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Henoch-Schnlein Purpura


Most common vasculitic disease of

Systemic small blood vessels vasculitis Non-thrombocytopenic purpura, arthritis,

abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding and nephritis

Medical record CM hospital 1998-2003 23 cases with HSP Symptoms cases

Purpuric rash
Joint pain Abdominal pain

14 10

GI tract bleeding Nephritis

3 2

Case, , 9 years old

-2 weeks - Fever - Cough - Nausea - Vomiting

-1 week - Painful of lower extremities - Nausea - Vomiting - Stomachache - Purpuric rash CM hospital D/: Leptospirosis 5 days

-1 day - Purpuric rash on lower extremities >>> - Painful of knees - Nausea - Abdominal pain - Black stool

5th Nov 03 Allergy and Immunology CM hospital

Physical Examination
BW 30 kg (P50-75 NCHS) BL 125 cm (P25-50 NCHS) Alert, pale (-), dyspneu (-), cyanosis (-) HR : 92 x/min, RR : 24 x/min, T : 37,0 oC BP : 110/70 mmHg Eye : normal Mouth : normal Heart and lungs : normal


: epigastric pain (+) liver and spleen not palpable

Extremities : Multiple purpuric rash on lower extremities Joint : painful on knees


Hb 12 g/dL, Ht 34.3%, L 28,100/L, T 879,000/L, diff. count -/1/-/82/13/5

ESR 50 mm/hr Urinalysis : normal

Henoch-Schnlein Purpura


Ureum 24 mg/dL, Creatinin 1 mg/dL IgA 166.1 mg/dL (N: 48-104 mg/dL),

C3 154.8 mg/dL (N: 55-120 mg/dL),

C4 30.7 mg/dL (N: 20-50 mg/dL)

Skin biopsy ~ leucocytoclastic vasculitis

Endoscopy : esophagitis



3 x 5 mg iv

Methylprednisolone 3 x 8 mg p o


2 x 60 mg p o

Follow up

On 5th day :
Purpuric rash resolved Abdominal pain Nausea and vomiting (-)

On 8th day :

Follow up

2 weeks later
Symptoms (-), laboratory abnormalities (-)

8 months later
Purpuric rash (+) Any pain (-)

Prednisone 5 days


Age: 2 11 years of age

Boys > girls

Incidence: 14 per 100,000 population


Unknown Upper respiratory tract infection Streptococcus Mycoplasma pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori, Campylobacter jejune, Shigella, hepatitis A, B, C virus, varicella, measles, rubella, CMV, Foods, drugs, chemical toxin

Case: (suspected) viral infection


IgA mediated small vessels vasculitis

Serum IgA concentration

Immune complexes deposit alternative pathway Inflammatory reaction

Clinical manifestation

Skin lesions palpable purpura

2 10 mm in diameter, pruritus <, pressure dependent distribution

Joint pain in ankle and knees Gastrointestinal tract edema, hemorrhage

Clinical manifestation
Kidney microscopic hematuria Central nervous system seizure, headache, intracranial hemorrhage Pulmonary and pleural hemorrhage Pancreatitis Myocarditis Cholecystitis


American College of Rheumatology (ACR) : palpable purpura age 20 years at onset bowel angina biopsy : granulocytes in the walls of arterioles or venules

Case: 9 years old, palpable purpura, nausea, abdominal pain, joint pain Skin biopsy : leucocytoclastic vasculitis


Leptospirosis : common symptoms acute febrile illness severe headache photophobia Corticosteroid abdominal pain

Differential diagnosis

Hypersensitivity vasculitis (HV)

Palpable purpura Bowel angina Gastrointestinal bleeding Hematuria

Age at onset 20 years

No history of medications


Routine laboratory examination :

Complete blood count Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Benzidin test Urinalysis Renal function test

Case : leucocytosis, thrombocytosis, ESR, IgA and C3

Skin biopsy
Leucocytoclastic vasculitis Case : epidermis basket waves dermis predominantly lymphocytes with nuclear dust ~ leucocytoclastic vasculitis


Supportive :
Hydration Bowel rest Pain control Nutritional status

Corticosteroid :
Abdominal pain Renal complication

Case : dexamethasone 3 x 5 mg IV methylprednisolone 3 x 8 mg orally ranitidine 2 x 60 mg orally

Renal complication (-) overall
prognosis is good

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