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The human being (Homo sapiens) is an unattractive smelly and aggressive

creature that walks upright, grumbling and bellowing. It is one of many species
that lives on this planet and emerges among the worst adapted. Its young is
helpless compared to other species. It has lost most of its bodily hair and what is
left is little protection against the cold. Its eyesight is weaker that that of many
other species, and its sense of smell responds only to the strongest odors. If
pursued, it can only run a very short distance, that also very slowly. It is
remarkably unskilled at climbing trees or digging holes. It cannot live under water
and it swims with less grace than almost any other animal. It is heavy and
awkward and cannot fly. It cant even jump very high. It is unequipped by nature
with weapons either for defense or killing for food. It is absolutely remarkable and
utterly fascinating that the species has survived at all.
Philosophy Physiology
Philosophy: Rene Descartes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant
Physiology: Hippocrates, Philippe Pinel, Franz Gall, Charles Darwin

387 BC Plato suggested that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes.
335 BC Aristotle suggested that the heart is the mechanism of mental processes.
1774 AD Franz Mesmer detailed his cure for some mental illness, originally called
mesmerism and now known as hypnosis.
1808Franz Gall wrote about phrenology (the idea that a person's skull shape and placement of
bumps on the head can reveal personality traits.
Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal laboratory of Psychology at the University of
Leipzig, marking the formal beginning of the study of human emotions, behaviors, and
1898Edward Thorndike developed the 'Law of Effect,' arguing that "a stimulus-response
chain is strengthened if the outcome of that chain is positive."
1900Sigmund Freud published 'Interpretation of Dreams' marking the beginning
of Psychoanalytic Thought.
1905Alfred Binet's Intelligence Test was published in France.
1906Ivan Pavlov published the first studies on Classical Conditioning.
1913John E. Watson published 'Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It' marking the beginnings
ofBehavioral Psychology.1913Carl G. Jung departed from Freudian views and developed his
own theories citing Freud's inability to acknowledge religion and spirituality. His new school
of thought became known asAnalytical Psychology.
1942Carl Rogers published 'Counseling and Psychotherapy' suggesting that
respect and a non-judgmental approach to therapy is the foundation for
effective treatment of mental health issues.
1942Jean Piaget published 'Psychology of Intelligence' discussing his
theories of cognitive development.
1954Abraham Maslow helped to found Humanistic Psychology and later
developed his famousHierarchy of Needs.
1961John Berry introduced the importance of cross-cultural research
bringing diversity into the forefront of psychological research and
1963Alfred Bandura introduced the idea of Observational Learning on the
development of personality.1963Lawrence Kolberg introduced his ideas for
the sequencing of morality development.
1997Deep Blue, the supercomputer at the time, beats the World's best chess
player, Kasparov, marking a milestone in the development of artificial

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