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1 Industrial Revolution Spreads

The first phase of industrialization had largely been made-up from iron, powered by steam engines, and driven by the British textile industry. By the mid-1800s, the Industrial Revolution entered a second phase. New industrial powers emerged. Factories powered by electricity used innovative processes to turn out new products. Changes in business organization contributed to the rise of giant companies. As the twentieth century begin, this second Industrial Revolution transformed the economies of the Western world.

I. New Industrial Powers Emerge

By 1807, other countries were starting to catch up to Britain. End of 1800s, Germany was Europes leading industrial power. US was the leading industrial nation, manufacturing 30% of worlds goods
Thanks to William Cockerill, Belgium was the 2nd country to industrialize.

Industrial nations competed with each other, changing patterns of world trade. Western powers came to dominate the world more than ever before.

II. Technology Sparks Industrial Growth

Henry Bessemer
Turned iron into steel. Steel was lighter, harder, and more durable than iron meaningits cheaper! Steel could be used for tools, bridges, and railroads.

Michael Faraday

Invented dynamite. Safer form of explosion. Used in construction and warfare.

Created the dynamo,

machine that generates electricity.

Thomas Edison

Invented the light bulb.

III. Transportation and Communication Advances

The automobile age begins.

Nikolaus Otto invented gas-powered internal combustion engine Karl Benz patented the first 3 wheel automobile Gottlieb Daimler introduced first 4 wheel Henry Ford used assembly line to massproduce cars.

IV. Business Takes a New Direction

Big business required investing a lot of money.
Owners sold stocks which formed corporations.

Powerful corporations created monopolies

Groups of corporations formed cartels to control markets

captains of industry or robber barons.

Ms. Dangs Assembly Line

Youve just been hired by Dang Industries to reproduce a product as many times as possible in a given time period. Each of you will be specializing in one aspect of the product. 1. Class is divided into 3 groups. 2. Number off 1 - 13 3. Each group will work together in an assembly line to make production. 4. Based on your number, these will be your job assignments

Job Assignments
Worker 1 Cut out the 4 squares Worker 2 & 3 Cut out the car outline Worker 4 Color the tires black Worker 5 Color the ice cream cone brown Worker 6 - Color the license plate blue Worker 7 Color the bell yellow Worker 8 Color the middle ice cream green Worker 9 Color the right ice cream purple Worker 10 Color the back door red Worker 11 Color the top of the car green Worker 12 Color the body of the car yellow Worker 13 Inspect the quality of the car

Job Assignments
Worker 1 Cut out the 4 squares Worker 2 Color the tires black Worker 3 Color the ice cream cone brown Worker 4 - Color the license plate blue Worker 5 Color the bell yellow Worker 6 Color the ice cream green and purple Worker 7 Color the back door red Worker 8 Color the background green Worker 9 Color the body of the car yellow

Simulation Reflection
Describe how you felt while working on the assembly line. How did members of your group cope with the stress or tedium? How would you compare this to independent work? What are the negative aspects of mass production? What are the positive aspects?

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