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Character OGR

Game Plot
Yo u a r e a r e b e l s p y w h o h a s j u s t f o u n d o u t o f a i m m i n e n t
attack and as the government controls the intergalactic
transponders you h ave to make your way across the galaxy
whist being chased by inter galactic E Corp who are trying to
stop you from delivering your message to the rebel high
command your intel as you jump from location to location
ra n d o m s c e n ar io s c a n h ap p e n w h ic h w il l c a u se y o u to m a ke
moral choices this will include saving stranded ship engaging
in trade and defending your self from space marauders you
will also come across federation ships who will try and stop
you or helping rebel alliance ships in escort and delivery
m i s s i o n s t h e r e a r e a l s o d i ff e r e n t r a c e s w h o m a y o r m a y n o t
help or hinder you due to there society allegiants to ever of
the factions this means you will come across a about ten
d i ff e r e n t s p e c i e s o f c r e a t u r e s o n y o u r a d v e n t u r e t o y o u r


Game mechanics my game is going to be an arcade based game I

want to use elements from two main games which are already on the
market and are in the design stage I am not taking direct elements
from ever but want to use them as comparisons of what I would like to
achieve when it comes to my character project these are FTL Faster
then Light and No Mans sky
These games both have strong elements which is as close to the idea
that I have for my game and are the best examples of the outcome
for my environments and style type
Main game goal is to get from the start of the game map to the end
with out being destroyed and in the allotted time if you die or run out

Game Mechanics

Ticking clock mechanic I want the game to move the player along creating an air of tension and add
pressure to some of the other elements
Space battles I want to do 3d space fights in a controlled map the player will come across enemys which
they will have to engage in space dog battles this element can also evolve into team fortress like arena
battles depending on the battles outcome and type of element you are attacking or how they are being
Trade system I want a better system to create a dynamic upgrade system during the game
Situation puzzles the game will force the play to make moral choice this will include helping strand ships
saving mpcs and dealing with different situations and scenarios which can help alter alliances and give
play ever perks or penaltys
Faction system this was one of my cards but is also a common theme in these sorts of games the player
will have to deal with both friendly and enemy alliance and these can be altered due to players actions or
area even how the player handles certain txt based situations
Map based travel which then opens into area based sandboxing this is to create the felling of space jumps
and to speed up game play and move the player to have to think about his or her move this will be done y
showing player areas and give team a description on danger level in any area the player can ever try and
dodge confrontation and danger or can plot there movements straight to any action they want to get
involved in



A young man with a cause after losing his family to illness due
to a corporations illegal dumping Tim joined the resistance
and worked his way up with his natural ability and smart think
Tim become one of their most important assets Tim may be a
bit of a narcissist and a we bit eccentric and crazy but he
always gets the job done and this has lead him to be the sing
most important asset to the resistance and the revaluation
and the one selected for this mission to get the stolen war
plans back to base.

s bios
Wallace the A.I sidekick

I want to make Wallace an avatar and give him on screen moments like cortaner in
halo I think this dynamic works for a space ship the design of a A.I that can also
interact and has a physical form would also be a good way to stop loneliness on a
ship this interaction is scene in a lot of sci-fi films and will give Wallace the job of
general action taker if the ship is damaged it will be Wallace that will inform the
player and who will inform the player of other events this also means Wallace can fix
the ship when you are in battle and can be a extra pair of hands in a gun battle by
transferring his ai protocols into a robot he will be a sensible and serious character
but with sharp wit and very sarcastic about his life of pascal servant an baby sitter he
will also have a strong repower with Tim as this will help show that they have been
together for a long while

harters bios
Alana is going to be the female equivalent of Tim but with slightly tweaked personality
traits she will be a bit more sassy and together as most females are but just as hap
assured as Tim when it comes down to it the player should always feel that weather it
was luck or actually skill which get them through each scenario and situation the get
into she will have the same base strengths as Tim and should just be the female
equivalent in all departments

The game mechanic that I would like

to use is there map system due to its
easy and intuitive design this game
has created a system which helps
push the character forward through
the game and give the payer the
freedom to choose their own path
but not giving the player to much
choice that this game cant be an
arcade game or a a easy pick up and
This game mechanic also adds to the
emissive experience of this game which
would be a good element for my game
design which is that you only have a
select amount of moves per turn and
each move cost the player fuel and can
ever lead the player into both good and
bad send into scenarios this choice
system make this game highly addictive
I think these elements mixed well with a
parcel 3d game would make a new and
entreating game which would fit my

No mans sky is still in development but fits both

the style and has soma me play elements which I
think mixed with the map and game mechanics
from FTL would make an amazing game first of is
the 3d cockpit that the game has shown I think
something similar in my game would be amazing
during dog fights and would make both fighting
and looking after your ship more immersive and
entertain this and the trade stations are the two
elements I would like t emulate in my would this
also will help give me a game which both suits my
style and vision for my game but also give my
characters a believable world

As I was thinking about my game a went through

all the games I could think of that would fit my
style and world so I have decided to go and
research concept artist such a Moby Francke who
was the head concept artist on team fortress and
over iconic games such as half life 2 Moby
Francke was inspired by line decker and J.C
Leyenbecker so I have had a look at these artist
style to come up with a mixture of painterly and
strong colours in my world I also have looked at
games like Longest Dark and Tell-Tale games which
have also influenced some of my game choice and
style choices as they use the painterly style to
great effect to add an air of exploration to their
world I also feel that this style can create a game
which is beautiful without having to go ultrarealistic

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