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Wellness And Healthy Lifestyle

The integration of many different components that expand ones potential to live (quality of life) and work effectively and to make significant contribution to the society.

* term used to describe as the positive components of health

Components of Wellness
1. Emotional-Mental Wellness ability to cope with daily circumstances and deal with personal feelings in a positive, optimistic and constructive manner.

2. Intellectual Wellness ability to learn and use information to enhance the quality of daily living and optimal functioning.

3. Physical Wellness ability to function effectively in meeting the demands of one days work and to use free time effectively. It includes physical fitness and possession of good motor skill.

4. Social Wellness
ability to interact with others successful and to establish meaningful relationships that enhance quality of life for all people involved in the interaction.

5. Spiritual wellness

ability to establish a values system and act on the systems of beliefs

Quality of Life
A term used to describe wellness. An individual with quality of life can enjoyably do the activities of life with little or no limitation and can function independently.


basic building blocks of the body. provides the basic structural properties of the cell and the source of enzymes and hormones in the body. formed from 20 different amino acids

9 essential amino acids must be obtained directly from diet. complete proteins: contains all the essential amino acids. e.g., meat, dairy products and fish. incomplete proteins are beans, nuts and rice.


primary energy food for vigorous muscular activity. found in the body form of glucose and glycogen. forms of carbohydrates includes lactose (milk sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), and starches. Table sugar is not equal to blood sugar!

* used

as source of energy in the body and is capable of being stored. It is the carrier of vitamins A, D, E and K. 2 Kinds: 1. Saturated fats-dietary fats that are usually solid at room temperature and come primarily from red meats, dairy products and eggs. * source of LDL (low density lipo-lipids)

2. Unsaturated fats * liquid at room temperature and come primarily from vegetables a. Monosaturated * Decreases LDL w/o decreasing HDL b. Polysaturated * Decreases LDL but also decreases HDL


group of 22 metallic elements vital to cell functioning; minerals are part of enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Calcium: bone, muscle and muscle development. Iron: for the blood to carry adequate oxygen.

Phosphorous: builds bones and teeth Sodium: regulates the water in the body Zinc which aids in the healing process Potassium: roper muscle function


Medium for transporting nutrients and hormones removal of wastes in the body. Regulates body temperature.

* A mental, emotional, or physical response to an event or some real or imagined factor in life. * can result from excitement or from frightening and threatening events. Stressor * Event or condition that causes stress.
1. Eustress-improves and enhances performance and healthy living. 2. Distress-a harmful and unpleasant stress.

Physical Activity and Stress Management

Physical activity can provide relief from stress. Physical activity is associated with a reduced physiological response that is similar, in many ways to the bodys response to psychosocial stressor.

* Physical

activity can improve mental health. Exercise can reduce anxiety, aid in recovery from depression assist in efforts in eliminating negative health behaviors.

Stress, Sleep and Relaxation

* Circadian rhythm

* Stress can be both a cause and a consequence of impaired sleep. * One must get adequate sleep. * Average adult needs between 7-8 hours per night.

Guidelines for Good Sleep

1. Be aware of the effects of the medications. 2. Avoid tobacco use. Nicotine is a stimulant and can interfere sleep. 3. Avoid excess alcohol. 4. Avoid vigorous activity before bedtime.

5. Sleep in a room cooler than normal. 6. Avoid hard-to-digest foods late in the day as well as fatty and spicy foods. 7. Avoid large meals late in the day or right before bedtime. 8. Avoid too much liquid before bedtime.

9. Avoid naps during day. 10. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. 11. Do not study, read, or engage in other activities in your bed. 12. If having sleep a difficulty, do not stay in bed.

Coping with Stress

Coping - a persons constantly changing cognitive and psychological efforts to manage stressful situations. 3 Basic Strategies in Coping with Stress 1. Emotion focused - adapting to stress that in based on regulating the emotions that cause or result from stress.

2. Appraisal focused - adapting to stress based on changing the perceptions of stress and resources of coping. 3. Problem focused - adapting based on the source of the stress. Avoidant coping - seeking immediate temporary relief through distraction or self-indulgence.

Relaxation Techniques
1. Exercise-decreases muscular tension 2. Deep breathing 3. Progressive muscle relaxation 4. Biofeedback 5. Therapeutic massage

* Pattern of behavior or ways an individual typically lives * includes activities of daily living as well as some sports and recreational activities

Lifestyle physical activity is the foundation of an active lifestyle







1 metabolic equivalent (1 MET)amount of energy expended at rest. Aerobic Physical Activities - moderate intensity physical activities - aerobic metabolism Anaerobic Physical Activities - activities performed at great intensity - bodys demand for oxygen exceeds its ability to supply it

Lifestyle Change
important to reduce illness and avoid debilitating conditions.
age, gender, heredity, social status, current health and fitness level affect health behavior

Leading Causes of Death


Pneumonia TB Diarrhea Heart Disease Stroke Liver Disease Injuries Cancer Senility Diptheria

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Bronchitis/Emphysema Injuries/Accidents Diabetes Pneumonia/Flu Alzheimers Kidney Disease Septicemia

Benefits of Lifestyle Physical Activities 1. Improves metabolic fitness-includes normal lipid levels, normal BP, normal blood sugar level and healthy body fats level. 2. Promotes cardiovascular fitness. 3. Reduces risk of disease and early deaths. 4. Helps to have longer sleep 5. Enhances self esteem and lessen the incidence of depression and anxiety.

Free time
Recreation - something that you do for amusement or for fun Leisure - time that is free from the demands of work. - more than a free time; it is an attitude. Play - activity done of ones own free will. It is

Time Management - Effective time management helps to adapt to the

stress of living.

Strategies in Managing Time

1. Know how to spend time

2. Set goals and deadlines 3. Prioritize 4. Write it down 5. Include recreational activities in the schedule 6. Make the most of the time 7. Avoid procrastination

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