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Background of Quality

Quality take hold an important role either in

manufacturing business or service.
Consumer will evaluate quality of a company
by rating the product and service quality
which the company given to the consumer.

Definition of Quality based on
Crosby: 1979 in book Quality is Free
Quality is conformance to requirement such as availability, delivery,
reliability, maintainability, and cost effectiveness

Gasperz: 1998
Quality is consistency for improvement and decreasing variation of
product characteristic to fulfill specific needs and improve
consumer satisfaction

Prawirosentono: 2007
Quality of a product is physic condition, function, and characteristic
of a product that fulfill consumer personalizing and needs by make
satisfaction as same as value of money that out of consumers
Definition of Quality based on
Professional (continue)
Quality is something different for different
people depend on time and place, or relevant to

Goetch and Davis
Quality is a dynamic condition depend on
product, service, people, process, and
environment that coming up expectation

Elements of Quality
Quality is a effort to make consumer be satisfy
Quality consist of product, service, process
and environment
Quality condition always change (dynamic)
Good Quality
Based on point of view:
Conformance to once set specification or
companys standard
Conformance to desirability, coming in useful
for needs, and equivalent to sacrifice out of
Quality Dimension
(Ariani, 2004)
International Quality Standard
ISO 9000 is standard collection for system of
quality management
Its begin on 1987 by International Organization
for Standardization Technical Committee (ISO/TC)
ISO/TC decide review cycle every five years, to
assure that ISO 9000s standards will be up to
date and relevant for organization
ISO 9000s certification can be done 9 to 18
months includes documentation of quality
procedure, field assessment, and audit for
companys product or service
Quality Management Principal from
ISO 9000
1. Focus on Consumer
2. Leadership
3. Engaging People
4. Process Approach
5. System Approach on Management
6. Sustainable Improvement
7. Fact Approach on Decision Making
8. Profitable Relationship with Supplier
Definition of Control and Quality Control
Feigenbaum: 1983
Control is defined as instruction, influence,
improvement and verification activity to assure of
product acceptance relevant to its specification

Quality control is management activity to
measure quality specification of a product,
compare to requirement and make improvement
Background of Quality Control
Improve consumer awareness about quality
and consumer strong orientation about
product quality presentation
Raising pressure of worker, energy and raw
material cost
Rivalry is more intensive
Progression in productivity by effective quality
Purpose of Quality Control
Achieve desire quality
Improve operational efficiency
Achieve economic effectiveness
Try to decrease inspection, design and
production cost

Principal in Quality Control Steps
Purnomo: 2003
Determining standard
Monitoring to process or product
Comparing performance and standard
Checking the problem and its causal
Improvement plan
Job Holder in Quality Control Steps
1. Operator Quality Control, make project and
controlling product quality from start to the end
of process
2. Foreman Quality Control, responsible to
controlling quality of product which made by
3. Inspector Quality Control, hold the quality
control because volume and process of
production, or inspection activity use statistical
7 Basic Quality Tools

Scatter Diagram
Fishbone Diagram
Pareto Chart
Flow Chart
Control Charts
Check Sheet
Check sheet is a simple sheet consist of
material needed to record data and user can
collect the data simply, systematically and
Types of Check Sheet based on
1. Distribution
2. Defective Item
3. Defect Location
4. Defective Cause
5. Check-up

Scatter Diagram
Scatter Diagram is a graphic show a couple of
numerical data in system of Cartesian
coordinate with one variable on each axis, to
see relationship of those variable
Fishbone Diagram
Its also called Cause-effect Diagram or
Ishikawa Diagram
It is a tool to identify some potential cause
from some effect or problem and analyze it by
brainstorming session
Fishbone Diagram Steps

Pareto Chart
Pareto chart is a chart that containbars graph
and line graph
Flow Charts
Flow charts are a tool to visualize a task
finishing process step by step to analyze,
discussion, communication, and help us to
find reparation place in that process
Histogram is a tool like bars graph to show
frequency distribution
Control Chart
Control chart is a map to learn how a change
process time by time
Consist of three horizontal line: center line,
upper control limit (UCL) and lower control
limit (LCL)
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