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COMMON NAME Gum of the stinksand

Preparation : Tincture of the Gum

resin, obtained by incision from the living root.

The resin is grayishwhite when fresh, but

dries to a dark amber color.

Medicine prepared from PLANT

Plant family : UMBELLIFERAE



This family can be easily identified with its peculiar

flower pattern the umbrella type of flowers. These plants are poisonous. Out of the 3000 species in umbelliferae family only about 38 species have been proved and used in homoeopathy.

Homeopathic Medicines

1.Aegopodium Podagraria. 2.Aethusa Cynapium. 3.Ammoniacum Gummi. 4.Ammi Visnaga. 5.Anethum Graveoleus. 6.Angelica Archangelica. 7.Angelica Atropurpurea. 8.Angelica Sinesis Radix. 9.Anisum Stellatum. 10.Apium Graveolens.

11.Asafoetida. 12.Athamantha. 13.Carum Carvi 14. Cicuta Maculate. 15. Cicuta Virosa. 16.Conium Maculatum. 17.Coriandrum Sativum. 18. Eryngium Aquaticum. 19. Eryngium Maritium. 20. Ferula Glauca.

Homeopathic Medicines

21.Foeniculum Vulgare 22. Galbacum. 23. Heracleum Bravea. 24. Heracleum Glabra. 25. Heracleum Spondylium. 26.Hydrocotyle sciatica. 27.Imperatoria struthium. 28.Oenanthe crocata. 29.Oleum Anisi. 30.Oleum Coriandri.

31.Pastinaca Sativa. 32.Petroselenium. 33.Phellandrium. 34.Pimpinella Saxifrage. 35.Sanicula Europae. 36.Sium. 37.Sumbulus Moschatus. 38.Zizia Aurea

Its odour, when uncooked, is so strong that it must be

stored in airtight containers; otherwise the aroma will contaminate other spices stored nearby. However, its odour and flavor become much milder and more pleasant upon heating in oil.

Digestion - In India it is used to aid digestion and is smeared on the abdomen in an alcohol or water.
Asthma and bronchitis - It is also said to be helpful in cases of asthma and bronchitis. A folk tradition remedy for children's colds: it is mixed into a pungent-smelling paste and hung in a bag around the afflicted child's neck.

Asafoetida has broad uses in traditional medicine as

an antimicrobial, with well documented uses for treating chronic bronchitis and whooping cough, as well as reducing flatulence.

Fighting flu - Asafoetida was used in 1918 to fight the

Spanish influenza pandemic.

Scientists report that the roots of Asafoetida produces

natural antiviral drug compounds that kill the swine flu virus, H1N1

Asafoetida has also been reported to have

contraceptive Use. Antiepileptic - Asafoetida has been reported to be antiepileptic in classical Unani.

Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
Many of the discharges of Asafoetida are


Offensive Discharges
Lach, Nat. Carb Ars., Ars.I, Calc.Carb, Nit.Acid Baptisia, Carbolic Acid, Carbo Veg, China, Hepar

Sulph, Kreos, Medo., Pyro., Thuja

Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
Hysteria from suddenly suppressed discharges.
Hypochondriacal Sensitive to touch

Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
Excessive abdominal

Sensation abdomen

would burst through mouth

Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
Asafoetida produces flatulence.
Spasmodic contractions of stomach and esophagus

with reverse peristalsis, everything comes up, nothing goes down. After belching of wind strong rancid taste in mouth. Sinking sensation worse at 11 a.m.

Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
DEFICIENT MILK with over sensitiveness after

Decay of bones
Extreme sensitiveness and terrible throbbing, nightly


Asafoetida-Guiding symptom
Pain as if a nail or plug driven in. Glands all over body are hot and throb. Numbness associated with pain

Belching Bone diseases

Hysteria Hypersensitiveness

Breast feeding
Chorea Diarrhea

Orbital Neuralgia
Obesity Ulcer


Ill effects of checked skin eruptions
Ill effects of suppressed discharges Nervous disorders from suppressed skin eruptions.

Neuralgia of stump after operation.

Suited to nervous and hysterical people
Phlegmatic, scrofulous and syphilitic Who have taken much mercury Oversensitive Clumsy children obesity

Patient often say I get no sympathy when I am sick

because I look so well

Patient is fat, flabby and purple. Seldom be thought in

lean person.

They have appearance of plethora, the face looks

puffed, bloated and dropsical. Dark red and dusky face

It shows cardiac disturbance and venous stasis Carbo an., Aurum, Carbo veg and pulsatilla

Asafoetida - Mental
Magnifies her symptoms. Crave sympathy. Sympathy desire for : Hell, Phos, Bell, Camph, Sep,

Tub, Bar.Ca, Nat.M., Carci., Pul., Causti., Thuja etc

Crave sympathy

Sympathy Aversion
Arnica Carbolicum Acid Chamo Sepia Sabal serr

Asafoetida - Mental
Dissatisfied with oneself. Complains of her troubles. Complaining Causeless : Kali Brom Of his condition : Bismuthum

Of diseases : Lach, Nux V, Ant.Tart, Cham, Acid Phos

Asafoetida - Mental
Changing moods.
Fickle, Cannot persevere in anything. Wants now one

thing then another.

Asafoetida - Mental
Change desire for :

Bry, Puls, Bac, Tub, Carc, Caps, Hep, Sep

Change Aversion to :

Kali carb, Caps, Cupr

Asafoetida - Mental
Hysteria from suddenly suppressed discharge.
Worst kind of hysteria, they go off almost from no

cause in to fainting, from close room, from excitement, from any disturbance, after emission. Hysteria with much trouble with throat or esophagus, clutches throat

Asafoetida - Mental
Fainting during pain
Faints when he thinks that he has taken medicine. Walks hither and thither

Asafoetida - Mental

Other remedies : Ars, Aur M, Ignatia, Cal C, Phos, Acid Ph, Staph, Pul, Platina

Syphilitic Remedy
Symptoms of Syphilis :

Night Pain Ulcer Offensive discharge

Orbital neuralgia > Pressure and rest
Inflammations with boring, throbbing pains at night Superficial corneal ulcer with digging pain < at night Numbness about eyes

Offensive, purulent discharge (Otorrhea) with boring

Mastoid disease with pain in temporal region with

pushing out sensation.

The bone decay and hearing lost

Horribly offensive discharge, ulcer, caries of bone
Nose stopped, could not breathe through it with

fullness of head.

Constantly chewing and working frothy slime out of

Speech not clear Grinding of teeth at night

Air comes up in volume, we will wonder where all the

gas come from

Expulsion of sound of a pop gun going off almost every

Flatus was not passed down but all passed upward


Hysterical flatulence
Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Gurgling and rolling of wind.

Pulsation in pit of stomach.
Eructations smelling like garlic Eructations tast : Rancid and putrid Gone empty feeling in the pit of stomach.

Diarrhea from the slightest indigestion After any indiscretion in diet. Painful watery diarrhea with disgusting smell

Periosteum painful, swollen, enlarged
Decay of bones and deep ulcerations Pain extending outwards with numbness Change place and > by touch

Bearing down in genitals worse from riding in carriage.
Breast fill up with milk in non pregnant women. Also deficiency of milk. Milk diminished few days after


Hysterical asthma
Asthmatic attacks at least once a day all her life from

bodily exertion, coition, from every satisfied meal. (asthma after coition : ambra g.) Obstinate cough < night Compression on chest as from heavy

Many symptoms are appear while sitting and better in

open air. > by touch. Pain cease or change place by touch. Comp. Agg. At night, from tough, left side, during rest, warm application, from suppressions, mercury, noise, after eating or drinking

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