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Presentation to first class parents

Niamh and Fiona

Class Curriculum

English, Irish, Maths, Art, S.E.S.E, S.P.H.E, Ethics, Music, Drama, P.E. SPHE Social Personal and Health Education Will soon cover the topic of personal safety(please refer to links to NSPCC and ISPCC websites. These are found on useful websites page in blog and provide advice on keeping your child safe). Ethics currently focused on positivity project. Subjects are integrated. Central position of literacy and numeracy in the curriculum this year. Maths and English - Refer to blog throughout the year for links to Literacy and Numeracy games to support your childs learning at home. Differentiation - We will try to cater for your childs needs providing additional support/ challenging material.

Team Teaching

Assessments completed: Sigma and Micra. Literacy and Numeracy groups were constructed based on results of these assessments. Reading groups Monday and Tuesday. Numeracy groups Wednesday and Thursday. We are aiming that all children reach the base level of the curriculum but some children will be doing work based on 2nd or 3rd class level.

Positive behaviour

on positive reinforcement of rules and appropriate behaviours in school. Individual, group and class reward system used in the classroom. Sanctions two warnings and time out to be had during play time. Focus on building self-esteem and respect to selves and others.

Encouraging independence

Learning to tie shoe laces. Please assist with this at home. Should have learned to fasten zips and buttons. Taking responsibility for books and pencils etc, however, all things should be labelled. Encourage children to clean up after themselves. Children are encouraged to take more responsibility for completing homework.

Health and Safety

Head lice please check regularly and treat if necessary. Inform teacher if outbreak occurs. Lunch please ensure water bottles are closed carefully to avoid leaks and ensure that children can open their own lunch boxes/flasks. When running late (even on rainy days) or collecting early please report to the office.


Spellbound, writing and spellings Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check 5-10 minutes. Tables 5-10 minutes. Reading 5-10 minutes. Maths sheet 5 minutes. Homework should take no longer than 30-40 minutes depending on concentration. Homework should be the childs work but please check over and assist if necessary. Homework environment quiet space, no television or distractions.

Readers theatre

childs part in script. Practice reading lines. Help child to remember when they come in with their line. Refer to blog for more information.

Class Blogs

homework. Information/photos of class activities. Useful websites. Suggested reading. Dolch Games. Contact details for teacher. Contact teacher directly if there is problem.

Thank You for Coming!

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