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Retno Purwaningtyas



Mengunyah makanan
Volume sama Kalori lebih banyak


Susu 100 cc = 70 kkal

Nasi 50 gr 37,5 kkal

Daging 15 gram 50 kkal
Tempe 2 potong sedang 75 kkal


Gusi bengkak
Mikroorganisme >>


Gizi kurang
Anemia defisiensi besi

Pertumbuhan sel otak

Fungsi kognitif

Endokarditis infektif
Demam rematik
Asma bronkhiale

Ialah penyakit dengan tanda utama kekakuan otot

tanpa disertai gangguan kesadaran
Penyebab Clostridium tetani
Port dentry tak selalu diketahui dengan pasti
Luka tusuk, luka operasi, Otitis media, karies gigi,
luka kronik, pemotongan talipusat.

Sudarmo S, Garna H, Hadinegoro S, Buku Ajar Infeksi & Pediatri Tropis, Ikatan Dokter
Anak Indonesia, 2008

Seorang anak dirawat dengan tetanus. Tidak

didapatkan luka yang nyata. Dikonsulkan ke
bagian THT dan bagian gigi, dan tidak ditemukan
kelainan. Kejang berhenti.
Kejang kambuh 2 hari kemudian dan dikonsulkan
ulang ke bagian THT dan bagian gigi.
Hasil konsul diketemukan kerikil di gigi.
Pasien sembuh.

Ialah infeksi mikroba pada lapisan endotel jantung

yang menyebabkan terdapatnya vegetasi pada
katub jantung.

Madiono B, Rahayuningsih S, Sukardi R, Penanganan penyakit jantung

pada bayi dan anak,UKK Kardiologi Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, 2005

Kriteria Mayor
1. Kultur biakan darah positif
2. Bukti keterlibatan endokardium
A. Ekokardiografi positif
B. Regurgitasi katub yang baru pada

Madiono B, Rahayuningsih S, Sukardi R, Penanganan penyakit jantung

pada bayi dan anak, UKK Kardiologi Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, 2005

Kriteria minor
Kelainan jantung/pemakaian obat i.v
Fenomena vaskular: emboli arteri, perdarahan
intrakranial, perdarahan konjungtiva, infark paru
Fenomena imunologis: Glomerulusnefritis, faktor
Bukti mikrobiologi diluar kriteria mayor

Madiono B, Rahayuningsih S, Sukardi R, Penanganan penyakit jantung

pada bayi dan anak,UKK Kardiologi Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, 2005

Mark Levin, MD, Division of Infectious Disease, MacNeal Hospital, Berwyn, IL.
Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve,
MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

Wilson W, JADA, Vol. 139, Januari


Ialah suatu proses inflamasi kronis yang khas,

melibatkan dinding saluran respiratorik, dan
menyebabkan terbatasnya aliran udara serta
meningkatnya reaktivitas saluran respiratori.

Kartasasmita C, Asma, dalam Buku ajar respirologi anak edisi pertama,

Rahajoe N, Supriyatno B, Setyanto D; penyunting, Ikatan Dokter Anak
Indonesia, 2008

Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma, National heart, Lung and
blood institudes, US departement of health and human services , 2007

Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma, National heart, Lung and
blood institudes, US departement of health and human services , 2007

Dental management of children with asthma.

Zhu JF, Hidalgo HA, Holmgreen WC, Redding SW, Hu J, Henry RJ.
Pediatric Dental Service, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania, USA.
Asthma affects about 1 in 10 children. The condition is
characterized by acute respiratory distress brought on by
environmental factors. The condition is treated with medications
aimed to reduce reaction to stimulants by the airway. Dental
management involves attention to the status of the patient and
awareness of stimulants of the reactive airway. Clinical
recommendations are provided.

Effects of dental plaque control on lung function and asthma symptoms in

Wiyarni, Anang Endarto, Ariyanto Harsono
Konika, 2008

Results: A total of 18 mild asthmatic children were evaluated. After dental

plaque control, spirometry test revealed a statistically significant
increase (p<0.01) in lung function variables, followed by significant
improvement (p<0.01) of asthma symptoms in 7 days period. There
were strong correlations (r>0.4; p<0.01) beetwen increasing lung
function and improving asthma symptoms with dental plaque control.
Conclusions: This finding suggest that dental plaque control is
associated with increasing lung function and improving asthma
symptoms in children

A rare case of scurvy in an otherwise healthy child:

diagnosis through oral signs.
Bacci C,Sivolella S,Pellegrini J,Favero L,Berengo M.
Department of Medical-Surgical Specialities. Unit of Oral Surgery, Institute of Clinical Dentistry, University of Padova,
Padova, Italy.

The purpose of this paper was to report the case of a 2-year-old Caucasian
female who was referred with a presumed diagnosis of pediatric
rheumatoid arthritis. The patient presented widespread gingival swelling
with bleeding, sharp pain, and halitosis. The patient also presented pain
and swelling of the right knee joint, and psychomotor restlessness
associated with muscular frailty. Little compliance on the part of both the
patient and parents was also noted. Oral manifestations, together with an
accurate medical history, led to the diagnosis of infantile scurvy, caused by
an inadequate dietary supply of vitamin C. Administering 250 mg of
ascorbic acid orally twice a day led to the remission of gingival swelling
and of the other symptoms. The parents were advised to feed the child
appropriate foods.

Kerjasama dokter dan dokter gigi

Kontrol rutin minimal 6 bulan sekali

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