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The Spanish Civil War

Robert Capa, Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, 1936

Miguel Primo de Rivera,


Jos Antonio Primo de Rivera founder of Falange

Pedrero, El Generalissimo The Supreme Commander (1937)

Carlos Saenz de Tejada, Facing the Sun, 1940

Salvador Dali, Espagne, 1938

(Avida Dollars)
Dali wrote: The Spanish Civil War changed none of my ideas. I believed neither in the communist revolution nor the national socialist revolution. I believed only in the supreme reality of tradition.

Was Francos regime fascism?

Stanley Payne pluralist nature of dictatorship. Juan Linz authoritarian particularly as regime did not base itself on a mass, fascist party. Paul Preston the similarities between Franco and Italian fascism and Nazism. Martin Blinkhorn regime had a fascist phase

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