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How is the status represented in this video

Nathan Beard
Camera shots
The video starts with a close up of Tina, this allows the viewer to get more of a feel for what is going on in this case anger,
frustration, sadness and regret. These feelings are all usually related to feeling inferior, in this case Rob the male is imposing
his higher hierarchal status over Tina who in turn has a lower status. 000!
The video then moves on to an angle"reverse"angle type shot in order to show the other characters reaction #Rob$, in this case
it is clear to the viewer that Tina is the more vulnerable character due to the fact that Rob has an overall higher status
position and therefore dominates over Tina. The director has then chosen to cut to a sha%ing camera effect this ma%es the
viewer more an&ious and ma%es them feel more vulnerable thus emphasi'ing how Tina feels which in this case is inferior.
The close up, angle"reverse"angle and sha%ing camera are used throughout the scene and have the desired effect on the
viewer which is to ma%e them feel a part of the action, this ma%es them feel sorry for Tina as people naturally feel sorry and
generally more emotional over the character with less power #status$ which in this case is Tina.
)fter Tina is pushed off the balcony the director flic%s between both characters faster and faster, this further engages the
audience and further emphasi'es due to the sate of both characters that Rob can defiantly overpower Tina due to his status.
The final shot in this clip is Robs face this shows the viewer that the roles have switched and he is now the vulnerable
character, this represents how status can be a fast changing thing and that peoples status ca be switched by one small action
or even a few words
The fading out shot is a high angle shot, this represents the vulnerability of the character*s. This refers to the e+ual status
between the two characters.
The editor of this video has applied a filter to ma%e everything
seem dar%er, this creates a sort of dar%ened atmosphere and
generally creates more tension, this is represents how the
vulnerable character*s is feeling due to their lac% of authority
because of their status or lac% there of.
Camera movements
)t the very end of the video there is a tilt shot to give viewers a view of
the aftermath and to represent the devastating effects status can have
on people.
The final fading camera movement is a trac%ing shot, although the
camera appears to be mounted on a crane, so this movement is used to
tell the viewer that the action has finished and that the ne&t scene is
ready but also that it is not +uite over, which foreshadows the future. -
also thin% that once the status level has switched it can be used agenised
the person who previously had more status.
.ynchronous sound is used throughout the video by Tina and to a
certain e&tent Rob to emphasi'e the tense situation and this gets
the viewer more involved.

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