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Alwi Shahab ,SpS(K)

Bagian / Departemen Saraf FK UNSRI / RSMH

International classification of epileptic
seizures ILAE 1981 revision
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Epilepsi adalah suatu keadaan yang
ditandai oleh bangkitan (seizure) berulang
sebagai akibat dari adanya gangguan fungsi
otak secara intermitten yang disebabkan
oleh lepas muatan listrik abnormal dan
berlebihan di neuron-neuron secara
paroxismal didasari oleh berbagai faktor
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Bangkitan epilepsi (epileptic seizure) :
adalah manifestasi klinis dari bangkitan
serupa (stereotipik), berlangsung secara
mendadak dan sementara dengan atau
tanpa perubahan kesadaran, disebabkan
oleh hiperaktifitas listrik sekelompok sel
saraf di otak, bukan disebabkan oleh suatu
penyakit otak akut (unprovoked)
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Sindroma epilepsi
Adalah sekumpulan gejala dan tanda klinik
epilepsi yang terjadi secara bersama-sama
yang berhubungan dengan etiologi, umur,
awitan (onset), jenis bangkitan, faktor
pencetus dan kronisitas.
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Diagnosis epilepsi
Epilepsi atau bukan epilepsi
Jenis bangkitan apa
Sindrome apa ?
Etiologinya ?

Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Dasar-dasar diagnosa
Anamnesa (auto&allo)
Pemeriksaan fisik umum / neurologik
Pemeriksaan Penunjang
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epileptic seizures ILAE 1981
Partial seizures (beginning locally)
Simple partial seizures (without impaired of consciousness)
with motor symptoms
with somatosensory or special sensory symptoms
Complex partial seizures (with impaired consciousness)
simple partial onset followed by impaired consciousness
impaired consciousness at onset
Partial seizures evolving into secondary generalized seizures
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epileptic seizures ILAE 1981
Generalized seizures (convulsive or non-convulsive)
Absence seizures
Myoclonic seizures
Clonic seizures
Tonic seizures
Tonic clonic seizures
Atonic seizures
Unclassified seizures

Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Classification of Epileptic syndrome
Treatment and prognosis are primarily a function of the epileptic
In epileptic syndrome classification, should be used:
Clinical history .
Family history.
Neurologic examination.
Seizure type.
Interictal and ictal EEG
Results of neuroimaging.
Related medical conditions.

Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Epileptic Syndrome Classified by
Localization and distribution of the epileptic zone:
Generalized epilepsies subdivided into different syndrome by:
Type of seizures, age of onset or etiology

Genetic, etc

Epileptic seizures:
Lateralization and localization of epileptic syndrome.
Affecting the quality of life of the patient.

Related medical condition

Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epilepsies/ epileptic syndrome (with age at
1.1 Localization-related /idiopathic epilepsies Idiopathic epilepsy with age-
related onset
benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (c).
childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms (c)
1.2 Localization-related/Symptomatic epilepsies. (i,c,a)
temporal lobe
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epilepsies
2.1 Generalized / Idiopathic epilepsies
benign familial neonatal seizures (n)
benign neonatal convulsions (n)
benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (c)
childhood absence epilepsy (c)
juvenile absence epilepsy (c or a)
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (c or a)
epilepsy with tonic- clonic seizures on awaking (c or a)
Epilepsy with random tonic - clonic seizures (c or a)
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epilepsies
2.2 Generalized/symptomatic epilepsies
West syndrome (infantile spasms) (i)
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (childhood epileptic
encephalopathy) (c)
2.3 Generalized /either idiopathic or symptomatic
Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (i)
Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (i)
Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (i)
Progressive myoclonic seizures (c or a)
3 Both localization related and generalized epilepsies.
Neonatal seizures (n).
Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
International classification of epilepsies
4 Situation-related epilepsies
Febrile convulsions (i,c)
Alcohol-related (a)
Drug related (a)
Eclampsia (a)
Seizures with specific modes of presipitation (reflex epilepsies) (c
or a)

Presentation Title
Company Confidential
200X Abbott
Localization and distribution of epileptic zone
Generalized epilepsies:
Extensive epileptogenic zone, which involve both hemisphere.
Focal epilepsies:
Limited epileptogenic zone:
Location of the epileptic zone.
Etiology of the process that caused the epileptogenicity.

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