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India should Adopt

Presidential form of
What is Presidential form of
Presidential form of Democracy
Governance Corruption


President is the real head

and not the P.M.

Separation of poer !
meanin" independent #rom
le"islature. #urther$ %udiciary is
of &oth e'ecutive and le"islature.
Ministers are accounta&le to the President.

More democratic

Sta&ility and continuity

People(s president

More efficient

Prompt and &old


More suited for Multi Party system

Sym&ol of )ational unity and inte"rity

#ailure in President(s *ule

*A)C+I ,
Paramedic &ody demands salary hi-e

#e&ruary ./ $ 01.2

3he All 4har-hand Paramedical Association 5A4PA6 on Wednesday
su&mitted a memorandum of demands as-in" for a hi-e in salary to the
"overnor7s health adviser$ 8 9i%ay 8umar. Contractual staff has &een
or-in" in the state since 011: ithout any increase in their salary $
e'cept in 011; . <ut that salary structure has continued till date. =We
have dran the attention of the health department toards this several
times$ &ut every time our plea fell on deaf ears. 3herefore$ e decided
to su&mit a memorandum to the adviser as the state is no under
President7s *ule.
#ailure of President(s *ule

*A)C+I ,
>a ? order on the &rin- of collapse under President7s *ule in

#e&ruary . @ $ 0 1 . 2 A Alo- 8 ) Mishra

*A)C+IB 4har-hand is "radually sin-in" into lalessness under the
President7s *ule . Several incidents of crime have &een reported in the
past .: days$ the latest &ein" the curfe in Chatra on Sunday after one
person as -illed in police firin". <usinessmen and political parties in
the state say the lalessness is &ecause police are yet to pull up their
soc-s. In the past one ee-$ a &usinessman and his driver ere
a&ducted on 3hursday and are still traceless$ a contractor and a Para,
teacher ere shot dead in 3orpa 58hunti6
Cne of the main pro&lem India facin" is

Corruption is the process of "ivin" or

acceptin" &ri&es or inappropriate "ifts$ dou&le
dealin"$ under,the,ta&le transactions$
manipulatin" elections$ divertin" funds$
launderin" money and defraudin" investors.
Corruption is a cancer hich every
Indian must strive to cure

Election time is a time

hen corruption is as
its pea- level.

In parliamentary
politicians or-s for
their interest oriented
&ut not for pu&lic or
nation oriented.
Adopt Presidential form of
democracy and

Comparison &eteen a presidential

system ith a parliamentary system
i.e. <raDil and India.
In conclusion$ I a"ree ith some$ that a
democracy must represent its people. Perhaps no
system in history represents the people more than
the parliamentary form of "overnment. +oever$
Indian politicians DC )C3 represent the people
rather they are in office for their on self,interests.
3o add insult to in%ury$ our country suffers from
illiteracy$ hich ma-es it e'tremely tou"h for the
people to understand and ultimate ta-e char"e of
the situation.

3imes of India

3he +erita"e #oundation

3he Economic 3imes



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