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Best Selling Rapid Prototyping

Siddharth Saini(651/MP/06) Vinod Kumar (658/MP/06)

Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing technology
commonly used for modelling, prototyping, and production applications. Like most
other additive manufacturing processes (such as 3D printing and stereolithography)
FDM works on an "additive" principle by laying down material in layers.

FDM is the second most widely used rapid prototyping technology , after
stereolithography .

A Sample part made by FDM machine

Video time 
Video 1 --- Explanation of process

Video 2 --- An actual machine

Material Used

FDM uses production-grade thermoplastics, such as ABS, ABSi which has

excellent layer to layer bonding . Because of the material
properties, FDM parts typically withstand functional testing and
have high heat resistance.

Water-soluble support materials have also become available which can

be removed simply by washing them away.

The recent introduction of polycarbonate and poly(phenyl)sulfone

modeling materials have further extended the capabilities of the
method in terms of strength and temperature range.
Process Control Parameters
• Bead ( or road ) width: This is the thickness of the bead (or road) that the
FDM nozzle deposits. It can vary from .012’’ to .0396’’ for the T12 nozzle which is
currently installed on our Stratasys FDM 1650 machine.
• Air Gap : This is the space between the beads of FDM material. The default is
zero, meaning that the beads just touch. It can be modified to leave a positive
gap, which means that the beads of material do not touch. This results in a loosely
packed structure that builds rapidly. It can also be modified to leave a negative
gap, meaning that two beads partially occupy the same space. This results
in a dense structure which requires a longer build time.
• Model Build Temperatur e : The temperature of the heating element for the
model material. This controls how molten the material is as it is extruded from
the nozzle.
• Raster Orientation : The direction of the beads of material (roads)
relative to the loading of the part.
• Color : FDM ABS material is available in a variety of colors: white,
blue, black, yellow, green, and red.

Layer Resolution
.245 mm (.010 in.) or .33 mm. (.013 in.) of precisely deposited ABS and support
In the X-Y plane, 0.001 inch resolution is achievable.

Build Envelope
203 x 203 x 305 mm (8 x 8 x 12 inches) Larger parts can be built in pieces and
assembled during the finishing process.
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
A good variety of materials available Seam line between layers
Easy material change The extrusion head must continue moving, or
else material bumps up
Low maintenance costs Supports may be required
Thin parts produced fast Part strength is weak perpendicular to build
Tolerance of +/- 0.005″ overall More area in slices requires longer build times

No supervision required More area in slices requires longer build times

No toxic materials Temperature fluctuations during production

could lead to delamination
Very compact size
Low temperature operation

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