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Improving Literacy by marking/feedback

What a difference an apostrophe makes..... Spot the difference..... Practice

Schools rubbish exam results.

Schools rubbish exam results.

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Literacy and the new framework

Teachers standards 2012

All teachers should:
demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English, whatever the teachers specialist subject

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Literacy in the new framework

The expectation is that schools should ensure that all pupils communicate effectively. Inspectors will evaluate how well teaching is increasing pupils vocabulary, understanding of language and literacy skills. Inspectors will evaluate how well governors, leaders and managers ensure the curriculum is meeting pupils individual literacy needs.
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The November 2013 book scrutiny

78 exercise books or folders of work were looked at. The Standard of Performance for Literacy Marking/Feedback was only implemented in 20 books and not always then as explicitly as possible. 58 books had none of this marking in them.

Trinity School Standard of Performance

Literacy Across The Curriculum Feedback for Literacy Feedback for Literacy Across the Curriculum aims to increase pupils ability to communicate their knowledge and understanding effectively across all subjects. This Standard of Performance aims to provide feedback to pupils that will help complement subject knowledge and improve their use of Literacy across all subjects.

To create an effective whole school approach to feedback for literacy that is consistent, purposeful and easily interpreted by pupils, teachers and parents. To give common feedback to pupils that will help them improve their use of literacy in all subjects.

Key Marking Principles:

A focus on literacy skills that coincides with the meaning and purpose of the work. Marking is done selectively, with colleagues using their judgement in choosing the focus. For example, the focus could be on the first two paragraphs, or high frequency words, or subject specific vocabulary of each key piece of work. The literacy marking focus and success criteria should be shared with pupils prior to any assessment taking place. Time needs to be built into lessons to allow pupils chances to actively respond to the feedback given and improve their skills.

Standard of Performance
All staff will use the following system of abbreviations when marking pupils written work for literacy:

Marginal Abbreviation Sp

Details Used to highlight to student incorrect spelling or pattern of spellings. Students then have to find the correct spelling and write it down at the end of their work. Grammatical error that means the sentence does not make sense. For example: We was cold. Incorrect use of punctuation or punctuation is missing. A new paragraph is needed because of a change of topic, person or place. Expression lacks clarity, or is awkward. For example: Soaps are something that come on the TV to entertain you in the evening. Students re-write the sentence.

Gr Pu NP Exp

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

Subject specific vocabulary. Source




What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

The first two paragraphs of writing. At least highlight a few key errors, e.g.
Some key/repeated spelling errors (sp) Some missing capitals/punctuation (caps/pu)

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

Other areas to tackle:
Grammar e.g. of/have, did/done, saw/seen slips. Expression e.g. clumsy/unclear sentences. Paragraphs e.g. ensuring their use/variety.

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

Consider the examples on your table.

Firstly, the Science and R.S. Work.

Example of marked R.S. Work.....

Example of Science work...

Example of marked Science work...

Literacy Across the Curriculum Resources to help:

Moodle and N-Drive folder:
literacy mats high-frequency words lists literacy rules/reminders posters last cpd Power-Point reading lists for ERIC etc.

The first 100 high-frequency words include:

Your Which There Said Where Would People These Could Know Very With More About First Have

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

Consider the examples on your table. Look at the English, Maths and ICT work.

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

Moving into departmental groups, share thoughts about the best practice.
Curriculum Leaders have been asked to provide some subject-specific work to consider.

Departmental tables ?!
1 = MFL 2 = Humanities 3 = Science 4 = CDT 5 = The Arts 6 = Maths 7 = English 8 = ICT/B. Studs 9 = L. Support 10 = R.S. 11= P.E.

Taking this forward into your own practice

What will you do when giving written feedback to students?
Do you need further help? If so: talk to HOD/Curric Leader/DME!

What/how much should we mark for Literacy?

The first two paragraphs of writing. At least highlight a few key errors, e.g.
Some key/repeated spelling errors (sp) Some missing capitals/punctuation (caps/pu)

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