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c  c 
2 process trough which cultural difference is
expressed and constructed.

2 speech genres of a society that manifest its

public, relatively permanent, widely distributed
forms and ways of communicating, but forms
and ways of communicating that are
interdependent with the everyday speech habits
of individuals in that society.
2 ©rocess of activity in which individuals in a
society act so as to produce and regulate shared
understandings about social life that will serve
as a warrant for shared meaning and
coordinated activity among the members of the


2 ×etworks (nation, culture, class, region, etc.)

2 Codes (language, dialect and accent)

©rinciple 1: Every communal conversation

bears traces of culturally distinctive means
and meanings of communicative conducts.
©rinciple 2: Communication is a heuristic
and performative resource for performing
the cultural function in the lives of
individuals and communities.

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