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Nolan's Finest Foods

Category Management


Rawandev Kaur Amrita Datta Ankit Goel Abhinay Bajpai

Divyadarshan 1

 Nolan’s Finest Foods is a
full-service retailer that
offers shoppers the
convenience of one-stop
shopping at its high-end
food-and-drug combo
stores in the San
Francisco Bay area.
vO ffe rs h ig h q u a lity fo o d w ith p ro m o tio n a l
p ricin g .
vIn th e fa ce o f h ig h co m p e titio n , N o la n ’ s is
experimenting with category
m a n a g e m e n t. 2
Question1: What are the national sales trends in the shampoo category?
Total U.S. Supermarket Dynamics: Shampoo
52 Weeks % Active UPCs % New UPCs # UPCs UPC Dollar
Handled Velocity
Category 1,974 15% 235 $ 1.64

Brands 1,714 16% 229 $ 1.65

Private Label 241 12% 5 $ 1.33

Generic 19 n/a 1 $ 1.00

Exhibit 1

v There has been a dramatic increase in the % New Stock

Keeping Units.
v Specifically, Brands have increased by 16% and Private
label by 12%.
v Only Generics remained the same with no measured
increases or decreases.


Shampoo Dollar Share

Exhibit 2

Trade Channel 12 M 12 M Change
v The change is not that Last Year This year
Food 51.7% 50.5% - 1.2%
v Only mass merchant has
increased by +1.8% Drug 25.6% 25.0% - 0.6%

Mass Merchant 22.7% 24.5% + 1.8%

E x h ib it 3
Shampoo Growth O u tlin e s S h a m p o o G ro w th b a se d
Trade Channel Dollar Sales % Change o n th e D o lla r S a le s % ch a n g e
Compared to a Year ago
Food 0.9% ve rsu s a ye a r a g o .
Drug 4.2%
Mass merchant 8.1% v T h e M a ss M e rch a n t Tra d e
C h a n n e le xp e rie n ce d th e
g re a te st g a in (+ 8 . 1 % ).
vFo llo w e d b y th e D ru g
C h a n n e l(+ 4 . 2 % ). 4
 Question2: What are the differences in shampoo sales trends at Nolan’s
compared with national trends?

Dollar Sales: Percent Change versus a Year Ago
Market Nolan's
13 weeks 52 weeks 13 weeks 52 weeks
Total dollar sales +0.1 +1.2 - 10.6 - 4.5
Health Beauty Dept. +1.5 +4.2 - 8.5 - 4.3
Shampoo category - 3.5 +0.7 - 19.6 - 9.7

Exhibit 4
vThe Dollar Sales Percentage change in the Shampoo category for
the Market (All food stores) has increased very slightly over a 52-
week period (+0.7%) and moderately declined over the most recent
13 weeks (-3.5%).
vAlthough the national figures are far from impressive, even on an
annual basis, Nolan’s fared far worse. Over a 52-week period the
retailer’s Dollar Sales Percentage sharply declined (-9.7%), and the
last 13 weeks have been worse (-19.6%).

 Question 3: What would be causing these differences?

Competitive Price Comparison for Shampoo: Counts of Items Showing Differences from Nolan’s

Nolan's Food#1 Mass Merch Chain Drug Food#2

Competition is higher 0 87 0 101 0
Competition is same 103 0 0 0 59
Competition is lower 0 16 103 2 44
Competition does not carry 0 0 0 0 0

Exhibit 5 :
vCompetitive Price Comparison for Shampoo between Nolan’s and
competitors suggests that Nolan’s pricing may be one factor.
vOnly the Mass Merchandiser consistently charges less for shampoo
products than Nolan’s.


Brand Importance Report for Shampoo: Nolan’s Foods versus Remaining Market for 13 weeks

Description Chain Sales Chain Rank Remain Mkt Remain Sales Chain Mkt Chain Cat. Rem. Mkt.
Rank Share Impt. Cat. Impt.

Clean & Soft $108,826 1 1 $512,345 17.5% 14.5 13.0

1st Impressions 77,672 2 3 370,341 17.3 10.3 9.4

Mane Tame 64,446 3 4 244,160 20.9 8.6 6.2

Bargain Bubbles 56,864 4 2 433,300 11.6 7.6 11

Silky Style 43,198 5 6 147,773 22.6 5.8 3.7

Elegance 30,869 6 5 181,075 14.6 4.1 4.6

Exhibit 6: Brand Importance Report for Shampoo illustrates that

Nolan’s brand emphasis are marginally different than the rest of the

Product Mix Summary Report: Shampoo Dollar Sales 13 weeks

Clean & Soft 1st Impressions Mane Tame Bargain BubblesSilky Style Elegance Private Label

Items Carried

Nolan’s 25 25 15 21 13 5 7

Rem Mkt 25 39 28 42 20 16 28

Sizes Carried

Nolan’s 6 6 6 2 4 1 4

Rem Mkt 7 10 11 3 5 4 6

Types Carried

6 7 6 19 4 5 6
Rem Mkt
6 10 8 32 5 7 21

Exhibit 7:
Product Mix Summary Report illustrate that Nolan’s product mix are
marginally different than the rest of the market.

 Question 3: Cont

Slow Seller Report: Shampoo for Nolan’s Foods, 13 Weeks versus a Year Ago
Chain Sales Chain Mkt. Share Rem.Mkt. Growth Chain Growth

Golden JJB Lq T 3 oz. $3 9.9% -51.2 -50.0

1st Imprs. DF ND Lot. 11 oz. 10 0.7% -59.4 -99.4

Gentle GLD Lq. 11 oz. 11 100.0% -100.0 9.6

Golden AV Lq. T 3 oz 12 22.4% 13.2 -69.2

Suds PB Lq. 8 oz. 14 6 107.1 2.9

Silky Style X-B Lq.18 oz. 14 1.6 -65.6 -99.5

Exhibit 8
vSlow Seller Report , which features data describing what Nolan’s’
worst selling shampoo UPCs are, provides the greatest insight into
the problem of any of the information that is currently available


Question 4: A plan of action.

v The only plan of action as of

now will be to have “knock
off the slow seller” approach,
which involves replacing the
slow selling UPCs with new
products and/or increasing
shelf space for existing
v They can also install category
management software.



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