive toward a goals
Importance: motivated satisfied with their jobs patient/employee/consumer satisfaction organizational effectiveness

Based on research of B.F. Skinner (1953),views motivation as learning conditioned to associate behavior with a consequence

A behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future.

In this theory leaders are most effective when they can control or even manipulate the consequences of a followers behavior..

Consequences influence behavior.

It means that people do things because they know other things will follow.

1964-recognized that motivation is more individualized and tailored to what individual employees expect from the job itself

He proposes three variables to account for: Expectancy, Instrumentality and Valence

Expectancy is the belief that increased effort will lead to increased performance

Instrumentality is the belief that if you perform well that a valued outcome will be received

Valence is the importance that the individual places upon the expected outcome.







Positive valences workers weigh their option and engage in behaviors that will bring about desired reward or outcome

Negative valences - workers sees that certain behavior might bring about negative outcome

David McClelland
1971- recognized that individual employees have different motivational needs and that managers could used information about individual employees to create a motivating work environment

3 need categories are:

1. achievement motivated by task accomplishment -task should be challenging not routine 2. power- more fulfilled by supervisory roles 3. affiliation- strong need to be liked and to work in an environment that is friendly towards them and that involves teamwork

Degree of perceived fairness in the work situation is the key to job satisfaction and worker effort
Calls for a fair balance to be struck between an employees inputs (hard work, skill level, tolerance, enthusiasm, etc.) and an employees outputs (salary, benefits, intangibles such as recognition)

Equity Theory Video Clips

Suggest that people dont expend effort rewards or task outcomes, but to accomplish the goal itself
Believe in :Three assumptions (Locke 1968) : .specific goals are effective than general goals .challenging goals leads to higher performance

.rewards are effective only in that they encourage people to change their goals

Goal Setting Creates the Finish Line

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

1970 stated that lower order needs , must be met first before higher order
Such as: Physiological Safety and security Love and belongingness Self esteem Self actualization

Frederick Herzberg Two-factor or MotivationHygiene theory

(Porter et. al,2003)- used widely by

managers to foster a motivating work environment He propositioned that workers has 2 sets of needs: 1. Intrinsic (Motivators) 2. Extrinsic (Hygiene factors)

1. Intrinsic needs ( MOTIVATORS) -growth, advancement, responsibility, work itself, recognition and achievement
2. Extrinsic needs (HYGIENIC factors) -security status relationship with subordinates and peers, personal life, salary, work conditions, relationship with supervisor, supervision, company policy, and administration

It is possible for an employee to be satisfied intrinsically but dissatisfied extrinsically

In order to be motivated, employees should be satisfied both extrinsically and intrinsically

Motivational Video

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