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29-Mei 2014

The Basis of Pharmacy Law

The law is both a body of information and a system within which that
information is used to resolve conflicts and preserve order within
society (hukum adalah dua dari tubuh nformasi dan sistem
dengan informasi yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan
permasalahan dan memelihara hubungan di masyarakat)

To understand the law, one must both know the information that
forms the basis of the law, and also appreciate how that information
supports particular social interests such as public health or
individual freedom. (untuk memahami hukum, satu dari
keduanya yang harus tahu dimana informasi itu bentuk
dasar dari hukum, dan juga apresiasi bagaimana informasi
itu mendukung kepentingan masyarakat tertentu seperti
kesehatan masyarakat atau kebebasan individual)

Pharmacy law is a body of information about drugs, drug

distribution, and drug therapy. (hukum farmasi adalah landasan
informasi tentang obat, distribusi obat, dan terapi obat)

The Basis of Pharmacy Law

The information is used by legislatures,

administrative agencies, and courts of law, to
assure that all parties to whom responsibilities have
been assigned by society meet those

Informasi yang digunakan oleh legislatif, agen

administrasi, dan pengadilan, untuk
memastikan/mempertanggung jawabkan
semua pihak memiliki tanggung jawab dalam
menentukan tanggung jawab yang ditemui di

The Basis of Pharmacy Law

The law defines a set of responsibilities for pharmacists

and for others who are formally involved with medication
use. (hukum didefinisikan suatu peraturan tanggung
jawab dari Apoteker dan lainnya yang mana secara
formal bersangkutan dengan penggunaan obat)

The law also provides a mechanism through which adverse

outcomes are reviewed by affording responsible persons an
opportunity to account for their actions and avoid liability
through a satisfactory accounting. (hukum juga
menyediakan mekanisme melalui outcome yang
kurang baik yang ditinjau dari usaha sesorang dalam
bertanggung jawab atas kesempatan untuk akun
dari tindakan mereka dan menghindari tanggung
jawab melalui kepuasan akun)

The Purpose of Pharmacy


Pharmacy law protects patients from harm that might occur if medications
were used in ways that unreasonably increase the risk of their causing
harm. (hukum farmasi melindungi pasien dari hal yang
membahayakan yang mungkin terjadi jika pengobatan dalam
perjalananya saat digunakan tidak masuk akal meningkatkan
resiko dan menyebabkan bahaya pada mereka/pasien).

Some pharmacy laws relate to all drugs and the hazards of using them for
therapeutic reasons. (beberapa hukum farmasi berkenaan untuk
semua obat dan memberanikan diri mereka menggunakannya
untuk alasan terapi)

Other laws relate to a subset of drugs that have the potential for abuse,
and these laws seek to restrict inappropriate use while not interfering with
legitimate use. (hukum lainnya berhubungan untuk himpunan
bagian dari obat yang memiliki potensial untuk penyalahgunaan,
dan mencari hukum untuk membatasi ketidaksesuaian
penggunaan yang tidak bertentangan dengan penggunaan yang

The Purpose of Pharmacy


In studying pharmacy law, the primary goal is to

address the question: How far should government
go to protect people who use medications from the
consequences of their own choices in drug
therapy? This is both an empirical question and a
normative question, because it asks both what the
rules are and what the rules ought to be.

To fully appreciate pharmacy laws, it is important to

understand what is required and why, as well as
understand that pharmacy law is dynamic and can
be changed to protect the public in ways that
extend beyond the status quo.

The Purpose of Pharmacy


Most laws exist for a reason, and pharmacy laws are

no exception to this general rule.

Restrictions on the use of chemicals as drugs and

restrictions on individual practice of pharmacy exist
because the open market would fail to protect the
public if any old chemical could be used as a drug
and if anyone could practice pharmacy.

The public would be unnecessarily exposed to risks

of harm from dangerous chemicals and dangerous
dispensers of them.

This prospect of harm is a reason to regulate, and it

justifies legal restrictions on drug distribution

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