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Unsur-Unsur Seni Yang Terkandung Dalam Tari Buyung




Unsur seni yang terkandung




Dance is an expression of human feelings are expressed with the rhythmic motion of the human body and beautiful. Based on such understanding, which became the basic substance of the art of dance is motion. Why move? Because the motion is the most primary symptom and is the oldest medium of human beings to express his desire or a form of spontaneous reflection of the human mind. But the motion is not a realistic daily motion but that motion has been given expressive form, which has distilir motion and the motion has aesthetic values. Buyung dance is a dance that was held on the feast seren Taun as the opening act that still exist today. This art serves as a means of ceremonial dance, entertainment, performances and as a descendant who is to convey her gratitude to God Almighty. Buyung Dance tells the village girl who fell a shower with her friends and took the water in the shower with a pitcher.

In arts Dance Buyung certainly there are elements of dance in it. And dance elements contained in it is a modified form of dance movement of dynamic movement and dance Sekar Putri. In Dance pitcher much like the motion ngojay movement (swimming), nyeuseuh (laundry), wash and fetch water while carrying a pitcher, these movements is a series of custom made Cigugur village woman who became the basic tempo dance creation pitcher. In addition, every movement in the dance Buyung also has an implied meaning. Stepping pitcher with a pitcher in the head (nyuhun) close relevance to the phrase "where the earth beneath the sky there upheld." Carrying a pitcher on the head are in need of balance. This means that in life there needs to be a balance between feelings and thoughts. Dance performances pitcher with the formation of Jala Sutra, Nyakra Earth, Bale Bandung, Medang Kamulan, and Nugu Telu have meaning which implies that society is a Sundanese peasant society that is religious. God believed to be the primary cause of all the origin of the source of life and living. While human beings living on this planet is the most perfect of creatures other of God's creation. Art of dance can not stand alone without other support, because in art there is Dancing Buyung other artistic elements that support the existence of the art of dance, like art music and fine arts.


Art Music is a form of work in the form of tone and has a tempo that can be followed by the audience and the music was born from these flows are accompanied by encouragement sensitive tone for one of her senses to feel the stimulation. In arts Dance pitcher also contained elements of art music as supporting the existence of dance art. Dance music that accompanies Buyung deliberately chosen by the creator Emalia Djatikusumah is the song that describes feminism. His music accompanied by singing a poem penembang whose contents are. As for the musical instrument most often used is a set of typical Sundanese musical instruments, such as ovarian lute, harp rindik, flutes, gongs and drums.


Seni rupa adalah cabang seni yang membentuk karya seni dengan bermedia yang bias ditangkap indra penglihat khususnya dan dengan indra perasa (rabaan). Kesan ini menciptakan dengan mengolah konsep garis, bidang, bentuk, volume, warna, tekstur dan pencahayaan dengan acuan estetika. Dalam Kesenian Tari Buyung terkandung unsur seni rupa. Unsur-unsur tersebut berupa instrumen-isntrumen yang mengiringi prosesi tarian tersebut, seperti buyung, kostum dan tata rambut penarinya. Penjelasan dan penggambarannya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Buyung adalah sejenis alat yang terbuat dari logam maupn tanah liat yang digunakan oleh sebagian wanita desa pada zaman dulu untuk mengambil air di sungai, danau, mata air, atau di kolam. Dalam prosesi Tari Buyung, buyung merupakan instumen utama yang menggambarkan karakteristik tari buyung, sehingga apabila tarian tersebut tidak menggunakan buyung tentulah tidak bisa dikatakan tari buyung. Unsur yang kedua adalah kostum dan tata rambut penarinya.

Emalia Djatikusumah sang pencipta tari buyung pulalah yang juga merancang khusus kostum dan tata rambut bagi para penarinya. Dengan berpegang teguh pada etika dan sopan santun, maka kostum ciptaanya pun mencerminkan keanggunan seorang gadis. Sekalipun amat bersahaja, pakaian tersebut konon menggambarkan seorang dewi kayangan, yang turun ke bumi untuk bermandi air.

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