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Beton Siap Pakai (Ready-Mixed Concrete) SNI 03-4433-1997/ ASTM C.94


Maksud, Tujuan, Ruang Lingkup dan Pengertian

Maksud: Spesifikasi Beton Siap Pakai dimaksudkan sebagai acuan dan pegangan dalam produksi dan penyerahan beton siap pakai dalam bentuk beton segar dari produsen kepada konsumen. Tujuan: Spesifikasi ini ialah untuk memberikan persyaratan kualitas beton siap pakai yang diproduksi. Ruang Lingkup: Spesifikasi ini memuat persyaratan dan ketentuan teknis beton siap pakai dalam bentuk beton segar. Pengertian: Beton siap pakai adalah beton yang dicampur dalam suatu mesin pengaduk staioner atau dalam truk pengaduk, dan diserahkan kepada konsumen beton dalam keadaan segar

Persyaratan Bahan
Semen: untuk campuran beton dapat memakai jenis-jenis semen Portland yang memenuhi SII 0013 tentang Mutu dan Cara Uji Semen Portland, bila digunakan Semen Portland Pozolan harus memenuhi SNI 0129-1987-A tentang Kualitas dan Cara Uji Semen Portland Pozolan. Agregat: harus memenuhi SII 0052-80 tentang Agregat Beton, Mutu dan Cara Uji dan SNI 03-6861.1-2002 tentang Spesifikasi Bahan Bangunan Bagian A. Air: harus memenuhi SNI 03-6861-.1-2002 tentang Spesifikasi Bahan Bangunan Bagian A. Bahan Tambah: Jenis bahan tambahan dan penggunaannya harus memenuhi SNI 03-2495-1991 tentang Spesifikasi Bahan Tambahan untuk Beton, SNI 03-2460-1991 tentang Spesifikasi Abu Terbang sebagai Bahan Tambahan untuk Campuran Beton, dan SNI 03-2496-1991 tentang Spesifikasi Bahan Tambahan Gelembung Udara untuk Beton.

Informasi Yang perlu Diberikan Konsumen Kepada Produsen

Dalam pemesanan beton siap pakai, konsumen minimal harus memberikan informasi. Jenis dan kualitas beton yang dipesan serta persyaratannya diperinci dalam suatu formulir yang memuat penjelasan sebagai berikut : 1) Campuran beton khusus untuk campuran beton yang ditentukan; 2) Jenis semen; 3) Jenis agregat normal, ringan atau berat; 4) Maksimum besar butir agregat; 5) Untuk campuran yang direncanakan, kualitas beton ditentukan dengan kuat tekan beton yang disyaratkan; 6) Untuk campuran yang ditentukan, harus diberikan susunan perbandingan campuran dari bahan-bahan beton dalam satuan kilogram; 7) Kadar semen minimum, dinyatakan dalam kilogram per meter kubik beton segar yang dipadatkan.

Peralatan Produksi
Peralatan untuk produksi beton siap pakai harus memenuhi ketentuan sebagai berikut : 1) Peralatan untuk menakar harus mempunyai ketelitian 3 % terhadap berat semen, air atau seluruh agregat yang sedang ditakar dan ketelitian 5 % untuk bahan tambahan yang sedang ditakar; 2) Semua alat penakar harus dirawat baik agar selalu bersih dan siap pakai; 3) Semua alat penakar harus ditepatkan titik nolnya setiap ahri dan harus dikalibrasi setiap enam bulan; 4) Mesin pengaduk harus memenuhi persyaratan standar yang berlaku atau standar lain yang disepakati bersama.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ordering Ready Mixed Concrete

ASTM C 94 Specify: Coarse aggregate size Slump Air content Basis for proportioning, select Options A ,B, or C.
Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ordering Ready Mixed Concrete

ASTM C 94 Option Aperformance based: Purchaser specifies: Compressive strength Concrete producer selects mix proportions.
Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ordering Ready Mixed Concrete

ASTM C 94 Option Bprescription based: Purchaser specifies mixture proportions including: Cement content Water content Admixture type and content

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ordering Ready Mixed Concrete

ASTM C 94 Option Cmixed option: Purchaser specifies: Compressive strength Cement content Admixture type and content
Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Concrete producer selects mix proportions.


Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Stationary Mixing

Stationary Mixers

Onsite or Central Mix R/M plant Used for complete or shrink mixing

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Mixer Types up to 9m3 Tilting or non-tilting drum Open top revolving blade or paddle Typical complete mixing times Minimum of 1 min. for up to 1 yd3 or less mixer capacity plus 15 sec. for each additional yd3 or fraction thereof

Ready Mixed Concrete

Shrink-mixed concrete

mixed partially in a stationary mixer and completed in a truck mixer mixed completely in a truck mixer

Truck-mixed concrete

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ready Mixed Concrete

Central-mixed concrete
mixed completely in a stationary mixer delivered in

a truck agitator a truck mixer operating at agitating speed a nonagitating truck

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Ready Mix Plant

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Truck Mixed Concrete


70 to 100 revolutions required for mixing, mixing speed = 6 to 18 rpm After mixing, drum revolves at agitating speed, 2 to 6 rpm Discharge before exceeding 300 drum revolutions Discharge before 1 hours

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Mobile Batcher Mixer

Used for: Intermittent production of concrete at jobsite, or small quantities.

Advantages: Combined materials transporter and batching and mixing system. One-man operation. Watch for: Good preventive maintenance program. Materials must be identical to those in original mix design.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Nonagitating Truck

Used for: Transport concrete on short hauls over smooth roadways. Advantages: Cost of nonagitating equipment is lower than that of truck agitators or mixers.

Watch for: Slump should be limited. Possibility of segregation. Height upon discharge is needed.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Agitator Trucks

Used for: Transporting concrete for all uses. Haul distances must allow discharge of concrete within 1 hours. Advantages: Operate usually from central mixing plants. Watch for: Timing of deliveries should suit job organization. Concrete crew and equipment must be ready onsite to handle concrete.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Remixing Concrete
ASTM C 94 (AASHTO M 157)


Water may be added at jobsite provided: Spec. w/c-ratio is not exceeded Measured slump less than specified Allowable mixing and agitating time (or drum revolutions) are not exceeded Concrete is remixed
Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

min. 30 rev. at mixing speed until uniformity is within limits

Transporting and Handling

Wheelbarrows and Buggies

Used for: Short flat hauls on all types of onsite concrete construction. Advantages: Versatileideal inside and on jobsites with changing placing conditions. Watch for: Slow and labor intensive.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Transporting and Handling

Belt conveyor

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Used for: Conveying concrete horizontally or higher/lower level. Advantages: Adjustable reach, traveling diverter, variable speed. Watch for: End-discharge arrangements needed to prevent segregation and mortar on return belt. Belt cover needed in hot and windy weather.

Transporting and Handling

Truck mounted conveyors

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Used for: Conveying concrete horizontally or higher/lower level. Advantages: Conveyer arrives with concrete. Adjustable reach and variable speed. Watch for: End-discharge arrangements needed to prevent segregation and mortar on return belt. Belt cover needed in hot and windy weather.

Transporting and Handling


Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Used with: Cranes, cableways, and helicopters. Advantages: Enables full versatility of cranes, cableways, and helicopters to be exploited. Clean discharge. Watch for: Select bucket capacity to conform to size of the concrete batch and capacity of placing equipment.

Transporting and Handling

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Rear Discharge

Front Discharge

Transporting and Handling

Cranes and Buckets

Used for: Work above ground level. Advantages: Can handle concrete, reinforcing steel, formwork, and sundry items. Watch for: Has only one hook. Careful scheduling between trades and operations is needed to keep crane busy

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Transporting and Handling


Used for: Conveying concrete from central discharge point to formwork. Advantages: Pipelines take up little space and can be readily extended. Delivers concrete in continuous stream. Pump can move. Watch for: Constant supply of freshly-mixed concrete is needed without any tendency to segregate.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Transporting and Handling

Flexible Hose at End of Pumps Rigid Pipeline

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Transporting and Handling

Screw Spreaders

Used for: Spreading concrete over large flat areas. Advantages: Concrete can be quickly spread over a wide area to a uniform depth. Watch for: They are normally used as part of a paving train. They should be used for spreading before vibration is applied.

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Transporting and Handling

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Work Above Ground Level

Videos 1/3


Stationary Mixers

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Videos 2/3

Truck Mixer Types

Nonagitating Mixers

Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Videos 3/3


Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete

Interpreting the specification




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