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Variety of sentence structures used for emphasis and effect. Question and answer or statement and command (Do you care? Yes? Well) Controlled use of noun and ad er!ial phrases. "assi e and acti e oice used for effect. Compound$ comple* and simple sentences used to ary the focus and len#th of sentences. &an#e of modals used (should$ could$ must etc ) +mpersonal constructions,passi e oice. Compound and comple* sentences used. Different sentence types. 1odals (should$ must$ could etc) used. -*panded noun and ad er!ial phrases. %u!ordinatin# con5unctions (when$ if$ !ecause) esta!lish lin's. %ome ariation in su!5ects of sentences.

Wide ran#e of punctuation #i es clarity$ and is sometimes used for effect$ such as semicolons to !alance ideas within a sentence. %u!ordinate clauses used first for emphasis. &an#e of punctuation used$ #enerally securely$ to mar' structure of sentences and #i e clarity. -*clamations$ commands and .uestions used. )lmost all sentences mar'ed with full stops. %ome use of a ran#e of other punctuation$ such as the full punctuation of direct speech. 1ost sentences mar'ed with full stops and some use of other punctuation.

Writin# is shaped to #i e clarity and emphasis to meanin#. &eferences made forwards and !ac'wards. (penin# and endin# s'illfully lin'ed. "ara#raphs clearly lin'ed in a ariety of ways. "ara#raphs are used and lin'ed in a ariety of ways. "ara#raphs ary in structure (e.#. a description followed !y a para#raph #i in# ar#uments) -ndin# lin'ed to the !e#innin#. "ara#raphs support structure of writin#. 2in's !etween para#raphs. 3ood openin# and endin#. Clear structure with some use of para#raphs or sections.

&an#e of de ices supports cohesion within para#raphs. Variety of effecti e lin's !etween sentences (e.#. throu#h ad er!ials$ connecti es$ pronouns$ #i es fluency and accuracy) +deas within para#raphs are lin'ed usin# cohesi e de ices. &eference chains esta!lish effecti e lin's !etween sentences. Within para#raphs or sections$ main ideas de eloped !y rele ant detail. %ome attempt to esta!lish effecti e reference chains. "ara#raphs often introduced !y topic sentences. %ome de elopment of ideas.

Clear form chosen to fit the purpose of the writin#. )udience clearly addressed. Variation in tone. /orm is adapted for impact to en#a#e the interest of the reader. %election of ideas focused on the purpose. %ome ariation in tone. /orm chosen is suita!le. 4he purpose of the writin# is clear. )wareness of reader shown. 1ain features of form esta!lished. Content rele ant.

Viewpoint ta'es into account the different iews of the readership.

)ppropriate and indi idual style con eys the purpose of the writin#. %tylistic features (contrast$ emoti e lan#ua#e) s'illfully used. ) ran#e of stylistic features adds to the o erall effect (e.#. deli!erate o erstatement$ contrast). %ome stylistic features (e.#. facts and fi#ures$ rhetorical .uestions$ use of we etc). %ome strai#htforward stylistic features used.

Viewpoint is well controlled. Clear iewpoint supported !y e idence. &eco#nition of others0 iewpoints ) clear and consistent iewpoint is de eloped. Different people0s ideas are considered. Viewpoint adopted and maintained.








Sentence Structure/Punctuation (8)

Te t Structure an! "r#anisation (8)

Co$position an! %&&ect ('4)

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