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Key Elements 1. Intensity: how hard a person tries 2. Direction: toward beneficial goal 3. Persistence: how long a person tries

According to Lillis: It is the stimulation of any emotion or desire operating upon ones will and promoting or driving it to action. According to Memoria A willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or reward. It is a force that activates dormant energies and set in motion the action of the people

Nature of motivation
It is a inner feeling which energizes a person to work more The emotions or desires of a person prompt him for doing a particular work There are unsatisfied needs of a person which disturbs his equilibrium A person moves to fulfill his unsatisfied needs by conditioning his energies There are dormant energies in a person which are activated by channelizing them into actions.

Techniques of motivation
Financial Non financial

Financial motivators
Financial motivators may be in the form of more wages and salaries, bonuses, profit-sharing, leave with pay, medical reimbursements, company paid insurance or any of the other things that may be given to employees for performance. The economists and most managers consider money and financial incentives as important motivators

Non-financial Motivators

These motivators are in the nature of better status, recognition, participation, job enrichment ,job security to the people to provide psychological and emotional satisfaction.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Theory X and Theory Y (Douglas McGregor)

Two-Factor Theory (Frederick Herzberg)

Motivation factors Factors such as advancement, recognition, responsibility that ,when adequate, people will improve the level of satisfaction.

Contrasting Views of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction



ERG Theory (Clayton Alderfer)

Concepts: More than one need can be operative at the same time.

Core Needs Existence: provision of basic material requirements. Relatedness: desire for relationships. Growth: desire for personal development.

If a higher-level need cannot be fulfilled, the desire to satisfy a lowerlevel need increases.

David McClellands Theory of Needs




Matching Achievers and Jobs

Goal-Setting Theory (Edwin Locke)

Reinforcement Theory


Behavior is environmentally caused.

Behavior can be modified (reinforced) by providing (controlling) consequences.

Reinforced behavior tends to be repeated.

Equity Theory

Expectancy Theory

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