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Pertemuan ke-1
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Memberikan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya tata letak
fasilitas dalam menciptakan sistem manufaktur yang
efisien dan prosedur yang sistematis untuk

Prasyarat & Penilaian
Prasyarat: PROSMAN

UAS : 35 %
UTS : 30 %
QUIS : 10%
TUGAS : 25%
1. Pengenalan tentang Desain Fasilitas
2. Analisis Produk dan Peralatan
3. Analisis Proses dan Aliran Material
4. Pendekatan Tradisional untuk Tata Letak
5. Algoritma Dasar untuk Masalah Tata Letak
6. Group Teknologi

Materi (2)
7. Model untuk Masalah Tata Letak
8. Algoritma Tingkat Lanjut untuk Masalah Tata
9. Material Handling
10. Storage dan Warehouse
11. Model Dasar untuk Permasalahan Lokasi
12. Advanced Location dan Routing Models

Sunderesh Heragu, Facilities Design, CRC Press,

Tompkins, J. A. White, Y. A. Bozer, E. H. Frazelle, J. M.
A. Tanchoco, and J. Trevino, Facilities Planning, Wiley,

Pengenalan Desain Fasilitas

Fasilitas bangunan dimana manusia
memanfaatkan/menggunakan material, mesin dan
sumber lainnya untuk membuat suatu produk atau
menyediakan suatu jasa. (Heragu, 2008)

Fasilitas merepresentasikan aset tetap yang
diasosiasikan dengan tempat berlangsungnya aktivitas
ekonomi (Tompkins, 1996)

Kronologi Kegiatan Desain Fasilitas
Date Event
4000 B.C.

Egyptians developed expertise in finding suitable locations for
pyramids according to their astrological calculations
100 B.C. B100
Romans developed full-fledged methods for the construction of
temples, arenas, and other buildings. Detailed planning of public
and residential buildings
1700 B1900 Industrial revolution period
1910 First industrial engineering text book Factory Organization and
Administration published by Hugo Diemer.
1913 First moving automotive assembly line introduced by Henry

1954 Quadratic assignment problem for micro- andmcro-levl location
problems introduced by Koopmans and Beckman
1955-1995 Optimal and heuristic algorithms for the quadratic assignment
1959 Systematic layout planning approach introduced by Muther
1963 CRAFT (Computerized relative allocation of facilities technique)
introduced by Armour and Buffa
Early 1980s The flexible manufacturing system concept is introduced and
attention shifts towards achieving plant-wide flexibility via
medium-volume, medium-variety production using cellular
manufacturing techniques
Late 1980s The term automation introduced to cope with plant flexibility
1985-present Modern software for facilities design problems
1990s-present Research on new layout concepts including dynamic layouts,
robust layouts, and reconfigurable layouts introduced to support
mass customization techniques

Typical Design and Planning Problems

Facility Location Type, Number of Material
Handling Devices
Distribution of goods Determination of Machine
(Service) Cells
Type, Number of
Equipment Required
Inventory Control Layout of Machine
(Service) Cells
Design of Components
Overall System Design
Determining Flow of
Products (People)
Quality Control and
Customer Service
Tooling, Fixture
Process Planning
Type, Volume of Products
to be Manufactured or
Service to be Provided
Determining Material
Handling Methods
Scheduling and planning of
Jobs (Service steps)
Manufacturing (Service)
Processes Required
Layout of Equipment
Within Each Cell
Level Keputusan
Strategic or Design or Long-term

Planning or Intermediate

Operational or short-term

Pentingnya Layout Fasilitas.
20-75% harga produk dipengaruhi oleh materials
handling (Sule, 1991 and Tompkins et al. 2003).

Layout fasilitas mempengaruhi ongkos materials

Facilities termasuk mesin-mesin, departemen,
stasiun kerja, locker rooms, service areas, dll

Layout yang baik meningkatkan produktivitas.

Meningkatkan utilisasi ruangan dan tenaga kerja
secara efektif dan efisien.

Menciptakan Safe and pleasant working

Batasan dalam Layout Fasilitas
Some pairs of departments must be adjacent

Some pairs of departments must not be adjacent

Some departments only in specific locations

Existing building constraints

OSHA regulations, fire codes, etc.

Types of layout problems
JIT manufacturer
Relayout of an existing facility
Relayout due to increased traffic (resulting from a
Consolidation of manufacturing operations from
two or more sites to one
Leasing of office space in a multi-story building
Find a better layout in existing space
Introduction of new product lines

Types of layout problems
Layout of a service system

Layout of a manufacturing facility

Warehouse layout

Nontraditional layout

Logistics and Distribution
Distribution Centers

Types of Projects
New Facility
General Re-layout (retrofit)
Expansion due to new product(s)
Expansion due to sales growth in existing products
Re-organization of work areas (evolutionary design)
Outsourcing of logistics capability
Addition of automation technology
Problem elimination
Cost reduction
Product discontinuation

Service system layout Dentists office

Staff Lounge

Dentists Room

Oral Hygienists Room

X-Ray Room

Records Room
Orthodontists Room
Oral Hygienists Room

Mens Rest Room
Womens Rest Room
Waiting Area
Service system layout Grocery store
Office structures
Closed structure
Semiclosed structure
Open structure
Semiopen structure

Closed structure

Semiclosed structure
Teller Teller Teller
Open structure
Semiopen structure

Manufacturing layout
Minimize transportation cost of raw materials, sub-
assemblies, work-in-process inventory, tools, parts,
finished products, etc.

Facilitate traffic flow

Improve employee morale

Minimize or eliminate risk of injury and property

Ease of supervision and face-to-face communication

Assembly facility layout

Warehouse layout

Nontraditional layout
Keyboard layout
IC board layout
Computer disk storage layout
Airport gate layout

Tugas 1.
Kunjungi suatu fasilitas:
Gambarkan Tata Letak Fasilitas yang di
Ceritakan produk/jasa yang beredar di
fasilitas tersebut dan buat aliran proses dari
produk/jasa berdasarkan fasilitas yang di

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