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Exploring The Negative

Thoughts of Students and The

Effectiveness of Group Therapy
Presented by: Ms. Agnes F. Montalbo

This study was conducted to determine
the content of the negative thoughts of
the eighty-four (84) fourth year
students of psychotherapy class of
school year 2012-2013.
It also aims to measure the
effectiveness of group psychotherapy in
reducing the negative thoughts of

This study combined the qualitative and

quantitative method of research.
The theme analysis was used to discover
the areas of concern of the students as
revealed by the written negative thoughts.
The quantitative method post-test only
quasi-experimental design was utilized to
measure the effectiveness of the group
therapy conducted.

The finding revealed that majority of the

negative thought content of the fourth
year students are on the area of
intrapersonal problems of hopelessness,
low self-esteem, moods, anxiety and
general fear.
Family problems and academic problem
were also reported. The family problems
reported mostly deals with the married

Nineteen percent (19%) of the student rated

the group psychotherapy as 10, the highest
score, 37% rated it 9, 29% rated it 8, 7% rated
it at 7, 1% rated it as 4 and there were 7% who
failed to rate the group therapy.

In general, group therapy was effective

in reducing the negative thoughts of
It is recommended that group therapy
be conducted in regular sessions to
monitor and alleviate intrapersonal
and academic problems of students.

According to Dr. Russ Harris, the author of The
Happiness Trap, 80% of everyones thoughts contain
some sort of negative content which is normal.
Students are not exempted from having negative
Negative thought about self can be developmental
and can originate from the childs early interactions
with the environment or caregiver.
The cognitive theory of depression by Beck (1987)
state that when we are faced with stress it activates a
negative self-schema and it is biased in a negative
direction leading to a focus on negative thoughts that
then cause depression.

These negative thoughts about the self, the world
and the future may become repetitive and
automatic (Pennington, 2005).
Group therapy is a mode of psychotherapy where
clients or participants share and express their
feelings and concerns and obtain feedback from
group members, it is a great opportunity to offer
support and care.
Psychotherapy is literally defined as caring for
another persons soul or being.

Related Studies
Pereira (1997) In Portugal, the issues faced by
students is of inter-individual which refers to the
students individual and academic life and intrapersonal which refers to the students personal
and academic life. Majority of the calls received
were of intra-personal in nature or most of the
call are about their personal life.

Related Studies
Basco and Olea (2012) reported that weekly
allowance can cause state anxiety in students
Andrews and Wilding (2004) reported that
financial difficulties made a significant
independent contribution to depression.
Depression and financial difficulties mid-course
predicted a decrease in exam performance from
first to second year.
Fonagy, Cottrell, Kurtz & Philips & Target (2002)
Adolescent depression is a major risk factor for
suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and completed

Related Studies
Prout and Prout (1998) completed a meta-analysis
of counseling and psychotherapy in school setting
and concluded that there was strong evidence
that those interventions have demonstrable
beneficial effects on students well-being but did
not find significant improvement in academic

Related Studies
Schechtman (2002) completed a review of
research and noted that group counseling
interventions for academic achievement should
include social and emotional component to be
most effective.
Prout and De-Martino (1986) Group treatment is
more effective than individual treatment for
children and adolescents in a school setting.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the theme of the negative thoughts of
the students?
2. What is the overall effectiveness of the group
psychotherapy in reducing the negative thoughts of
the students after the therapy?

Theoretical Framework
Cognitive theories of depression
maintain that negative thinking is
what leads to depression in many
people. One problem with this
model is that it is difficult to
separate cause from effect.
(Feliciano & Arean, 2007).
Negative thinking makes people
more vulnerable to depression.
(Lauren, 1992)

Research Methods
The method used in this study is the qualitative
method using theme analysis as data analysis for
the first problem and the quantitative method
post-test only quasi-experimental design. Posttest only design involves the use of a single group
of subjects to whom some treatment is given. The
subjects are then assessed on the dependent
variable. (Jackson, 2011).

Description of
The participants in this study composed of the three
sections of the psychotherapy class in RTU Pasig
Campus. Those who were present in the second
meeting of the psychotherapy class were included
in the study. There were twenty-one males and
sixty-three female students.

Instrument Used
Ten Tips for Getting More Out of Groups by Dr.
Mark Sorensen. This served as a guideline in the
group psychotherapy. Additional instructions were
used like being supportive, constructive, give an
equal time for all and confidentiality.
Ten-point Likert Scale to rate the effectiveness of
group psychotherapy with 1 as least effective and
10 as very effective.
Group therapy program (Opening Prayer,
Instructions, pre-group, sharing (negative then
positive), essay writing and closing activity.

Data Gathering Procedure

Writing of negative and

positive thoughts
One week prior to the

Sharing of positive and

negative thoughts
Day of the group therapy

Writing of feedback and

evaluation of the effectiveness
of group therapy
After the session

Data Analysis
Negative thoughts
written in strips of
paper were transcribed

Identify themes,
subcategory by the

Themes and Category

Finalized by the

Six students analyzed

the data for categories

Themes of the Negative


Final Themes of the

Negative Thoughts



The themes that are most common in the group
are in the category of intrapersonal conflict or
maladjustment. Problems relating to personal
problem like controlling moods (Im so impulsive
sometimes my decisions made me regret, I
easily get mad when someone contradicts me),
emotions and feeling of low self-esteem,
inadequacy, sadness, hopelessness and suicidal

A number of negative attitude also emerged in
the responses of the students, negative attitude
towards other people, most especially friends or
A number of students (3) explicitly wrote that
they have suicidal tendency and a number
reported that they feel hopeless and close to
giving up.
Negative attitudes directed at classmates were
also numerous, the goal of having a close and
cohesive group for the graduating class were not
present in some of the class.

The general academic concerns include problems
relating to academic difficulty and worries. It also
constitutes a number of negative thoughts and
complaint about their subjects, teachers among
others. Students fear of failing a subject,
unpreparedness in lessons, tardiness, and anxiety
over the board examination is also manifested.
Some concerns with their on-the-job training are
also reported.

Family problem like financial problem is common
to married students who have to take care of the
household expenses, education expenses for their
children and other health problems of family
Included in this theme is the category of
friendship problem, these are mostly relationship
problems with friends, guilt feelings, irritation,
feelings of being used and being angry with

Table 2 revealed that 19 percent of the respondents
expressed that the group therapy was very effective
with a perfect score of 10. There were 31 students
who rated the therapy as 9, 24 students rated it as 8
and 6 students have rated it as 7 with only one
student who rate a low score of 4. There were 6
students who were not able to give a rating of the
effectivity of the group therapy.
In general, the therapy was perceived to be effective
in reducing their negative thoughts. Majority of the
students perceived it to be effective based from their
responses: I feel not alone and I feel belong, It was
very effective -relieve those guilt feelings that we
have and also we feel so good or unwind to ourselves


In view of the results of the present

undertaking and arguments at hand, the study
established the following:
The themes of the negative thoughts of the
students are on the area of academic problem,
family and friendship problem and problems that
are intrapersonal in nature with categories of
hopelessness and suicidal tendency, negative
attitude, general fear or phobia, anxiety, low selfesteem, sadness and moods. Family problem are
reported by married students who encountered
problems dealing with relationship with spouse or
taking care of the household chores.

There were two (2) students who explicitly
expressed that they are suicidal with some
students who reported to have lost hope. A
number of students have negative attitude
towards their classmates and expresses negative
reactions to every day hassle. A majority of
students do not feel good at their selves and feels
inadequate. Academic concerns are mostly of
passing the subject or concerns with
requirements or complaint in a subject.

The group therapy was perceived to be effective
with 19 percent of the students expressed that
the group therapy was very effective with a
perfect score of 10. Thirty seven percent (37) of
the students rated the group therapy as 9, and
twenty nine (29) percent of the students rated it
as 8. Overall, the group therapy was effective.

(1) Group activity similar to a group therapy will
be conducted regularly to monitor and alleviate
student problems dealing with their personal and
academic life.
(2) Assessment of students for depression to
identify high risk students who may develop the
(3) Psycho-educational activities to inform
students of proper mental health hygiene.


(4) Provide a venue for students to vent out their

negative thoughts by using music and the arts.
(5) Improve the quality of the research result by
improving and controlling methods and data
gathering procedures.

Thank you for listening.

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