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GENETICS OF ANIMAL (GENETIKA HEWAN): 1. Genetic materials 2. Genetic materials on population 3.

1. Genetic material 1. Introduction 2. Cell Biology 3. Mendelism 4. Hybrid 5. Extension of Mendel Law 6. Sex lingkage 7. Pedigree analysis 8. Bunch Gen & Crossing over 9. Genetic Materials Order Changes

History Theory of Inheritance :

Gene (basic units of biological)


teori pewarisan gen generasi spontan Leeuwenhoek abiogenesis biogenesis

Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Thales (500 SM) air

materi biologi

Redi (1621-1697) & Spallanzani (1739-1799); m.h. dpt berasal dr benda mati Pasteur (1822-1895) & Tyndall (1820-1893)


miniature of living things praformasi-isme (preformationism)

jar. embrional tumbuh organ epigenesis

Wolf (1738-1794) Von Baer (1792-1876)

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) bentukan kecil (darah) menuju ke organ kelamin gemmules (in gamet) teori pangenesis + Weisman (1834-1914) t germplasm Lamarck (1744-1829) teori evolusi (1809) + Darwin (buku The Origin of Species )

Akhir abad 19, struktur jar sel sitoplasma, nukleoplasma & kromatin (kromosom)
Awal abad 20, pembelahan sel (mitosis & meiosis) Willian Bateson (1861-1926) apl Hk Mendel pd ternak : - Jengger - Ada tidaknya tanduk Biologi (ttg pewarisan) ilmu genetika

Phenotype and Genotype

Appearance of an individual who appears outwardly

P =G+E
Performance Genetics Environment P : 1. Quantitative traits (Sifat kuantitatif) 2. Qualitative traits (Sifat kualitatif)

2. Cell Biology : - Cytoplasm - Nucleus - Chromosome (structure & type) - Cell divison (mitosis & meiosis) - Breeding (gametogenesis & Fertilization) - Gene (Gen Eukariosit & Mechanism of gene action) - Deoxyribonucleat (protein synthesis & Codon) 3. Mendelism : - Mendel Experiments - Autosomal gene inheritance: - Naming genes - Gene expression

Lanjutan Materi Genetik

4. Hybrid (Combination, Method, Chi-square) 5. Extension of Mendel Law (gen interaction and Epystasis, Multiple alleles, Codominance, Gene Lethal, Multiple gene, Inheritance of skin and fur) 6. Sex Linkage (Ways, failed to severance, sex chromatin) 7. Pedigree analysis 8. Bunch Gen & Crossing over : - linkage gene - crossing over - Gene mapping 9. Genetic Materials Order Changes : - Gene Mutation - Chromosome Mutation - Per Number of Chromosomes


Population genetic: - Probability Theory - The concept of gene and genotype frequency: * Gene frequency * The Law of Hardy-Weinberg - Gene frequency disorders: Mutation, Migration & Selection - Genetic Drift - Cross-In & Heterosis Weighting of Genetic Material

Weighting of Genetic Material

- Genetic Weight : * Population mean * Gene effect * Breeding value * Dominance Deviasion - Variance: * VP * VG

3. Biotechnology
A. Cloning : - Embryo Splitting - Nuclear transfer B. Genetic Engineering C. Gene Mapping
Pemanfaatan Bioteknologi ~ Pemuliaan Ternak ?


(Pembobotan Materi Genetik)

A. Genetic Weight (Bobot Genetik)
Genetic composition Population difference (Quantitative) Locus A1A1 A2A2 A1A2 Gen freq. & genotype freq. (population) Certain parameters (Size / unit in metric)

two allele A1 and A2 genetic weight +a - a - d (heterosigot)

Simulation of Genetic following weight :

Genotype : Genetic weight : A2A2 -a 0 A1A2 d A1A1 +a

No domination d=0 A1 > A2 d (positif) A2 > A1 d (negatif) Full dominance d = +a / -a Over dominance d = > +a / -a d/a The size of the power domination (Ukuran kekuatan dominasi)

a. Population Mean
Gene frequency



A1A1 , A1A2 dan A2A2 ; p2 , 2pq dan q2 M = ap2 + 2 pqd aq2 , (p + q) = 1

M = a ( p q ) + 2 pqd
homosigot heterosigot d=0 d=a M = a ( 1 2q ) M = a ( 1 2q2 )

Rerata bobot ayam walik (frizzle) umur 12 mg, sbb: (Average weight of chicken frizzle at 12 weeks:) Ayam walik (frizzle), FF = 515,66 g Ayam setengah walik (mild frizzle), Ff = 504,00 g Ayam tidak walik (not frizzle), ff = 457,90 g
Jawab (Answer) : Titik tengah = (515,66 + 457,9) / 2 = 486,78 (Midpoint) 457,9 ff -a 486,78 d 504,0 Ff 515,66 +a FF

Genotip Bobot Genetik (Genotype) (Genetic weight) FF a Ff d

Nilai (Value) 515.66-486.78=28.88 504.00-486.78=17.22




Freq. of F-gene = 0.436, and Freq. of f-gene = 0.564 Effect of gene F of the average population is: M = a ( p q ) + 2 pqd = (28.88)(0.436-0.564) + 2 (0.436)(0.564)(17.22) = 4.77 Absolute value = 4.77 + 486.78 = 491.55 The power domination = 17.22 / 28.22 d/a = 0.596 < 1 (dom. Not full)

b. Pengaruh Gen (Gene effect)

A1 Population (A1 and A2) ?

A deviation from the mean of the population (which accept gene from one parent), while genes from other elders Random

-Effect of gene A1, as follow: pa + qd [a(p-q) + 2 pqd] = q[a + d(q-p)] = 1 - Effect of gene A2, is: 2 = -p[a + d(q-p)]

So: = 1 - 2 = a + d (q p) 1 = q[a+d(q-p)] 2 = -p[a+d(q-p)] 1 = q, 2 = -p,

Examples on Frizzle chicken, then the amount of each gene substitution is:

1 = q[a+d(q-p)] = (0,564)[28,88+17,22(0,564-0,436] = 17,53 2 = -p[a+d(q-p)] =-(0,436)[28,88+17,22(0,564-0,436]=-13,55 The amount of gene substitution:

= a + d (q p) = 28,88 + 17,22(0,564-0,436) = 31,08

NILAI PEMULIAAN (Breeding Value)

The concept of genetic effects ? The mean weight of genetic Breeding Value (BV) : The value of an individual, which is measured / judged on average value of the child. (BV= 2 x 1 ) Genotype : BV : A1A1 21 A1A2 A2A2 22 Pass on the gene composition (not genotype)

1 +2
A1A1 = 35,06

Example of Frizzle Chicken

A1A2 = 3,98 A2A2 = -27,10

BV P = (1-q)

Gene, Full Dominance ?

(d-a) Homosigot resesif Heterosigot -2ap(1+q) 2aq2

Po = NPo = (NPs + NPd) Po dan NPo NPs dan NPd nilai fenotip dan NP anak NP dari masing-masing tetuanya

DEVIASI DOMINAN (Dominance Deviation)

BV ~ Nilai Aditif DD G=A+D Deviation from the weight of genetic susceptibility to BV

Genotype : DD :

A1A1 -2q2 d

A1A2 2 pqd

A2A2 -2p2d



Genotype : DD :

-2q2 d -2(0.564)2 17.22 -10.955 21 2q =35.06

2 pqd



1 +2



Epystasis : G = A + D + 1 = 35.06 + (-10.955) + 1 = 25.105

Tugas (Homework):
Diketahui: Rerata bobot Sapi Potong umur 2 tahun, sbb: (Average weight of beef cattle at 2 years): Sapi Potong Merah (Red), RR = 325 kg Sapi Potong Mahoni (Mahoni), Rr= 314 kg Sapi Potong coklat (brown), rr = 277 kgg Frekuensi gen R = 0.6 dan r=0.4 Hitung: 1) Rerata populasi (mean) ? 2) Gene effect ? 3) Breeding value ? 4) Dominance Deviation ?

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