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Sources of data:

Primary sources. Secondary sources. Books Media Census data Annual reports Case studies Other records

Primary sources 1) Focus group. 8 to 10 membres with moderator. Aim of focus group. Role of moderator. Nature of data obtained from focus group. Videoconfrencing: 2) Panels. Static and dynamic panels. 3) Unabtrusive mesur

Data collection methods

Interviewing. Administring questioner. Observing people and phenomena.

Appearance of questionnaires
A good introduction Identity of researcher Purpose of research assurance of confidentiality of information End on courteous note

Organizing questions, giving instructions and good alignment

Organize questions logically Providing instruction on how to complete each section Neatly aligned questions Which result in less time and effort consumed

Sensitive personal data

Should be asked at the end of questionnaire Should be justified through explanation

Open-ended questions at the end

Allowing respondents to comments Sincere thanks to respondents Concluding the questionnaire End on courteous note Reminding respondent to check that all questions are completed

End on courteous note Reminding respondent to check that all questions are completed
Involves small number of respondents To ensure that questions are understood by respondents And no problems with the wording or measurement

Observational surveys
Without asking questions of respondents Movements, work habits, statements made, body language

Non-participant Without becoming integral part of organizational system Participant Researcher becomes the part of work team

Structured Formats for recording the observations are specifically designed and tailored Minimal personal inference Unstructured No definite ideas of particular aspects that need focus Record practically everything

Observational Studies
Free from biasness Easy to note environmental influence Easy to observe certain individual

Physical presence of observer is necessary Prolonged and expensive Fatigue may bias the results Cognitive thought cant be captured Training of observer is necessary

Mechanical observation
Mechanical observation involves using various types of machines to collect the data, which is then interpreted by researchers.

Projective Methods
World Association Technique A method of assessing somebody's mental state or personality by asking the person to respond with the first word that comes to mind when a given word is heard. examples Work

Projective Methods
Thematic Apperception Test: A projective test in which drawings are shown and the object is asked to make up a story about them.

Thematic Apperception Test:

What comes in your mind?

Inkblot Tests A psychological test in which a subject's interpretation of inkblots is analyzed

A Bat? A Butterfly? A Bird? A Skull? A Butterfly? A dress?

A Tree? A Plane? Two Faces?

Face to face interview: to understand complex issues Telephone interviews used to obtained immediate response from geographical individual but non verbal responses can not be obtained Personally administering questionnaire Established rapport with respondents Provide clarification sought by the respondent Collect questionnaire immediately after completion Mail questionnaire easy to collect data from geographical disperse individual Low response rate Observational studies complex issues thrugh direct observation

Ethics in data collection

From Researcher Side
Guarding the privacy of respondents no misrepresentation of nature of study to objects No violation of self esteem of respondent No compulsion for objects to respond. Personal responsibility of researchers for safety of object No representation in reporting data

From Respondent Side

cooperate Be truthful and honest

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