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Oracle Utilities
Meter Data Products
Advanced Configuration Training

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Prerequisites

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Prerequisites
This class assumes the students understand:
Relational concepts like table, column, prime-key, foreign-key
BPEL and OSB (components of the SOA suite)
Note, detailed knowledge is not required, just an understanding of
what these middleware components do

This class assumes participants have completed:

Meter Data Fundamentals
Configuration Tools (the entire 2-week course)

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

There Are Multiple Products (Refresher)

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Product Footprint Depends On What Is

The following matrix illustrates several installation scenarios:


This implementation only purchases and

installs the L+G SGG product
This implementation only purchases and
installs the Echelon SGG product
This implementation only purchases and
installs both L&G and Echelon products
This implementation only purchases and
installs the VEE and usage calculation product
This implementation purchases and installs all
This means that there is no single, monolithic
product. Rather, the system's functionality is
divided into multiple products and a customer
selects which products are installed.

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Product Stack

F1 - Framework
D1 - Meter Data Framework
D2 - Meter Data

D3 - L+G SGG

D4 - Echelon SGG

Any combination of child products can be installed by an implementation

Just as the Framework (F1) holds tables

and business processes that are
common to all UGBU products, the
Meter Data Framework (D1) product
holds tables and business processes
that are shared by more than one of the
child products
For example: tables, business rules, and
user interface objects related to devices
and service points reside in D1 because
more than one child product uses these

At least one child product must be installed as D1 doesn't contain specific functionality
An implementation can install additional child products over time (e.g., a
customer who initially purchases D3 can decide at a future date to purchase D4)
Just as D1 is installed in the same database as F1, if an implementation installs multiple
child products, all will exist in the same database instance (i.e., while the products are
separately installable, when they are installed together, their data exists in the same
database; this means that to an implementation, it looks like one "system")
This means that all products installed at an implementation will be installed under the
same releases of F1 and D1
The meter data products have been designed to coexist with any combination of sibling
products and this coexistence requires no implementation integration efforts
Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Each Implementation Has Its Own "Product"

F1 - Framework
D1 - Meter Data Framework
D2 - Meter Data

D3 - L+G SGG

D4 - Echelon SGG

CM - Implementation Extensions
When the meter data products are installed, the installation
scripts set up the system so that new features / business rules
added by the implementation are owned by yet another product
This allows future releases of the base-products to be easily
upgraded without upsetting extensions made by an
Note - the owner of implementation-extensions is CM (customer
modification) and it inherits all behavior in the higher products

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

There Are Other Meter Data Products

The meter data family of products will grow over time
F1 - Framework
D1 - Meter Data Framework

D2 - MDM

D3 - L+G

D4 Echelon

D5 - MV90

A list of the installed products appears

when the "O" is clicked

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Dx -

This Class Describes All Products

F1 - Framework
D1 - Meter Data Framework


VEE Group




VEE Rule




Eligibility Criteria


D2 - MDM

D3 - L&G


An aside: there are no tables specific to

a child product. For example, there are
no tables that are exclusively used by
MDM. This means that all tables for the
various meter data products are
delivered with Meter Data Framework

The child products contain business

objects, plug-ins, portals, zones,

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Product Identification
If a slide has functionality that is only available if the implementation has
licensed a specific meter data child product, the respective product code
appears in the upper left corner of the slide
If a product code does not appear in the upper left corner, this means the
functionality is part of meter data framework (D1) and is available
regardless of which meter data child products have been installed
This means that the
functionality described on this
slide is only available if the D2
(MDM) product is installed

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Format Of This Class

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Format Of This Class

For each of the adjacent functional areas, this
class describes the important:

Maintenance objects

Business objects


Business processes
Each functional area's anticipated extension points
are also discussed
Before starting the above, if a majority of the class
so desires, a brief recap of the major OUAF
concepts will be presented. For example,

The difference between a MO and a BO

BO lifecycles and inheritance

ERD standards used in the PPTs

Characteristics versus CLOBs

Data ownership

Application security

Service Provider
Device Management
Installation Information
Usage Subscription
Usage Calculation Rules
Usage Transaction
Service Request

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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