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The regulatory mechanism in respiration

During vigorous ,muscle require more oxygen and glucose to release energy Rate of respiration increases Oxygen content decreases, carbon dioxide content increases Rate and depth of breathing increases Lungs inflated with more oxygen with each breath

Heartbeat rate increases (number of heartbeats per minute) More blood are pump into blood circulation The ventilation rate increases(gaseous exchange between the alveoli and blood capillaries

NORMAL: Breathing rate: 18-20 per minutes Heartbeat rate:60-70 beats per minute

Vigorous activities
Breathing rate increases to 30 breaths per minute Heartbeat rate increases to 120 beats per minute

In fear
Breathing rate and heartbeat rate increase to meet demand of a higher respiration rate Adrenal gland secrete adrenaline Increase the heartbeat and breathing rate More glucose and oxygen are supplied to muscles

At high altitude
Atmospheric pressure is low Decreased partial pressure of oxygen Causes drop of oxygen level in blood Causes headaches,nausea,dizziness

Breathing is involuntary process Controlled by respiratory centre located in medulla oblongata

Mechanism of carbon dioxide content

Higher concentration level of CO2 causes decrease in pH in blood and cerebrospinal fluid Detected by central chemoreceptor in medulla oblongata Nerve impulses are send to respiratory centre and are send to diaphragm and intercostal muscles Respiratory muscles contract and relax more

Respiratory centre in medulla oblongata

Nerve impulses transmitted to external intercostal muscles to stimulate inspiration

As the lungs expand, stretch receptors in the bronchi and bronchioles generate impulses which are transmitted to the expiratory centre to inhibit inspiration temporarily

Control of breathing by peripheral chemoreceptors,the carotid, aortic bodies

Breathing rate and ventilation rate increases Excess of CO2 is eliminated CO2 concentration and pH value of blood return to normal peripheral receptors (aortic bodies and carotid bodies) also sensitive to CO2 content and pH in blood

Mechanism of oxygen content in the body

Peripheral chemoreceptors only stimulated if the oxygen level is very low The respiratory centre stimulates the respiratory muscle to increase contractions Breathing and ventilation rate increase Oxygen level returns to normal

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals,(tar,nicotine,carbon monoxide,acetone,benzene,formaldehyde) Carcinogenic compounds Nicotine is stimulant and addictive Carbon monoxide promotes artherosclerosis Tar,benzene,formaldehyde causes emphysema and bronchitis

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