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Presented by First Group:
Elviyasa Gaberia Siregar
2. Heni Yuliani
3. Nurlaisa
4. Yogi Hariyanto

A. Definition
1. What is mainstream culture?
Mainstream culture is the behavior of the
groups based on its values and beliefs.
2. What is Individual Behavior?
Individual behavior is the actions, and activities
of one person.

3. What is Generalization?
Generalization is general behavior which is
described by a statement. This behavior does
not apply all the time.
4. What is Stereotype?
Stereotype is an exaggerated belief about a
group often based on a lack of information or
contact with member of that group.

5. What is melting pot?

Melting pot is a society in which ethnic groups
blend and become one group.
6. What is mosaic?
Mosaic is a society in which ethnic groups
retained their separate identities but toghether
from the larger community.

7. What is minority?
Minority is a number that is less then one-half
of the total number or a group that is not part of
the larger or more powerful group.
8. What is majority?
Majority is a number that is more than one half
of the total number or a group that is larger or
more powerful then other groups.

9. What is homogeneous?
Homogeneous is made of one of group having
member that are all the same.
10. What is heterogenous?
Heterogeneous is made up of variety of group
having member that are not all the same.

B. The Term American

There are so many types of Americans and yet

a mainstream culture does exist. Even the

word American is confusing. After all,
American is consisting and includes North
America, Central America and South America.
The term Americans describes the people who
were born and raised in the United States.

C. A description of American
In this material explained about generalizations
about Americans. Some people might argue
that it is impossible to generalize about
American. Americans dont come from a
common ancestor. Expect for native Americans
( i.e. Indian) American come from different
Immigrant and refugee groups. Americans do
have a common heritage, but it is based on
cultural diversity or multiculturalism

D. A Foreign Anthropologists observation of

It is important to understand american values if
you want to understand America behavior.
Certain ways of thinking, acting and
communicating are a direct result of cultural
values. The following list of values can easily
describe many American.

E. American Values
Value such the ones just described, are the backbone of
American culture. They influence how many American think
and act. Before proceeding to the list itself, we should also
point out that Americans see all of these values as very
positive ones. American values are:
1. Personal control over the environment X fate
2. Change (change is healthy) X Tradition
3. Control over time : Time flies X Time walks
4. Equality and egalitarianism X Hierarchy, rank, status.
5. Individualism and privacy X Group orientations.
6. Self-help X Birthright inheritance
7. Future orientation X Past orientation
8. Action and work orientation X Being orientation
9. Informality X formality
10. Directness, openness, and honesty X Indirectness
11. Materialism X Spiritualism

Thank You

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