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Atmega 16

Port Configuration
All AVR ports have true Read-Modify-Write functionality when used as general digital I/O ports. This
means that the direction of one port pin can be changed without unintentionally changing the direction
of any other pin. The same applies for changing drive value or enabling/disabling of pull-up resistors.
Port A is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with individually selectable internal pull-up resistors.
The PORT A output buffers can sink 20mA and thus drive LED displays directly.
It should be noted that the supply voltage for Port A comes from the Avcc pin.
Port A has an alternate function as analog inputs for the
Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with individually selectable internal pull-up resistors.
The PORT B output buffers can sink 20mA and thus drive LED displays directly.

Port D is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with individually selectable internal pull-up resistors.
The PORT D output buffers can sink 20mA and thus drive LED displays directly.
Port C is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with individually selectable internal pull-up resistors.
The PORT C output buffers can sink 20mA and thus drive LED displays directly.
DDR Data Direction Register

DDR register points the MCU about the status of a pin as output(giving results) or input(taking
values).This status is assigned Port-wise to ports A,B,C,D.

1 assigned to a pin by DDR register implies it being an output pin.
0 assigned to a pin by DDR register implies it being an input pin.

Usage: DDRX=<value> . Where X is to replaced by either A or B or C or D
Eg: DDRA = 000 .. implies all 8 pins are input
Eg: DDRA = 0xFF implies all 8 pins are output
Eg: DDRA = 0x0F .. implies PA0-PA3 are output and PA4-PA7 are input
Eg: DDRA = 0xA0 .. implies PA0-PA4,PA6 are input and PA5,PA7 are output

PORT register is used to assign a state (High(1) or Low(0)) to a pin which has already been
indicated to be an output pin by DDR register.

Usage: PORTX=<value> . Where X is to replaced by either A or B or C or D

Eg: PORTA = 000 .. implies all 8 pins are giving LOW State

Eg: PORTA = 0xFF implies all 8 pins are giving HIGH State

Eg: PORTA = 0x0F .. implies PA0-PA3 are giving HIGH State and PA4-PA7 are giving
LOW State

Eg: PORTA = 0xA0 .. implies PA0-PA4,PA6 are giving LOW State and PA5,PA7 are
giving HIGH State

PIN register is used to read the state (High(1) or Low(0)) from a pin which has already been indicated to
be an input pin by DDR register.

Usage: PINX=<value> . Where X is to replaced by either A or B or C or D

Eg: PINA = 000 .. implies all 8 pins are receiving LOW State

Eg: PINA = 0xFF implies all 8 pins are receiving HIGH State

Eg: PINA = 0x0F .. implies PA0-PA3 are receiving HIGH Stateand PA4-PA7 are receiving LOW

Eg: PINA = 0xA0 .. implies PA0-PA4,PA6 are receiving LOW State and PA5,PA7 are receiving
HIGH State

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