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Skill, Scale and Speed

A Self Inquiry Into the Economic Prescriptions of the PM-Part VII

(Achtung ! Slides are slightly crowded !
V!I!"!Menon# Vyloppilly!
$eyond Mar%ets and Economics
Natural Resource capability
Labor force
Capital Equipment
Production Capability
PMSS &apa'ility( &omponents
of )ation- Person
(eyond !ust "ar#ets and Economics$
%c&'ech(Arts Inno)ation E*cellence
Arts("edia(Crafts %#ills
Leadership in +e)eloping
Physical ,Intellectual capability
'hrough Institutions
Leadership in +e)eloping
%ocial , %piritual Calibre
'hrough Institutions
%pirituality and %#ills
-f "an "a#ing
( *nowledge is "oal+Self "uiding Principle#
,hile &apa'ility is "oal Attainment Pro'a'ility
P"%% Capability0 +etails
-!.undamental Energy and /esource capa'ility deri)ed from nature
/hich is the energy and resource reser)oir

1a2'he Physical Capability3 of the people 3 as mere calories 3help
transferring3 mo)ing 3the materials (or code pieces$ across /or# stations2
1b2'he Physical Infrastructure and Capability of the Nation&Person
%upports "o)ing and %tationing of People(Products2
0!1he Intellectual+Emotional &apa'ility using /hich people 4design the
production (cultural(go)ernance process 5such as a sequence of heating3
hammering3 forging and so on6 or decide the /or# flo/2In a soft/are process
or in go)ernment2
2!1he Social &apa'ility
4a! 'he %ocial Capability of 4leadership6 of entrepreneurs(political thought leaders to
-rganise indi)iduals across the organisation(nation to 4run6 a
production(ser)ice(go)ernance system and earn profits(de)elopmental points for the
7b2'he %ocial Capability of the Nation 'hrough %ocial Institutions 3organises6 human
beha)iour so that the cross&organisation or cross& people or people&-rganisation
transactions can be error free and so conflict free ! Remember 5Error is 'error8
4! .inally the 5Spiritual Energy+&apa'ility6 3 or /ill po/er3 po/er of
discrimination and the po/er of determination ma#e people understand the )alue of )alues
such as 49dharma6(righteousness 3duty3prayer for /elfare of all or the self 3so on for
harmonious gro/th of all 22
0:ere /e are introducing the Concept of P"%% capabilityRequired in producing(
maintaining(deli)ering P"%% Energy of an indi)idual or an institution for attaining a goal2
Ri)ers3 Canals 3Pipelines and 'ransports form its Circulatory %ystem
Atmosphere form its Respiratory %ystem
Land3 Infrastructure and uildings form its %upport %ystem
"ines and Agriculture form its5"outh8
"aterial and ;ood Processing form its +igesti)e %ystem
Communication and Internet form its Ner)ous %ystem , "ind
"echanical %ystems are its "uscles
;uels and Electric Po/er constitutes its Energy
Each Industry is its -rgan
<o)ernment is its rain
En)ironment "anagement is its E*cretory %ystem
:ouseholds are its clothing
Citi=ens Are its Cells
"edia and Channels are its Endocrine %ystem
"ilitary is its Immune %ystem
"oney is its lood
Political Po/er is Its .ill
Religion is its %oul
A Poetic Anatomy of 'he Nation&Person
Why Desh-Purush/Devata is God ?

Individual Man Cannot ly !ut

Society/"ation/#u$anity Can Make it happen

Individual $an cannot Prevent Diseses,!ut

Society/"ation/#u$anity Can

In%act, individual $an cannot do anythin&, unless

he is a 'o&i or as a house holder,he is in a position
(here society can e$po(er hi$

)et*s +dore ,his Goddess Called 5$harath Mata6

and ,ake +ll our Goals as Worship to #er-
'he P"%% ;actors Influencing
<CI &<lobal Competiti)eness Inde*&
-f A Nation&Person

-! Institutions (Social

7! Infrastructure (Physical

0! Macroeconomy (Social

2! 8ealth (Physical and primary education (Mental

4! 8igher education and training (Mental

9! Mar%et efficiency (Social

:! 1echnological readiness (Intellectual

;! $usiness sophistication (Social

<! Inno=ation (Mental

%tatus -f India6s <lobal

India ranks at 9>th a$on&st .4/

econo$ies in the Glo!al
Co$petitiveness Inde0 1GCI2
Prepared !y 3World 4cono$ic oru$5
%or 67.8-.4, (hich has declined %ro$
9:th position out o% .44 econo$ies in

&hina /an%s 7<#and Malysia 72 !!!

Physical actors In GCI

GCI actor ;6 In%rastructure

6-7. <verall in%rastructure =uality

6-76 >ailroad in%rastructure develop$ent

6-78 ?uality o% port in%rastructure

6-74 ?uality o% air transport in%rastructure

6-79 ?uality o% electricity supply

6-7@ ,elephone lines 1hard data2

Physical actors In GCI

GCI actor ; 4- #ealth and pri$ary education

+- #ealth

4-7. Mediu$-ter$ !usiness i$pact o% $alaria

4-76 Mediu$-ter$ !usiness i$pact o%


4-78 Mediu$-ter$ !usiness i$pact o% #IA/+IDS

4-74 In%ant $ortality 1hard data2

4-79 )i%e e0pectancy 1hard data2

4-7@ ,u!erculosis prevalence 1hard data2

4-7B Malaria prevalence 1hard data2

4-7/ #IA prevalence 1hard data2

Learning Point >

+ll Ministries "eed ,o Cse GCI ,ype

Unified Cross Ministerial Ranking System
as the Mini$u$ Metrics Set %or
,ar&etin& ,>eportin& +nd Co$$unicatin&
"ational Develop$ent uni%or$ly-
Su! )earnin& Point

The Budget of the Nation is currently centered around

fiscal policies of GDPDeficit BalancingMacroeconomic
!rame"ork and ta#ation $ustify the allocation to different
programmes aimed at an %conomic Gro"th-

+part %ro$ %iscal and econo$ic o!Dectives these need to

Con&ert all allocations 'nly under the category of (ision
)ased Missions and programmes systematically*

The Con&entional Budget could )alance the figures in the

frame"ork of the (ision+Mission Based Programs to
accentuate the '&erall De&elopmental Thrust*

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