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Sometimes, misfortune comes without notice. You cannot know what lies for you at a minute ahead. Such is the mystery of God. Accident is accident. There is no explanation for it. It is God's monopoly. Accident may be minor or major. It may leave you with slight injury; it may take away your life; or it may hurt you grievously. But, we can avoid it through the following step.

Keep your vehicle in good mechanical order. Replace worn tires and brakes as needed. Keep windshield washer fluid full and
change out windshield wipers on a regular basis.

Check blind spots and use the signal lights before you change lanes. There's always random side-streets and parking areas where people can just pull out without you noticing.

Checking your blind spots before you move in the next lane always helps avoids side-swiping accidents.
When you use the signal lights, you are also warning everyone that you want to change your lanes. They will slow down or stop the car until you pass road.

Keep a safe distance from other car. When you push the brake, it takes a few seconds to stop the car because of the time it takes to react, think, and push the brake. The safe distance depends on the speed.

When you push the brake, you also can slide a little bit distance so we must keep a safe distance.
More fast, more distant.

Government Role In Curbing Road Accidents

Penalty who does not comply with the law Law enforcement Fine according to the law

Setting road blocks

Set it especially during festival seasons

Reduce accidents

Avoid being done at day

Should be done at night

Road maintenance

Condition of weather
When weather conditions suddenly change, the risks of car accidents can likewise substantially increase. In fact, statistics revealed that bad weather condition is responsible for around 24% of all road crashes.

When raining
Poor traction- Drivers may have problems staying in the proper lane when the roads are wet. In addition, it may hinder them from stopping immediately to avoid crashing into other vehicles. Poor visibility- Falling rain or snow can prevent drivers from seeing clearly. Their windshield can easily become dirty, thus increasing the chances that they will not be able to immediately notice the presence other road drivers and hazards.

Preventing Car Accidents Caused by Bad Weather

Do not turn off your headlights Check your vehicle before driving it.

Be careful when approaching intersections.

Avoid being distracted and always keep your eyes on the road. Do not overtake other vehicles, unless doing so is necessary

Do not turn off your car headlights

Check your vehicle before driving it.

Be careful when approaching intersections.

Avoid being distracted and always keep your eyes on the road.

Do not overtake other vehicles, unless doing so is necessary

Everyone play an important role to build up the free accident world.

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