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Medical Conditions


Alzheimer's Disease .

Remember the television show back in the 60s The Land of the Lost. The people were happily going about their day
when a huge dinosaur would pop up and they would essentially run for their lives and hide. This is what our bodies were
made to do in situations of extreme danger. It is called the fight or flight response and it is perfectly natural. Anxiety is
when the fight or flight response goes off for seemingly no reason at all. You may be driving down the road listening to
relaxing music on the radio, when suddenly you have to stop your car and get out quickly. For no apparent reason. Over 40
million Americans suffer from anxiety, so youre not alone!
Anxiety is a very uncomfortable thing. Our insides get all knotted up and we feel like we need to run away. You may think
you are going to die or that something very bad is about to happen. It can be very unsettling, so this article will explain all
about anxiety and a few things you can do to bring it under control.
What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal part of our physiological makeup. Some amount of anxiety is actually good for us. It helps us perceive
dangerous situations and get to safety, it helps us push through difficult and stressful tasks, and keeps us on our toes.
When anxiety becomes an issue is when it becomes chronic and uncontrolled. When we constantly worry or obsess over
things that are not real issues. When fear takes over us and we become paralyzed by it. Unhealthy anxiety is when you
constantly want to run, stop what you are doing and have constant fear of the unknown.
Causes of Anxiety?
Anxiety can be caused by a physical condition and manifest itself as a symptom of that condition, emotional condition,
direct result of trauma, or side-effects of a drug. When an anxiety attack is first experienced, it is important to get a full
medical evaluation to determine the cause or rule out medical conditions that may need treatment.
Treatments for Anxiety?
Treatment is aimed at relieving anxiety and increasing coping skills. This is done with counseling, behavioral therapy,
and/or medications. It depends on the level of functioning, the cause, and any underlying conditions which need to be
Anxiety Prevention?
When things come up in life, talk about them to someone right away. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, or street drugs that can cause
anxiety as a side-effect. Exercise more. When you suffer from anxiety, your body releases chemicals that cause the attack.
Exercising helps your body burn off these chemicals. Learn how to relieve stress with breathing techniques, meditation, and
yoga. .


If you have ever rushed to the hospital with a crushing pain in your chest only to be told you did not have a heart
attack, you may be suffering from a condition known as Angina Pectoris. Many things can bring on an attack of this
type of chest pain from coronary artery spasms, to an irregular heartbeat. One of the most common causes is
coronary artery disease that cuts off the blood supply to the heart.
About 10 million Americans suffer from angina. There are around 500,000 new cases of angina diagnosed every year.
Research shows that angina is a strong indication of coronary artery disease and could be a precursor to heart
attacks. This article will help you understand angina and what to do about it.
What Is Angina?
Chest pain that happens due to lack of blood flow to the heart is known as angina. The difference between an actual
heart attack and angina is that the blood flow is only cut off temporarily. A heart attack happens when there is
complete blockage of the artery that does not clear up. While they both have the same cause, angina is less likely to
cause damage to the heart muscle. Angina should not be ignored and needs to be worked up by a doctor since it is a
symptom of coronary artery disease and can progress to a heart attack in the future.
Causes Of Angina?
When the blood supply to the heart is reduced, the heart does not get enough oxygen. Blood flow is cut off from
coronary artery disease that blocks the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood. The blockage is known as
atherosclerosis. When the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen to do its job, the tissue begins to suffer and
pain sets in. Variant angina is caused by a spasm of the vessels that supply the heart. This spasm decreases blood
flow and tends to occur in cycles.
Home Remedies For Angina And Prevention Tips?
The first attack of angina needs to be immediately evaluated in the emergency room. Once your doctor gives you the
all-clear there are certain things you can do at home in addition to any medical treatment to help reduce angina
attacks. With your doctors okay, if you have a prolonged angina attack and need to call 9-1-1 chew 300 mg of
aspirin and swallow with a sip of water while waiting for the ambulance. This could save your life if you are having a
heart attack. .


Anemia occurs when the blood has a decreased number of red blood cells. This in turn can decrease
the ability of the blood to carry oxygen for the body. It is estimated that over 3.5 million people
suffer from anemia. That is about 1 in 77 people in the United States alone. It most commonly
affects women of childbearing age and young children. However, anemia can affect anyone
depending on their health and nutritional status. This article will help you understand what anemia
is and how it is treated.
What Is Anemia?
Anemia, or low red blood cells, occurs when there is not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen
throughout the body. There is a protein in the red blood cells called, hemoglobin. When the
hemoglobin is low, the red blood cells cannot bind the oxygen from your lungs and take it to where
it needs to go.
Risk Factors for Anemia
Women who are in their childbearing years have the highest risk for anemia. This is because some
women bleed heavily during monthly cycles. Anemia rates are also very high during the first two
trimesters (6 months) of pregnancy when the liquid portion of blood increases very quickly and the
blood cells are essentially diluted.
How Is Anemia Treated?
Once anemia is diagnosed, your doctor will determine the best treatment based on what is causing
the anemia.
Alternative & Home Remedies for Anemia?
Anemia should always be evaluated and diagnosed by a doctor. In milder cases, the doctor may
allow you to try certain home remedies to help bring up your iron stores.
How Is Anemia Diagnosed?
If you have symptoms or risk factors for anemia, you will need to see your doctor who will take a
thorough medical and family history. If you do not have symptoms of anemia but are at risk, your
doctor may test during a routine physical. Pregnant women and infants are routinely checked.
The doctor will do a physical examination and check your pulse for a fast heart rate, watch your
breathing for rapid breaths, feel your liver and spleen for enlargement, and check for skin pallor.
Sometimes, anemia can be caused by blood losses in the digestive tract so they may perform a


Living with Alzheimers disease can be tough. If you or someone you know is suffering from increasing memory
loss, understanding Alzheimers can make it a little easier. Up to 70% percent of all cases of dementia(progressive
memory loss) are attributed to Alzheimers disease. It is a progressive condition that targets the brains neurons.
Sufferers experience increasing memory loss, cognitive dysfunction, and changes in behavior. It can affect the
sufferer, their loved ones, and others close to them. Without good information on the disease, it can be very hard
to cope. To date, there has been no cure found for the disease. Treatments can help slow the progression of
memory loss and help patients experience a better quality of life.

Alzheimers Prevention
At this time, it isnt known what can prevent the disease from starting. Certain lifestyle factors can be changed to
help reduce the risks. This includes;quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and eating a healthy low-fat diet.

Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

While there is no cure for Alzheimers disease, it is manageable with drugs to help slow its progression. Research is
ongoing for better treatments and improving sufferers lives. Treatments include:

Since the main issue with Alzheimers is how the chemical messengers work between brain cells, there are
medications that can increase their function. This does not stop damage to brain cells, but helps them work better.
Commonly prescribed drugs include cholinesterase inhibitors such as donepezil (Aricept) and memantine
(Namenda). Doctors may need to add sedatives like diazepam (Valium) or lorazepam (Ativan ) for behavioral
changes.Depressionandanxiety may be treated with antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications.
Risk Factors of Alzheimer's Disease
Risk factors increase the likelihood of Alzheimers disease and these include:

If you have a close relative, parent, or sibling suffering from Alzheimers, you may also suffer from the disease.
Advanced Age
The risk for Alzheimers increases after the age of 65. There have been cases in people under 65.
People who suffer head trauma are at higher risk. For more details : .



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