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How Coke and Pepsi are HELPFUL

To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Sit for one hour then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke re!o"es stains fro! "itreous china. To re!o"e rust spots fro! chro!e car bu!pers: #ub the bu!per with a cru!pled-up piece of #e$nolds %rap alu!inu! foil dipped in CocaCola

To clean corrosion fro! car batter$ ter!inals : Pour a can of Coca-Cola o"er the ter!inals to bubble awa$ the corrosion

To loosen a rusted bolt : &ppl$ a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for so!eti!e

To re!o"e 'rease fro! clothes : Pour a can of Coke into a load of 'reas$ clothes add deter'ent and run throu'h a re'ular c$cle. The Coca-Cola(Pepsi will help loosen 'rease stains )t will also clean road ha*e fro! car windshield

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For $our infor!ation

The a"era'e pH of soft drinks e.'. Coke 4 Pepsi is 5.6. This acidit$ is stron' enou'h to dissol"e teeth and bones. /ur hu!an bod$ stops buildin' bones at around the a'e of 57. &fter that it shall be dissol"in' the bones e"er$ $ear throu'h the urine dependin' on the acidit$ of the food intake. &ll the dissol"ed calciu! co!pounds 'et accu!ulated in the arteries "eins skin tissue and or'ans which affects the functionin' of the kidne$ assistin' in for!ation of kidne$ stones.

Soft drinks do not ha"e an$ nutritional "alue 8in ter!s of "ita!ins and !inerals9. The$ ha"e hi'her su'ar content hi'her acidit$ and !ore additi"es such as preser"ati"es and colorin's. So!e people like to take cold soft drinks after each !eal 'uess what3s the i!pact:

The )!pact: /ur bod$ has an opti!u! te!perature of 5;7 for the functionin' of di'esti"e en*$!es. The te!perature of cold soft drinks is !uch less than 5; so!eti!es <uite close to 7. This lowers the effecti"eness of the en*$!es and puts stress on our di'esti"e s$ste! di'estin' less food. )n fact the food 'ets fer!ented. The fer!ented food produces bad s!ellin' 'ases deca$s and for!s to=ins which are absorbed in the intestines 'et circulated in the blood and is deli"ered to the whole bod$. This spread of to=ins can lead to the de"elop!ent of "arious diseases.

Few E=a!ples
Two !onths a'o there was a co!petition in +elhi Uni"ersit$ >%ho can drink the !ost Coke:? The winner drank @ bottles and died on the spot because of too !uch carbon dio=ide in the blood and not enou'h o=$'en. Fro! then on the principal banned all soft drinks fro! the uni"ersit$ canteen. So!eone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in A7 da$s it 'ot dissol"ed. Teeth and bones are the onl$ hu!an or'an that sta$s intact for $ears after death.

)!a'ine what the drink !ust be doin' to $our soft intestines and sto!ach linin'.

#e<uest to &ll
Forward this !essa'e to $our friends to increase the awareness of these soft drinks

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