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By Syed Inthiyaz

The simplified BiCMOS Inverter

Vin = 0 :

T1 is off. Therefore T3 is nonconducting T2 ON - supplies current to base of T4 T4 base voltage set to Vdd.

T4 conducts & acts as current Two bipolar transistors (T3 and T4), one nMOS and source to charge load CL towards one pMOS transistor (both Vdd. enhancement-type devices) Vout rises to Vdd - Vbe (of T4)

The simplified BiCMOS Inverter(Contd..)

Vin = Vdd : T2 is off.Therefore T4 is nonconducting. T1 is on and supplies current to the base of T3 T3 conducts & acts as a current sink to discharge Vout falls to 0V+ VCEsat (of T3) load CL towards 0V.

T3 & T4 present low impedances when turned on into saturation & load CL will be charged or discharged rapidly

Output logic levels will be good & will be

close to rail voltages since VCEsat is quite small & VBE 0.7V. Therefore, inverter has high noise margins Inverter has high input impedance, i.e., MOS gate input Inverter has low output impedance Inverter has high drive capability but occupies a relatively small area

However, this is not a good arrangement to

implement since no discharge path exists for current from the base of either bipolar transistor when it is being turned off, i.e., when Vin=Vdd T2 is off and no conducting path to the base of T4 exists when Vin=0 T1 is off and no conducting path to the base of T3 exists This will slow down the action of the circuit

Alternative BiCMOS Inverter with no static current flow

The DC path through T3 and T1 is eliminated The output swing is now reduced, since the output cannot fall below the base to emitter VBE of T3

BiCMOS Inverter using Resistors

In this circuit resistors provide the improved swing of output voltage when each bipolar transistor is off, It also provide discharge paths for base current during turn-off. The provision of on chip resistors of suitable value is not always convenient and may be space-consuming, so that other

BiCMOS Inverter using MOS transistors for base current discharge

Vin = 0 : T,1T3,T6 are off

T2,T4,T5 are ON T4 base voltage set to Vdd.

T4 conducts & acts as curren source to charge load CL towards Vdd. Vout rises to Vdd

BiCMOS Inverter using MOS transistors for base current discharge (Contd..)

Vin = Vdd : T2,T4,T5 are Off

T,1T3,T6 are oN

The load CL discharge through T1 and T6 towards 0v.

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