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8086 Assembly

-All addresses of 8086 are of 16-bits.

-Address bus of 8086 is of 20bit,so addressable RAM is 220=1MB.
-Concept of Segments is used.
-DS:0000 , ES:0000 ,CS:0000 ,SS:0000

Segment address: Starting address of each segment. (16-bit).

Offset address: Distance of memory location from start of segment(16-bit). (64K)

Logical address: 32 bit segment: offset address.

Physical address: 20 bit address calculated from 32 bit logical address. ES

-32 bits converted to 20 bit.

• How 32 bit address converted into 20bits address.
-For conversion segment address is multiplied by 10h (shift left one time) and then adds offset to it.
To get physical address.

Example: 1000: 1F00

1000 x 10 10000
1F00 offset address

11F00 physical address


Segment Registers

Instruction Register

General Purpose Register

Index Register ALU

Special Registers
Flag Registers

CPU Organization of 8086

• Segment Registers (16-bits)
-used to store the starting address of the segments of the program.

DS used to hold starting address of Data segment.

CS used to hold the starting address of Code segment.
SS used to hold the starting address of Stack segment.
ES used to hold the starting address of Extra segment.

• General Purpose Registers(16-bits)

16 bits registers used for any purpose but some have specific uses. Each of these registers has 2 parts which can be
separately used.

AX is Accumulator used for addition


BX is Base Register used to hold the address.


CX is counter register used to run loop


DX is data register used in addition and multiplication.

• Index Registers
DI Destination Index and SI Source Index registers are used to hold address.
• Special Purpose Registers
IP Instruction Pointer is used to hold the address of the next instruction to be executed.
SP Stack Pointer is used to hold the address of the top of stack.
BP Base pointer is used to hold address.

• FLAG Register
A 16-bit register, each bit reflects some condition and can be accessed individually. Each bit is called a flag which is set
(1) or clear /Reset(0).

Status Flags Control Flag

-Carry -interrupt
-Zero -Trap
-Sign -Direction
-Auxiliary Carry

• Control Flags
DF used for specifying the direction of copying a string.
0=Left to Right 1=Right to Left
IF used to enable or disable interrupts.
0=Interrupt Enable 1=Interrupt Disable
TF used to debug one instruction at a time.
0=Normal Execution 1=Step by Step Execution

• Status Flags
CF set when carry generated and clear otherwise.
AH=0FFh AH +1 =00000000 and carry generated.
OF set when results overflow into sign bit and reset otherwise.
BH=7Fh BH +1 =80 OF=set
SF set when result is –ve and reset otherwise.
ZF set when result of computation is zero and reset otherwise.
AF set when carry generated out of lower nibble to higher nibble and reset otherwise.
0000 1001 + 0000 1000 AC
PF set when parity (no of 1’s ) is Even and reset otherwise.

• Control Signals
4 to 10 parallel signal lines. CPU sends signals on control bus.
-read signal ,write signal ,clock signal, reset signal ,memory signal ,IO device signal, Bus Requested and Bus Granted
• Program Structure
Title 128 characters long title (optional)
Dosseg Directs Assembler to arranger segments in order (optional)
.Model Specifies one of the following memory models
Tiny Code Segment + Data Segment together must not be exceed 64k
Small One of the Code Segment or Data Segment can exceed 64k
Medium Code Segment can exceed 64k
Compact Data Segment can exceed 64k
Large Both code and Data Segment can exceed 64k
Huge All available memory can be used.
.Stack 10h Specifies space for stack (optional)
.Code Specifies the start of code Segment
Main Proc Indicates start of main procedure

Main Endp

Other procedures
.data Specifies start of data Segment
Data Definitions
End Main
• Instruction Format

Mnemonic Operand Comments

Mov Ax,10 ;Accumulator loaded

Uni-operand Instructions
have single operand. One operand can be Register or Memory.

Bi- operand Instructions have two operands. Following can be combinations of operands.

- register, register
- register, memory
- register, constant
- Memory, register
- memory, constant

• Both operands can never be memory locations.

• Constants can never be destination operands.
• Data Transfer Instructions


Mov Destination ,Source

Possible moves

Mov Register ,Register Mov Register ,Immediate Operand

Mov Register ,Memory Mov Immediate Operand, Register
Mov Memory ,Register Mov Segment Register ,Memory
Mov Register ,Segment Register Mov Memory, Segment Register
Mov Segment Register ,Register

• CS register can never be destination operand.

• Segment register to segment register move is not allowed.
• Operand size must be match.
• Memory to memory move is not allowed.
• Immediate operand can never be destination.
• If source operand is an constant ,must be in range of the destination operand.
Array DB10h,20h,30h,40h,50h
Mov AL,Array
Mov BL,Array +1
Mov CL,Array+3
Mov Array+2,DL
• XCHG (Exchange)
-Used to exchange contents of two operands.

XCHG operand1,operand2

-one operand must be a register.

-Memory to Memory Exchange.

• Addressing modes
Flexible ways to access memory. Bx, Bp, Si and Di are the registers used by user to access memory.
Bx ,Bp Base register
Si ,DI  Index Register.

6. Displacement only/Direct address mode.

7. Register indirect addressing mode
8. Indexed addressing mode.
9. Based addressing mode
10. Based indexed addressing mode.

1.Direct Addressing mode;

-Direct address used .(offset)

mov dl,[1234]
mov al,[3475]
mov [1234],al
mov [FFFF],var1

-By default offset is from DS, segment prefix used otherwise.

2.Register In-direct Addressing mode;

-Access memory indirectly by registers.


Mov al, [si]

Mov bl, [di] al
Mov cl, [bx]
Mov dl, [bp]
Bx =offset of variable
[Bx]=value of variable

3.Indexed Addressing Mode

-Final offset =displacement +offset

-mov al, 20h[bx]

-If bx=1000 , Final offset =1020

Mov al , disp[bx]
Mov bl, disp [bp]
Mov cl, disp [si] 20h

Mov dl, disp [di]

4.Based Addressing Mode
-Both base and index registers used.
- Mov al, [bx],[si]
Mov bl , [bp],[di] al
Mov cl , [bp],[di]
If bx=1000h
Mov al, [1000+880] Bx
Mov al,[1880]

5.Based Indexed Addressing Mode

-Base and index register used with displacement.
- Mov al, [bx] [Si]
Mov bl, disp [bx] [di]
Mov cl, disp [bp] [Si]
Mov dl, disp [bp] [di]

If bx =0010 al
Si = 0010
disp=0020 disp
Mov al, [bx+SI+disp]
Mov al,[0010+0010+0020]
Mov al,[0040] Bx
Mov al , [bx+Si+disp]
Mov al, disp[bx+Si]
Mov al , disp[bx[[Si]

17 ways to Access Memory

[ bx ] [ Si ]

[ bp ] [ di ]

Column A Column B Column C

-Choose one item from one column at a time.

19. disp 8. disp[ bp] [di] 16.[si]
20. disp[ bx ] 9. disp[bp] [si] 17.[di]
21. disp[ bp] 10. [bx]
22. disp[ SI] 11.[bp]
23. disp[ di] 12.[bx][Si]
24. disp[ bx][Si] 13.[bx][di]
25. disp[ bx][di] 14.[bp][Si]
15. [bp][di]
• Interrupts
-Whenever normal execution of program is stopped due to some H/w or S/W activity, the interrupt is said to be

-There are two types of interrupts.

5. Hardware Interrupt
6. Software Interrupt

Hardware Interrupt occurs when only h/w device needs attention from microprocessor.
-Controlled by 8259A PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller).
-Each H/w has its own interrupt request pin attached to PIC.
-Only one interrupt can be passed to microprocessor at one time.
-Interrupt pin can be enabled or disabled by changing the interrupt flag.
Software Interrupt
-Calls to subroutines located in operating system or BIOS.
-Generated by user through instructions
-Execute predefined code
-Subroutines are identified by a number in range 0-FFh.
-Addresses of routines are saved in IVT (interrupt vector table).
-Lowest 1024 bytes of memory.
-Contains addresses of all interrupts.
-Each entry of IVT is of 32 bits.
segment : offset (address of interrupt).
32bits = 4bytes.
No. of entries =1024 /4 = 256
Process fallowed by an INT
-S/w Interrupts called by instruction int
int number

-Whenever microprocessor receive int instruction.

-pushes segment address to stack.
-pushes IP address to stack.
-pushes flag register to stack.
-Multiplies int no by 4 to get address of ISR (INT service routine).
-Jumps to that address and starts execution.
-Reads IRET instruction of each ISR to specify the end of ISR.
-Whenever CPU finds IRET instruction
-Pops flag register from stack
-Pops IP from stack
-Pops segment address (CS) from stack.
-Control Transferred back to calling program.
• int 21 h (DOS int for I/O)

-Each interrupt is further divided into smaller routines called services. Int 21h
-Each service is assigned a number.
-No. must be loaded into AH register before calling interrupt. 0

mov ah,3
int 21h 3
• Services of DOS int 21h
1.Char input with echo

Service no. 1
mov ah,1
int 21h

mov char, al

-character input by the user would be available in al register after above two instructions, and then it is moved to any
char variable for its further use.

2.Char output

Service no. 2
mov ah,2
mov dl, ‘ * ’ ;dl must be loaded before calling int with character.
int 21h


mov ah, 1
int 21h
mov dl , al
int 21 h
3.Char input without echo

Service no. 3

mov ah,7
int 21h
-character input by user would be contained in al

4.String output

Service no. 9
-offset of string must be loaded into dx.

mov ah,9
mov dx, offset str1
int 21h

str1 db ‘----------’
-String terminator is $
-Each string must include $ for proper output.
-ASCII control characters:
-0Dh used for carriage return (cursor go at the start of that line)
-0Ah used for line feed (cursor move to next line)
5.Buffered String input

Service 0Ah
-Input a string up to 255 characters.
-Maximum limit should be given first
-Actual input is stored automatically.
-Offset of buffer must be loaded in dx.
-One space is reserved for enter key rest of space is available to store string entered by user.

mov ah, 0Ah

mov dx, offset max
int 21h.

max db 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
input actual db? max
string db 6 dup(0)
-one character less than the maximum length is stored.

6.Buffered String input String stored

Service 4
mov dl =(bit data)
mov ah=4
int 21h
-Outputs a character to the current auxiliary device.
7. Normal Termination

Service 4c00h

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
ADD instruction
-Adds an operand (source operand 8/16bit) to destination operand of same size.

add destination, source

-Source remain unchanged.

-Destination contains result of addition.

Possible adds

add register, register add ax, bx

add memory, register add a, al
add register, memory add ah, c
add register, memory add ah, c
add register, Immediate operand add ax, 10h
add memory , Immediate operand add b , 10h


-operands must be of same size.

-Both operands can’t be memory location.
-Segment register can never be destination.

J = K +M A= B +C +D+E
mov ax ,K mov ax , B
add ax, M add ax , C
mov J , ax add ax, D
add ax, E
mov A ,ax

INC Instruction
-adds 1 to destination operand.
-uni-operand instruction

inc dest
-dest = dest +1

Possible increments
-inc register (8/16 bit)
-inc memory (8/16 bit)
Subtract Instruction
sub destination, source
-dest = dest – source
-source remains unchanged.

Possible subtracts

sub register, register sub ax, bx

sub memory, register sub cx, ax
sub register, memory sub a, al
sub register, memory sub bl, c
sub register, Immediate operand sub ah, 2
sub memory , Immediate operand sub var , 2


-operands must be of same size.

-Both operands can’t be memory location.
-Segment register can never be destination

mov al ,4
sub al ,8

al =0000 0100
0000 1000

1111 1100

0000 0011

0000 0100

DEC Instruction
-subtracts 1 from destination operand.
-uni-operand instruction

dec dest
dest = dest -1

Possible increments
-dec register (8/16 bit)
-dec memory (8/16 bit)
FLAG Effected ZF=1 AC =1 CF =1
- Used to give symbolic names to constants.

-redefined able equate
2. EQU
-non-redefined able equate
-assigns name to a string or numeric constants.
name equ string/constant

e.g. Continue equ ‘Do you want to continue’

move equ mov

address equ offset

move ax, bx
move bx, address string
• Operators

3. Arithmetic Operators
+ , - , * , / ,Mod,+, -.
Precedence ( ) ,* ,/,Mod, +,_

7. Offset Operator
-return offset (address) of variable.
-e.g. mov bx , offset array

11. Segment Operator

-return segment’s address.
e.g. mov ax, segment array

15. PTR operator

-identifies attributes of memory operand.
-Forces a variable to be used as of specified type.
e.g. mov ax, word ptr var1
-ptr can also override operands default type.
e.g. Mov al ,byte ptr wordval ; al=26
-wordval dw 1026h
-When indirect addressing is used,ptr used to identify memory operan’s size . e.g. if source operand is an immediate
operand and is less than 256,assembler does’nt know destination is 8 /16 bit,and generate syntax error.
mov [bx] ,10h ; error
mov byte ptr [bx] ,10h ;correct
But no need of using ptr if it s greater than 256 value.
e.g. mov [bx],1000h ; no error
-If one of operand is register, assembler deduces size of indirect operand by register size.

e.g. mov dl, [bx] ;8 bit move

mov [bx] , dx ;16 bit move
-When only operand is indirect operand then ptr is needed.

inc [bx]
inc byte ptr [bx] or inc word ptr [bx]
Transfer of control instruction normal execution of program is in sequence ,this sequence of
execution can be altered.

TOC Instructions

Jumps Loops

Conditional Unconditional Conditional Unconditional

jumps jumps loops loops

Jumps (unconditional)
-CPU causes or start execution at a new location.
-Location is specified by a label ,converted into address by assembler.

Unconditional jumps

Intra segment Inter segment

short near Far

Intra-segment jumps:
a- Short Jump

jmp destination

jmp short destination

-destination is a label.
-label must be in range of -128 - +127 bytes from the point of the jmp.
-It can be a forward or backward jump.
-8 bits signed value move to IP.
Example Example
mov ah,1 mov dx , offset str1
mov al,2 mov ah,9
jmp F1 int 21h
mov bh,7 F2:
mov bl,8 move ah,1
F1: int 21h
mov ah,2 jmp F2
mov dl , ‘@’
int 21h

( forward jump) (backward jump)

• Near Jumps

jmp dest
jmp near ptr dest
-destination is specified by a label.
-label must be within same segment.
-16 bits displacement address to IP.

-If we don’t use short or near ptr assembler automatically converts it into short or near.
-If intrasegment jumps only IP is changed.

IP =IP + dest


IP =IP - dest
Inter-Segment Jumps


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