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V What is Nano-Tech?
V Origins
V Uses of Nano ± Tech
V Myths
V Future of Nano ± Tech
V The study of the controlling of matter
on an atomic and molecular scale
V Structures of the size
100 nanometers or smaller in at least
one dimension
V Involves developing materials or
devices within that size
V First Use- Physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society
V Feynman described a process by which the ability to manipulate individual atoms
and molecules might be developed, using one set of precise tools to build and
operate another proportionally smaller set, and so on down to the needed scale
V Defined by -Tokyo Science University Professor Norio Taniguchi in a 1974 paper
V Scientists believe that Nano ± tech will offer better, cleaner, safer, smarter, and
longer lasting products in many fields including your home
V Uses in Military weapons
V House-hold appliances
V Robotics
V Basically anything that has mechanics
V The entire concept is often dismissed
as science fiction by many experts in
the field of chemistry, biotechnology,
and nanoscale sciences
V The dangers of self-replicating - grey
V Potential to have a positive effect on the environment
V Biggest impact on the medical industry.
V Patients will drink fluids containing nanorobots programmed to attack and
reconstruct the molecular structure of cancer cells and viruses.
V Nanorobots could slow or reverse the aging process, and life expectancy could
increase significantly.
V Advances in plastic surgery
V What is Nano ± Technology
V Origins
V Uses of Nano ± Technology
V Myths
V Future of Nano - Technology

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