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Basic Teachings of Islam

A brief introduction to knowing Islam from a


Presented By Yusuf Morales

Basic Beliefs of Muslims

Bismillah Hirahman Niraheem
 We thank Allah, creator of Knowledge
 Created mankind and what he knows not
 Peace and Blessings be Upon Sayyidna
Muhammad (PBUH), His Family (AS), His
Righteous Companions (RTA), His
Followers, The Scholars and Awliyah...and
the Middle nation.
 This is not a comprehensive explanation of
Islam, those interested to further their
understanding of islam may consult
standard works on Islam written by Muslim
 For those interested, i have brought some
reading materials on Islam which may help
others understand Islam more.
 This lecture is a brief discussion.
Pillars of Islam
 Shahadah (witnessing of declaration of
 Salah (Prayers)
 Saum (Fasting)
 Zakah (Charity Tax)
 Hajj (pulgrimage to Makkah)
Articles of faith
The Angels: Gibreel, Israil, Israfil, Mikhail

(alayhimus salam)
Books: Taurat, Suhuf, Zabur, Injeel, Quran)

Prophets: 125,000 prophets sent to alaam

Day of Judgement

Qada wal Qadr

Sources of Islamic Law
 Quran
 Sunnah
 Qiyas : Analogy and Logic (deduction of
legal principles)
 Ijma : Concensus (jumhur)/Agreement of
the Scholars
Similarities and differences with
 Point one : Articles of Faith
 Share the same belief in the Abrahamic concept
of God
 Belief in the 4 major angels
 Belief in the previous scriptures received
 Belief in the Previous prophets that brought and
affirmed previous scriptures
 Belief in the Day of recknoning
 Belief in the Destiny of Man that is shaped by
both what is written and what he chooses
Similarities and differences with Jews and
 Point two : dietary conditions
 Like Judaic Laws, Islamic Laws also prohibit
the consumption of swine(pork) and other
products considered unclean as well as beasts
of burden, the classifications however show a
slight variance
 Like Judaic law , Islamic Law also prohibits
the consumption of intoxicating drinks
Similarities and differences with
Point three : Foundational Law- Shari'ah
 Like Mosaic law, Islam has a corpus of
guidelines and rules in how life is being
lived in accordance to Islamic standards
 This corpus of guidelines addresses both the
Ibadat (worship) and Muamalat
(transactional) details of life
 This may be said as to the “rules of Cesar
and of God”
Similarities and differences with
Point four : Finality of the Prophethood of

 Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad
(Salawatulahi Alayhi) is the Last prophet and
is the seal (khatam) of the Prophethood. He is
the bearer of the Final Testament.
Similarities and differences with
 Pointfive : The foundational basis for
Islam- The Quran
 Muslims believe that the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (Salawatullah
Alayhi) brought the final Testament
to mankind... and this is the Holy
Similarities and differences with

Point six : JIHAD a misconception of

the spiritual word for struggle
The word j-h-d (read as either Jahada or jahad/jihad)
implies a struggle against a force or power that is
negative or evil. This may be internal (jihadun nafs
or jihadun akbar) or external (jihadun saghir)
Next Step of Action
 Workshop or open forum

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