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1. The nurse knows which of the following indicates protein deficiency? a. Hypoalbuminemia and pot belly b.

Koionychia (spoon-shaped nails) c. Beefy red tongued. d. Bleeding gums

2. Before administering a tube feeding the nurse knows to perform which of the following assessments?

a. The GI tract including bowel sound, last BM and distention b. The clients neurologic status, especially gag reflex c. The amount of air in the stomach d. The formula used directly from the refrigerator

3. An adult is being taught about a healthy diet. The nurse can offer: a. Milk b. Jello c. Freshly squeezed orange juice d. Ice cream

5. An adult has received an injection of immunoglobulin. The nurse knows that the client will develop which of the following types of immunity:

a. Active natural immunity b. Active artificial immunity c. Passive natural immunity d. Passive artificial immunity

6. BON Resolution No 432 S 2003 is: a. Guidelines for the implementation of Board Resolution No. 14 S 1999 b. Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9173 c. Special training on intravenous injection for nurses d. Adoption of a Guide to Evaluate Compliance with Standard for Safe Nursing Practice.

7. Its a type of non-probability sampling wherein the researcher identifies population strata and determines how many participants are needed for each stratum

a. Quota Sampling b. Purposive Sampling c. Convenience sampling d. Simple stratified sampling

8. All but one are concepts of informed consent. a. It must be voluntary-without coercion or force b. Patient must be competent c. Knowledgeable information should be provided d. It must be signed right after administration of pre-ops meds.

9. The following concepts of liability negligence are true, except? a. Deviation from standard of care is established. b. Duty is owed to the nurse c. Financial, physical and emotional harm is establish d. Direct cause for failure to meet standard of care clearly established.

10. The nurse is caring for a client whose arterial blood gases indicate metabolic acidosis. The nurse knows that of the following, the least likely to cause metabolic acidosis is: a. cardiac arrest b. Diabetic ketoacidosis c. decreased serum potassium level d. renal failure

11. The nurse is caring for a client who is receiving IV fluids, Which observation the nurse makes best indicates that the IV has infiltrated?

a. Pain at the site b. A change in flow rate c. Coldness around the insertion site d. Redness around the insertion site

12. A 27 y.o adult is admitted for treatment of Crohn's disease. Which information is most significant when the nurse assesses nurtritional health? a. Anthropometric measurements b. bleeding gums c. dry skin d. facial rubor

13. ASA (aspirin) is being administered to a client. The nurse understands that the most common mechanism of action for non-narcotic analgesic is their ability to:
a. Inhibit prostaglandin synthesis b. After pain perception in the cerebellum c. Directly affect the central nervous system d. Target the pain-producing effect of kinins

14. The nurse caring for an adult client who is receiving TPN will need to be monitored for which of the following metabolic complications? a. Hypoglycemia and Hypercalcemia b. Hyperglycemia and Hypokalemia c. Hyperglycemia and Kyperkalemia d. Hyperkalemia and Hypercalcemia

15. Total parenteral nutrition is ordered for an adult. Which nutrient is not likely to be in the solution? a. Dextrose 10% b. Trace minerals c. Amino acids d. Non of the above

16. A man has sprained his ankle. The physician would order cold applied to the injured area to. a. Reduce the body's temperature b. Increase circulation to the area c. Aid in absorbing the edema d. Relieve pain and control bleeding.

17. An adult is to have a tepid sponge bath to lower his fever. What temperature should the nurse make the water? a. 65 F b. 90 F c. 110 F d. 105 F

18. An adult has chronic lower back pain and receives hot pack three times a week. The nurse knows that the treatment is given for which of the following reasons?

a. To help remove debris from the wound b. To keep the client warm and raise his temperature c. To improve the client's general circulation d. To relieve muscle spasm and promote muscle relaxation

19. An insane man got hold of a knife and stabbed a pregnant woman. His liability will be determined by virtue of :

a. Justifying circumstances b. Exempting circumstances c. Mitigating circumstances d. Aggravating circumstances

20. A crime in which all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present. a. Heinous crime b. frustrated crime c. consummated crime d. attempted crime

21. Once criterion to assess the quality of a study is triangulation. This means. a. accuracy and consistency of information b. soundness of evidence c. use of multiple sources for conclusions d. consistency and stability of evidence over time

22. It is thought to be the most recent method or system in providing nursing care a. Case System method b. primary nursing method c. functional nursing method d. team nursing method

23. A patient classification system where patients minimal theraphy and less frequent observation a. minimal care (category 1) b. moderate care (category 2) c. maximum care (category 3) d. intensive care (category 4)

24. The nurse is to apply a dressing to a stage II pressure ulcer. Which of the following dressing is best? a. Dry gauze dressing b. wet gauze dressing c. wet to dry dressing d. moisture vapor permeable dressing

25. The client has been placed in the trendelenburg position. The nurse knows the effects of this position to the client include which of the following.

a. increase blood flow to the feet b. decrease blood pressure c. increase pressure on the diaphragm d. decrease intracranial pressure

26. A man who has been in an MVA is going into shock. Before placing the client in a modified trendelenburg position, the nurse should assess the client for: a. long bone fracture b. air embolus c. head injury d. thrombophlebitis

27. The nurse enters a room and finds a fire. Which is the best initial action? a. Evacuate any people in the room, beginning with the most ambulatory and ending with the least mobile b. activating the fire alarm or call the operator, depending on the institutions system c. get a fire extinguisher and put out the fire d. close all the windows and doors and turn off any oxygen or electricity appliance.

28. A member of the board of nursing may be removed and/or suspended on the following grounds except:

a. Toleration of irregularities in the licensure examination b Violation of the Philippine Nursing Act c. Neglect of duty or incompetence d. Immoral unprofessional or dishonorable conduct

29. A tendency of the evaluator to inaccurately rate a group because of the belief that he/she has a very good cooperative group.

a. hawthorne effect b. sunflower effect c. horn's effect d. halo effect

30. A type of probability sampling where the researcher selects random samples, successively from a larger to smaller units by either simple or stratified methods. a. Multi-stage sampling b. Systematic sampling c. purposive sampling d. snowballing sampling

31. The nurse is to open a sterile package from central supply. Which is the correct direction to open the first lap? a. Toward the nurse b. Away from the nurse c. To the nurse's left or right hand d. It does not matter as long as the nurse touches only the outside edge

32. The nurse knows which of the following is the proper technique for medical asepsis? a. gloving for all the client contact b. changing hospital linens weekly c. using your hands to turn off the faucet after hand washing d. gowning to care for a 1 year old child w/ infections diarrhea

33. An adult ha a left, above the knee amputation two weeks ago. The nurse places him in a prone position tree times a day because a. Prevents pressure ulcer on the sacrum b. helps the prosthesis to fit correctly c. prevents flexion contractures d. allow better blood flow to the heart

34. A woman is to have a pelvic exam. Which of the following should the nurse have the client do first?
a. Remove all her clothes and her socks and shoes b. go to the bathroom and void saving a sample c. assume a lithotomy position on the exam table d. assemble all the equipments needed for the examination

35. An adult is in supine. Which of the ff. can the nurse to prevent external rotation of the legs? a. put a pillow under the clients lower legs b. place a pillow directly under the client knee c. use a trochanter roll alongside the client's upper thighs d. lower the client's legs so that they are below hips.

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