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Nature of Diplomacy

Agung Nurwijoyo

International Understanding
International Relations
Negara A Negara B

International Politics

Negara A

Negara B

Foreign Policy

Negara A

DMP= Decision Making Process

Negara B

DMP= Decision Making Process

General Concept
1. POLITIK a. Diplomasi b. Propaganda




a. b. c. d.

Kartel Perjanjian Dumping Sanksi Ekonomi


a. Koersi b. Perang




Diplomasi #1
Making and Execution of Foreign Policy Business of Communicating between Government (J. Frankel, 1988) As the Process of Representation and Negotiation by which state customarily deal with one another in term of peace (Padleford and Lincoln, 1966)

Konferensi Asia Afrika 1955

It is an application of tact and intelligence in international policies through negotiation, persuasion and compromise* (Prakash Chandra) *) also by threats of force

Diplomats is the eyes and ears of his government Function of a Diplomats: 1. Representation symbolic, legal, political 2. Negotiation the pursuit of a agreement by compromise and direct personal contact 3. Reporting required to keep their government posted with development in the accredited states 4. Protection of the interests of the nation and its citizens in foreign lands look after nat. interest as intepreted by policy makers and according to treaties and principle of intl. law

The Origins of Modern Diplomacy

Art of Diplomacy awal lebih orientasi kepada intl. law Yunani Kuno dan Roman Empire Abad pertengahan Peran Representasi di Italia. Mod.diplomacy as an organised profession. Peran diplomat yang makin terstandar tapi perkembangan New Diplomacy berkembang di era informasi dan negara bangsa conference New Diplomacy refers to Open Diplomacy

Nature of Diplomacy
The Speed of Communication efek: policy maker becoming their own diplomats Development of alliance system Increasing importance of public opinion in foreign matters Application of the principle of liberal democracy to conduct of foreign relations Minor factor: the growing sense of the community of nations and the major role of super powers in the field of world diplomacy who are new comers without any diplomatic tradition

Various Form of New Diplomacy

Democratic and Open: Treaty, Covenant Totalitarian: espionage/intelligence activity by diplomats (World War and Cold War) Conference Personal Diplomacy: exp. Yalta Conf, Postdam Conf, KAA 1955, GNB 1961 New Dimensions: economic, cultural, military besides political diplomacy

Public Opinion
Open Diplomacy, ciri: 1. No Secret Agreement 2. Negotiation should be in the open Diplomacy by Conference UN Diplomacy with Rival Bloc or Limit Common Interests (J. Frankel, 1988) Old Diplomacy New Diplomacy 1. Democratic and Open Diplomacy 2. Totalitarian Diplomacy 3. Diplomacy by Conference 4. Summit or Personal Diplomacy (Chandra, 1979)

Negosiasi #1
FORMAL (an exchange of notes) INFORMAL (personal or unofficial contacts)
Objective Memperoleh persetujuan dari negara lain tentang hal-hal yang terdapat dalam kepentingan nasional

Negosiasi #2
Basic Technique: 1. Persuasi 2. Kompromis
Bila pihak yang bernegosiasi bersikap bermusuhan / saling sungkan, maka diperlukan pihak ke-3 sebagai: 1. Mediasi a. Menawarkan tempat; b. Membawa kedua belah pihak bersama c. Ybs ambil bagian 1. Konsiliasi Ybs berpartisipasi dalam determinasi term of settlement 2. Arbitrasi Menghasilkan keputusan hukum yang mengikat

Propaganda #1
Berbagai usaha / percobaan sistematik untuk mempengaruhi, pikiran, emosi, dan tindakan dari suatu kelompok tertentu yang ditujukan kepada publik tertentu tanpa kekerasan (Frankel, 1988)

Propaganda #2
Kadang kala Garis pembatas antar 2 instrumen ini tidak jelas

1. Propaganda ditujukan kepada publik. Diplomasi kepada pemerintah. 2. Propaganda mementingkan diri sendiri (suatu negara tertentu)

Macam: 1. Radio Gelombang Pendek 2. Berita dan Keterangan (News & Information): A. Attractive attention B. Positive Response 3. Big Lie Kebohongan diciptakan dan diulang-ulang secara berulang kali

Diplomasi dalam Islam

Didefinisikan dengan ( Sistem hubungan antar negara) Dua karakteristik diplomasi yang dipraktikkan umat Islam: (Jere L Bacharach, Medieval Islamic Civilization) 1. Pertama, pada masa awal Islam, tujuan religius menjadi fokus. Diplomasi adalah untuk mengajak kaum di luar Islam untuk memeluk Islam, beriman kepada Allah SWT dan RasulNya. 2. Lebih bersifat politis. Pada masa pemerintahan Islam banyak ekspedisi dan perluasan wilayah.

Diplomasi dalam Islam

Islam perkenalkan konsep baru dalam Diplomasi: Transedental Diplomacy Ad dien menjadi landasan dalam pola diplomasi Islam Transformasi dari Materi menjadi Immateri Ekspansi, mobilisasi, koordinasi yang dilakukan Islam dipengaruhi oleh value-added dari ad dien Bekerjasama dengan pihak yang mampu berikan maslahat dan menjadi minzholah bagi dakwah

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