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Catholic Charities USA Code of Ethics: Staff/Volunteer/Agency Relationships

Presenter: Ken Flanagan, Ph.D.

Code of Conduct for the Webinar/Conference Call

1. Please place your phone on Mute 2. Do not place this session on Hold 3. To make a comment or raise a question, please use your hand held receiver/do not use speaker phone.

Ethical Standards
(1) Responsibilities to Clients (7) Research Responsibilities (2) Board and Governance Responsibilities

(6) Resource Development/ Funding Responsibilities

Areas of Organizational Ethical Responsibility

(3) CEO/ Management Team Responsibilities

(5) Social Responsibilities

(4) Staff/Volunteer/ Agency Responsibilities

General Comments
Key section Importance of Supervision Behavioral statements Effort to promote Best Practices Consistent with accreditation organizations Recognizing challenges for smaller agencies Mission focus Current economic conditions impacting practice

Overview of Standard Four

8 sections 45 subsets Key values: respect

openness & transparency accountability mutuality

Review of Standard Four

4.01 Non-discrimination 4.02 Supervision 1.Boundary definition (dual relationships) 2. Vicarious liability 3. Evaluation 4.Mission integration 5.Conflicts of Interests

Supervisory Relationships

The relationship between the supervisor and staff must be professionally defined and determined
The relationship between the supervisor and senior management must be accountable and transparent

Standard Four
4.03 Responsibility of the Supervisor to Administration 4.04 Mutuality 4.05 Staff responsibility to the Organization 1. Support the mission 2.Continuous Quality Improvement 3. Deal with potential conflicts

Conflicts: What to Do

Identify- the conflict in ethical terms, is this a conflict of values, rights and responsibilities?
Question- what values, biases or preferences do you have in the situation that are creating conflict? Consult- with supervisor

Standard Four

4.06 Relationships with Colleagues that display respect and promote a collaborative model
1. Appropriate boundary relationships 2. Service/therapeutic process 3. Private practice issue 4. Impaired worker issues

Standard Four

4.07 Team Relationships 1. Role definition 2. Decision-making process

Standard Four
4.08 Volunteers 1. Support the mission 2. Define roles 3. Define responsibilities 4. Define supervision 5. Screening process/background checks 6. Recognition 7. No preferential treatment/time frame for former clients

Closing comments
Standards and behavioral expectations are meant to promote best practices within Catholic Charities organizations and create centers of excellence for service delivery Consistent with a Servant Leadership approach to management and client services Openness to disruptive innovations with regards to service delivery- new ways to provide services, being consistent with our values and mission

Reflection Questions
After reading these standards, what behaviors and/or attitudes do I feel I need to change or improve upon in order to respond to the standards? What do the terms openness and transparency mean to me and how do they reflect upon my current behaviors at work? How would clients of our agency benefit by approaching them through the behaviors that the standards promote?


Thank you for your Participation!

Save the Dates for Future Webinars related to the Code of Ethics, held from 3-4pm Eastern Standard Time:

August 20th --- Social Responsibility (Facilitator: Fr. Ragan Schriver)

For more information, please contact Bob Colbert at 703-236-6203.

CEU Credit
Participants can obtain CEU credit for their participation in the Code Webinar Series.
For more information, contact Bob Colbert at Credit through --- The Catholic University of Americas National Catholic School of Social Work
Fee: $15 per participant

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